Nirvana seeds are crap!!!

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
always seems to be a hate thread started on a seed co. popping up , its always the same veteran grower yet low post count no camera or proof and always always treated like dirt by seed co. yet no proof,why should i believe this one is any different ?


Well-Known Member
I think you hit the nail on the head with the quote "For my needs". I am going to concede that there are better breeders out there, for sure. However, most people, much like myself, are novice growers, even though we pull in decent numbers and have several grows under our belt. We still make plenty of mistakes, and have a shit load of fine tuning to achieve yet. With that in mind, Nirvana's strains tend to be pretty hardy and forgiving, produce happy results, and as I am finding out tend to impress the smokers of their bud quite a bit. Genetics play a large roll in every grow, but until I find that Nirvanas genetics are the thing holding me back, and all my skills are fine tuned, I will stick with them. I would hate to spend 100 bucks on 5 fem seeds, burn them with nutes, put them through water stress, end up with hermies, and get poorly grown pot that wouldn't compare to decently grown nirvana bud.

For my developing skill level, Nirvana is just right. For the quality of bud I just harvested, at the numbers I harvested at, I cant complain at fucking all...Yes the grass is always greener some where else, but shit, its not like it isn't green right here.

Im sorry to hear about the ops trouble with them, but honestly its not an issue that you can paint a picture out of. Im positive that if you gave that batch of seeds to 5 different growers, you would get 5 completely different outcomes and reviews. That is why I find it hard to plot evidence for or against any certain breeder. There are impressive grows with shit bag seed, and terrible grows with Super Lemon Haze. There are too many variables to write off something as genetics, hybridizing, seed age, phenos, ect...I think that when people spend a ton of money on "genetics" you end up harvesting expectations. You expect the plant to do this, produce this, look like this, so on and so forth.

Its a living thing, it is far from regulated. Anything can affect it. Grow medium, pot size, nutrients, temperature, light angle, blah blah blah.

The only way you can be sure of anything is to completely redo the grow again. Same strains, same conditions. I would bet you would see different results.
The title to that thread would end up not being "Nirvana seeds are crap!" it would end up being "Marijuana plants vary - Even with the same background genetics"

I am and never will be a connoisseur of cannabis, but it is apparent from the lively discussion that we have a few onboard (that's a good thing). I am listening and learning and based on some of the comments none of us "seed purchasers" really know what genetics we are getting unless we have the original strain and are breeders ourselves (highly unlikely). Reliable does not mean perfection every time. The expert growers are after purer strains, I am new and Nirvana is good enough for my needs. Look at it this way, children from the same family are not exactly alike, there are similarities but some can be short, tall, thin, wide or something entirely different. All these differences from the same parents.:leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
I was just trying to figure out how a story like that would come to be.
Hell, maybe it is true and some jack off told a customer that and got shit canned...Who knows? Just trying to lay out a spread of possible causes. I mean nothing to Gypsy Nirvana, just similar names might get confused.

seed boutique carries nirvana seeds, which i have had good luck with
gypsy nirvana has his own web site(no link, but many know about it)
he actually has posted a few good remarks about nirvana, no negative stories from that source that i've seen
you have to be cautious with seed/strain feedback, it's a cutthroat business with big bucks on the line


Well-Known Member
i grew 4 strains from nirvana :
White rhino
all of them were great.
had some other seeds in my closet from "better" (especially much more expensive) breeders and i cant tell for sure which one was better, actually i had better results from nirvana seeds but i changed the nutes and the growing medium so i cant tell for sure that the genetics was the main diffrence.
i just germinated 13 nirvana seeds that i had in the fridge for 6 years now, guess what, all of them got germinated and are doing very well so far.
that's my experience for all the people who have doubts about nirvana.

this is my ice in week 2 , as i sayed this seed sat in the fridge for 6 years DSC_0627 (large).jpgDSC_0625 (large).jpgDSC_0623 (large).jpgDSC_0619 (large).jpg


always seems to be a hate thread started on a seed co. popping up , its always the same veteran grower yet low post count no camera or proof and always always treated like dirt by seed co. yet no proof,why should i believe this one is any different ?
I'm on my way to spend 5 hundy on a camera, just so I can prove to you that what I grew was junk.
Oh wait, no I'm not, you can suck it, I got nothing to prove to anyone and don't care if you believe me or not.

