**Nirvana's Feminized White Widow CFL Grow**

How much will my yield be from BOTH plants?

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Really enjoyed the museum of wonderful weed today lol :blsmoke: Super pictures again...wow the crystals are realllly growing now:!: I think it's like you said about the smell, even if you can't smell much in the air, when you touch the crystals, it smells good and like you said maybe certain plants just have stronger smells in the air than others. Either way, lookin healthier than ever and those crytals look good enough to eat! I'll take 2 please lolbongsmilie

I was going to pick a favorite picture of the bunch this time but I just cant pick just one so F*** it lol

Whoa, I wonder how there would be seeds!? But if by some wierd way it did happen send me some too lol I'll save them...Definetly looks like a good strain. I hope your getting some clones and stuff to keep it goin!? Another thing Im reallllly curious about is the genes or the high it produces I guess you would say. From most of what I've read about WW, it's dominatly sativa (an entergetic and social high) but like we've noticed before, it resembles an indica strain...But then again, I dont know if its growth characteristics are always tall and skinny if sativa and short and bushy is indica, or if it can vary sometimes, idk...Guess I'll just have to wait and find out when you harvest!!!! Damnit I cant wait lol:eyesmoke:
just go to where you add your signature.. and add this

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just post your link where it sais http.. etc.
**Make sure that the link is in the quotes.. and then just type whatever you want to show up where is sais text you want to be clickable. then just preview it to make sure it worked. heres a link to a site that has stuff on it.


**Also.. if you want it to be in color like mine too.. after you preview it.. and it is the words you want to be clickable.. just highlight the words and change the colors with the option right next to the box that sais sizes.. you can make it bold.. different font.. or w.e. u want.

Hope this helps. :bigjoint:
Thanks doubt i can rep ya again.
You da man
Really enjoyed the museum of wonderful weed today lol :blsmoke: Super pictures again...wow the crystals are realllly growing now:!: I think it's like you said about the smell, even if you can't smell much in the air, when you touch the crystals, it smells good and like you said maybe certain plants just have stronger smells in the air than others. Either way, lookin healthier than ever and those crytals look good enough to eat! I'll take 2 please lolbongsmilie

I was going to pick a favorite picture of the bunch this time but I just cant pick just one so F*** it lol

Whoa, I wonder how there would be seeds!? But if by some wierd way it did happen send me some too lol I'll save them...Definetly looks like a good strain. I hope your getting some clones and stuff to keep it goin!? Another thing Im reallllly curious about is the genes or the high it produces I guess you would say. From most of what I've read about WW, it's dominatly sativa (an entergetic and social high) but like we've noticed before, it resembles an indica strain...But then again, I dont know if its growth characteristics are always tall and skinny if sativa and short and bushy is indica, or if it can vary sometimes, idk...Guess I'll just have to wait and find out when you harvest!!!! Damnit I cant wait lol:eyesmoke:

Lol. Thanks man. Glad you enjoyed the Museum . :mrgreen:

And yeaa. the smell theory is just my opinion.. but i think its probably true.. you know what i was thinking... i completely forgot.. i have this thing in my room.. and Air Purifier/Ionizer.... I had it for a couple years.. and a couple maprts are missing.. but i have that on HIGH and have the ionizer on too.. adn it has a filter thingy.. Here.. i found a pic of it..

I never really thjought about it.. but that might be why theres not much of a smell..? lol. Durrrrr :dunce: I thought it was broken.. but whe i turned it on when i was setting up my grow room.. it pushed out kinda cool air.. soo i just said fuck it... it cant hurt to try it... right? lol. but that could be it...?

And yessss. the crystals are starting to really show now.. especially onthe lower leaves.. theres a few leaves on a couple branches that are almost completely white... adn its only week 5 of flowering.. soo i have at LEAST 3 left.. im thinking probably 4 tho. (9 weeks total) soo i know theres gonna be MUCH more crystals to come. =) Ill probably be smoking 1/2 bud adn 1/2 crystals when i smoke. lol.bongsmilie that would be nice. =)

And yeaa the thing with the seeds.. there is a CHANCE there might be seeds... but i doubt it.. in case your wondering why.how..

it is a feminized seed/plant.. but. the way they get feminized seeds (im 99% sure this is how they do it anyways. lol) is they have a female plant.. and turn it hermie by stressing it out on purpose.. which makes it grow pollen sacs as well as buds.. and hten the pollen sacs pollinate the plant.. soo its pollinating itself... creating seeds. adn the seeds are now feminized since it came from a female plant. =)

Sooooo... when growing a feminized seed/plant.. theres always a chance that it may turn hermie (since the plant the seed was from was a hermie.. its more likely to turn hermie than a regualr seed). But usually.. if it does.. its toward the end. adn there will ony be a small handfull of seeds.. maybe like 10 or so..

hope that explained it all. lol. and sadly.. the clones did not survive again.. soo now ive tried taking about 6 clones from her.. and wont take anymore.. because that is now 6 clones that would have been nice fat buds.. =( especially the very FIRST clone i took.. it was one of the MAIN side branches.. soo if i hadnt took that.. mann.... there would be a whole other branch ull of many many bud sites.. =( im really upset about that. cuz that would have increased my yield by ALOT!! =/ but ooo well.