Brick Top

New Member
seeds arent expensive to produce so i dont think a well known company would start ripping off customers on purpose, really no point

You said; "i dont think a well known company would start ripping off customers.." well it is not as if this is something new for Nirvana." I have bought seeds online from just about the time they first became available and have been a member of MANY sites like this, most if not all of them defunct now, and I have never seen any breeder/seed vendor receive as many complaints as I have about Nirvana.

I do not understand people here and how they seem to love them, and another one or two breeders and seed vendors too. There are a number of really skilled breeders and top ranked seedbanks to use so I really do not understand how and why some people love some of the ones that do not fit into those groups .. and I never will understand it. Maybe it is because this site is a newbie magnet and each finds out about these breeders and vendors from the previous crop of newbies who learned about them from the previous crop etc., etc., etc. .. but I would like to think that sooner or later enough of them would wise up and branch out and find out for themselves that there is MUCH better to be found.

At times I think price plays a big part in it. They see a knockoff that carries a famous name for a dirt cheap price and they have to go for it. Sometimes because their budget is tiny and other times because they just don't realize they are looking at low quality knockoffs, but whichever it is, I think price plays a part in it.

How about these vendors?
This is the rip-off section. The following seedbanks I've heard many bad things about. They are NOT recommended. aka means also known as. X means they seldom or never send the product. N means sending non viable seeds (non sprouting seeds) M indicates they send very inferior seeds or nothing at all.

A-1 Seedbank (X,N)
BC Seeds (X,M)
Beeoo (X)
Fairlight (X,N)
Greenmanspage (X,M) (X) Software Services aka Cannabis4u aka Medical hemp aka [L.Pafort] (X)
Richies Seedshack (X)
Stinkey's (X)
Weedseed (X)
Pot a Gold (X)

These seedbanks are not recommended due to excessive complaints. This is a judgement call and some customers have said they were satisfied. The nature of the complaints are as follows: 10 = non delivery, 11 = very poor customer service, 12 = inferior quality or misrepresented seeds, 13 = unethical conduct by seedbank owner.
BCbuddepot (11, 10)
Bullmall aka (10, 11) (10) Ganjaland (10)
Greater Harmony (10)
Kindseed (10)
Laughing Moon (10, 11)
Seedbank Co uk (11) (10)
Topseeds (10)

And of course even though he got a raw deal Marc Emery was known for largely selling crap that was overpriced .. and he was well known .. so it does happen.
You said; "i dont think a well known company would start ripping off customers.." well it is not as if this is something new for Nirvana." I have bought seeds online from just about the time they first became available and have been a member of MANY sites like this, most if not all of them defunct now, and I have never seen any breeder/seed vendor receive as many complaints as I have about Nirvana.

I do not understand people here and how they seem to love them, and another one or two breeders and seed vendors too. There are a number of really skilled breeders and top ranked seedbanks to use so I really do not understand how and why some people love some of the ones that do not fit into those groups .. and I never will understand it. Maybe it is because this site is a newbie magnet and each finds out about these breeders and vendors from the previous crop of newbies who learned about them from the previous crop etc., etc., etc. .. but I would like to think that sooner or later enough of them would wise up and branch out and find out for themselves that there is MUCH better to be found.

At times I think price plays a big part in it. They see a knockoff that carries a famous name for a dirt cheap price and they have to go for it. Sometimes because their budget is tiny and other times because they just don't realize they are looking at low quality knockoffs, but whichever it is, I think price plays a part in it.

How about these vendors?
This is the rip-off section. The following seedbanks I've heard many bad things about. They are NOT recommended. aka means also known as. X means they seldom or never send the product. N means sending non viable seeds (non sprouting seeds) M indicates they send very inferior seeds or nothing at all.

A-1 Seedbank (X,N)
BC Seeds (X,M)
Beeoo (X)
Fairlight (X,N)
Greenmanspage (X,M) (X) Software Services aka Cannabis4u aka Medical hemp aka [L.Pafort] (X)
Richies Seedshack (X)
Stinkey's (X)
Weedseed (X)
Pot a Gold (X)

These seedbanks are not recommended due to excessive complaints. This is a judgement call and some customers have said they were satisfied. The nature of the complaints are as follows: 10 = non delivery, 11 = very poor customer service, 12 = inferior quality or misrepresented seeds, 13 = unethical conduct by seedbank owner.
BCbuddepot (11, 10)
Bullmall aka (10, 11) (10) Ganjaland (10)
Greater Harmony (10)
Kindseed (10)
Laughing Moon (10, 11)
Seedbank Co uk (11) (10)
Topseeds (10)

And of course even though he got a raw deal Marc Emery was known for largely selling crap that was overpriced .. and he was well known .. so it does happen.
Probably the free wallet.LOL


Well-Known Member
well brick top i can only speak from my own experience, i have no loyalty to any particular breeder and certainly dont only use nirvana. my favourite supplier not breeder is marijuana nl, simply bacause out of all the seeds ive bought from them only 1 has failed, all fems have been fems, prices not bad , delivery quick and quality has been good, but hell yeah theres a world of choice out there


Well-Known Member
Here is some nirvana pure power plant from about 6 years ago. Like I said before, you can get a great pheno from a 10 pack, but less phenotype variation is what you'll get when you spend more money on beans...usually.



Well-Known Member
Yeah I have heard both good and bad about Nirvana. You are saying you are having issues with them but will not call them or contact them to see if they will fix the issue? That I have issues with. You say their stuff is bad, yet you wont tell them to give them a chance to make it up? I would agree with your post if you tried to contact them and they told you to bugger off. You say they dont owe you anything yet you bash them. I am sorry but i have seen a lot of post knocking all breeders and banks, none of them are perfect. It is what they do when there is an issue that really tells alot about a company. It doens't matter if it is seeds or a car. I dont think it is fair to bash with out first contacting them to see what if anything they will do. Even the best companies mess up sometimes. Stuff happens. I could go on here and Bash the company I bought from because I had issues with some of my seeds that I bought from them. I wont because it could very well be user error, and 2 they are no longer in buisness. So bottom line I dont know who's fault it is.

sorry, ive answered alot of peoples posts. must have missed urs.
i dont feel nirvana owes me anything. but i did feel that other people needed to know what happened. so call them, no, ill just try to make the best of it and just not order from them again. for that reason im done bitching. i am gonna post pics tonight tho, with the hope someone can tell me if the lemon ones look like they could be rhinos or not.


Well-Known Member
Tick for tick I still have no complaints. Short of not sending the seeds, I look to myself when something goes wrong and what I may have done wrong, not what the plant did wrong. There are much better breeders out there, but still, Wal Mart is number 1 for a reason. Not because it has top fashion like Neiman Marcus or Saks, because it balances service, delivery, availability, quality, and price all at once.

Attitude and Nirvana excel at that, attitude is held back in some regards as it is simply a middle man, therefore its service is limited in what it can be held accountable for, but on the same token, IF YOU ORDER STRAIGHT FROM NIRVANA, they, as the responsible party for breeding, selling, and shipping are in the position to best service the customer unlike most top breeders that have limited availability, internet storefront resources, and visibility.