I do still have a fwe of the Feminized Seeds left. i actually planted one about a week ago. I will put osme pics up on Friday of it. Not sure if it will grow as nicely as this plant did.. =/ but maybe.. whooo knows. its from the same batch.. soo most likely from the same plant.. meaning the same genes..?

I am really curious about the high too.. like you said.. its supposed to be sativa.. they say an UP/ Very Social high... adn then followed by a couchlock high... but we will seeeee. i have a feeling it will be in the middle. cuz the genetics i think are 60% sativa and 40% indica... soo i mean its pretty even..

I will be sure to do a VERY in depth description of the high. lol. Ill make sure to do it WHILE im high.. lol. and then i will do one when i am not high too.. and compare. :blsmoke: lol

And trust me mannnn... I cannot FUCKING WAIT to harvest thins plant!! Im soooo excited to!! These next 3-4 weeks need to FLY BY!!!:mrgreen:

Thanks doubt i can rep ya again.
You da man

Heyyy. Nice looking signature you got there!! lol. :mrgreen: And Noo problem. glad I could help.. and its ok that u cant rep me. lol. its the thought that counts!! :eyesmoke:
well bro i think your grow is going positively stupendous....
im sad to inform you tho...Girlz-Gone-Wild is dead....she had to be killed early (check the link in my Sig for the full story and pix of the new additions)and she has been replaced by Tweedledee and Tweedledum and i have also cracked some mystery beans i forgot(was to lazy to) label correctly and all i know is they aren't fem just regular
well bro i think your grow is going positively stupendous....
im sad to inform you tho...Girlz-Gone-Wild is dead....she had to be killed early (check the link in my Sig for the full story and pix of the new additions)and she has been replaced by Tweedledee and Tweedledum and i have also cracked some mystery beans i forgot(was to lazy to) label correctly and all i know is they aren't fem just regular

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! That SUCKSSSSSS!!! Damnnn... I was realy looking forward to seeing that grow to the finish!! =( Sorry man. Kk. Well im bout to go check out Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum.. that sucks tho..... lol. and man.. i wish i had that many seeds that i dont even know which plant is which. lol. Well good luck with them man. gonna checkem out now. :blsmoke:
Lol. Thanks man. Glad you enjoyed the Museum . :mrgreen:

And yeaa. the smell theory is just my opinion.. but i think its probably true.. you know what i was thinking... i completely forgot.. i have this thing in my room.. and Air Purifier/Ionizer.... I had it for a couple years.. and a couple maprts are missing.. but i have that on HIGH and have the ionizer on too.. adn it has a filter thingy.. Here.. i found a pic of it..

Ahhh, I saw that thing before but didn't know what it was. I've never even herd of an Ionizer so I started looking up Air Purifier/Ionizer to learn how it works

Its actually kinda interesting- "When the air cleaner’s ionizer is turned on, voltage is applied to a series of built-in needles, creating electrons which are discharged into the air. When these electrons attach to air molecules, ions are formed.

These negative ions are dispelled into the room where they attach to dust, pollen, cigarette smoke and pet dander to form larger particles, which can more easily be trapped by your air cleaner's filters. "

I never really thjought about it.. but that might be why theres not much of a smell..? lol. Durrrrr :dunce: I thought it was broken.. but whe i turned it on when i was setting up my grow room.. it pushed out kinda cool air.. soo i just said fuck it... it cant hurt to try it... right? lol. but that could be it...?

I duno man, that may very well be doing it! The only thing I cant figure out when I look at the picture is how it would draw particles from the room in if that fan behind it is blow air away from the purifier? Or is the fan set on intake?

And yessss. the crystals are starting to really show now.. especially onthe lower leaves.. theres a few leaves on a couple branches that are almost completely white... adn its only week 5 of flowering.. soo i have at LEAST 3 left.. im thinking probably 4 tho. (9 weeks total) soo i know theres gonna be MUCH more crystals to come. =) Ill probably be smoking 1/2 bud adn 1/2 crystals when i smoke. lol.bongsmilie that would be nice. =)

Good thinkin, let that baby flower on out until shes prime!!:leaf::leaf::leaf:

And yeaa the thing with the seeds.. there is a CHANCE there might be seeds... but i doubt it.. in case your wondering why.how..

Im wondering!!!:wall::leaf::leaf::leaf:

it is a feminized seed/plant.. but. the way they get feminized seeds (im 99% sure this is how they do it anyways. lol) is they have a female plant.. and turn it hermie by stressing it out on purpose.. which makes it grow pollen sacs as well as buds.. and hten the pollen sacs pollinate the plant.. soo its pollinating itself... creating seeds. adn the seeds are now feminized since it came from a female plant. =)

Ahhhh makes total sense! It blows me away that they can adapt like that!