Well-Known Member
one thing that Nirvana brings to the table is the raw bulk of grow logs, there are a lot of them, and they dwarf most other breeders/vendors
there just is a lot more data in bulk with Nirvana, my experiences have been very similar to other grow logs for the strains i've grown out
this site has plenty of new growers, but i don't see the posts on Nirvana being all that different from some older grow sites
a few hate Nirvana, most seem to find pretty good results, but it's all in the eye of the beholder


Active Member
Highest regards to you, I think that you know mountains of information both on growing MJ and otherwise. You are of a higher caliber than the typical "newbies" like myself that you reference. I personally appreciate your comments, but you have to understand that being newbies we work with what we have, what is readily available, and within our budgets. And yes, I find RIU a great site for an introduction to growing and sharing information for successful results. Those seedbanks that you mentioned, most I have never heard of before. Even when I Google seedbanks most of them do not show up. Okay, you have inside connections and information that is foreign to some of us. Thank you for sharing them even though you do so in a snobbish way. I think that you are better than that, but that is how you are coming across. Share the knowledge, be kind in doing so, I for one appreciate your efforts:leaf::leaf::leaf:
What about Nirvanas original breeds? Anyone else ever grown Nirvanas Full Moon? I am on my 3rd round of clones from the original seeds purchased from Nirvana and after I weeded out the lowest producers after the first harvest, I only cloned the best 2 each, Full Moon and Jock Horror. I am producing a product that will stand up to any of the best that I have seen in the local dispenseries up to $20 a gram.

Brick Top

New Member
Highest regards to you, I think that you know mountains of information both on growing MJ and otherwise. You are of a higher caliber than the typical "newbies" like myself that you reference. I personally appreciate your comments, but you have to understand that being newbies we work with what we have, what is readily available, and within our budgets. And yes, I find RIU a great site for an introduction to growing and sharing information for successful results. Those seedbanks that you mentioned, most I have never heard of before. Even when I Google seedbanks most of them do not show up. Okay, you have inside connections and information that is foreign to some of us. Thank you for sharing them even though you do so in a snobbish way. I think that you are better than that, but that is how you are coming across. Share the knowledge, be kind in doing so, I for one appreciate your efforts:leaf::leaf::leaf:

I picked my username because like the character Alan Ford played in "Snatch," Brick Top, I am as rough as a cob. I don't mince words, I call a spade a spade and if someone doesn't care for it, well, I really don't care in the least. I am not here to make friends, nor enemies, just to pass on knowledge and like now share the experiences of some that I know for a fact did occur.

I have always taken into consideration the cost element involved and how some do not have budgets that are equal to that of others. But something else I always take into consideration that I believe few do is the lack of a comparative base that many have to rely on when they decide to declare some strain or strains or breeders to be great.

I do not know how many different strains presently exist, something in excess of 3,000 though I would guess since I know of over 2,600 existing, and having grown for nearly 39 years now and having tried many, many different breeders gear, some who are now out of the business, I have a fairly broad comparative base to rely on.

When someone who is fairly new to growing it is very easy to see most any professional genetics as being high quality if they were used to smoking commercial grade herb that they had purchased in the past. Due to that a lower grade or mid-grade professionally bred strain or strains can almost seem like 'The Holy Grail' to them if they grow it well. But having so little experience with the vast numbers of strains that exist or that existed in the past and the highly limited amount of exposure to the very best of the very best their belief of what is of the highest quality is skewed, it is inaccurate.

It's like so many other things in life. A young guy, or young girl, can have bedded a half dozen or a dozen babes or guys and say how this one or that one was the BEST ... and then one night down the road they meet some girl or some guy that turns them every which was but loose and they end up in a marathon where eventually they are screaming no mas, no mas because they can't stand to get off anymore and they end up with a new hobby, regrowing skin, .... and only then do they realize that what they had believed to be fantastic was anything but.

Breeders and strains are the same and until someone has a certain amount of experience with and exposure to large number of each it is very easy to believe something too be fantastic when it is really mundane, middle of the road etc.