Sooooo... when growing a feminized seed/plant.. theres always a chance that it may turn hermie (since the plant the seed was from was a hermie.. ahhhh gotcha!
its more likely to turn hermie than a regualr seed). But usually.. if it does.. its toward the end. adn there will ony be a small handfull of seeds.. maybe like 10 or so..Ohhh so if it does turn into a hermi, it only makes a small amount of seeds!?! That's actually sounds like a good thing...?

hope that explained it all. lol. Yea big time, thanks for breakin it down:weed: and sadly.. the clones did not survive again..Damn! Whats the deal?! Somethin is goin on there man...I dont think I've ever herd of that many clones dieing in that short amount of time...Are you sure about the way your takin the clones? There's gotta be someone on here who can help to raise some lil baby white widows heh soo now ive tried taking about 6 clones from her.. and wont take anymore.. because that is now 6 clones that would have been nice fat buds..Yea I know whatcha mean, 6 is a good number of clones, if none out of 6 live then I dout many others would =( especially the very FIRST clone i took.. it was one of the MAIN side branches.. soo if i hadnt took that.. mann.... there would be a whole other branch ull of many many bud sites.. =( im really upset about that. cuz that would have increased my yield by ALOT!! =/ but ooo well. Yea cant worry about that, its over and done with, just gotta try to figure out what killed the clones for future reference?!

I do still have a fwe of the Feminized Seeds left. i actually planted one about a week ago. I will put osme pics up on Friday of it. Not sure if it will grow as nicely as this plant did.. =/ but maybe.. whooo knows. its from the same batch.. soo most likely from the same plant.. meaning the same genes..?
I believe so! and some healthy genes they are:leaf::weed::leaf:

I am really curious about the high too.. like you said.. its supposed to be sativa.. they say an UP/ Very Social high... adn then followed by a couchlock high... but we will seeeee. i have a feeling it will be in the middle. cuz the genetics i think are 60% sativa and 40% indica... soo i mean its pretty even.. Best of both worlds!!:leaf:

I will be sure to do a VERY in depth description of the high. lol. Ill make sure to do it WHILE im high.. lol. and then i will do one when i am not high too.. and compare. :blsmoke: lol
Whew, cant wait for the in dept report!!! Dont spare any details! lol
I am working on my first grow (since high school 1978) and it looks like everything is going good. I just want to know why my stems are so tall? Anyone have an answer? Thanks


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^low light intensity. Get the light just above the tops of your plants probably be wise to get some more CFLs especially since the planyts are different heights.
thats one beautiful lady! very nice work with those cfls man, looks very healthy...fat stem, super green, and bushy:clap:looks like it will fill up nicly. keep up the good work ill have to check back and see how its going. cant wait to see how much you can yeild of her. i did a cfl grow awhile back, nothing like yours though.
How long did you veg her for?
I am working on my first grow (since high school 1978) and it looks like everything is going good. I just want to know why my stems are so tall? Anyone have an answer? Thanks

I would get more light in there, they got some killer stretching going on
Ahhh, I saw that thing before but didn't know what it was. I've never even herd of an Ionizer so I started looking up Air Purifier/Ionizer to learn how it works

Its actually kinda interesting- "When the air cleaner’s ionizer is turned on, voltage is applied to a series of built-in needles, creating electrons which are discharged into the air. When these electrons attach to air molecules, ions are formed.

These negative ions are dispelled into the room where they attach to dust, pollen, cigarette smoke and pet dander to form larger particles, which can more easily be trapped by your air cleaner's filters. "

I duno man, that may very well be doing it! The only thing I cant figure out when I look at the picture is how it would draw particles from the room in if that fan behind it is blow air away from the purifier? Or is the fan set on intake?

Wow that is pretty interesting.. lol. hmmm, idk how that would work either.. adn i had nooo idea wtf an Ionizer was either.. it was just some machine i found in my basement.. soo i just put it in there wen i said air purifier. lol. and yea this thing blows OUT air...? I dont think theres any intake on it.. ill have to check all around, but as far as i know it just blows. (:lol: it blows.....:lol:) but the air that comes out of it is pretty cold... not as cols as like an AC or anything.. but a lil on the cold side.. but the air also feels/smells very fresh.

Good thinkin, let that baby flower on out until shes prime!!:leaf::leaf::leaf:

Yeaaa, i got a lil scop.. soo ima keep her flowerin until its 1/2 amber 1/2 cloudy. =) idk tho man.. im thinking its really gonna end up being finished at 8 weeks.. theres ornage hairs everywhere.. adn it still has about 3 weeks... who knows tho.

Im wondering!!!:wall::leaf::leaf::leaf:

Ahhhh makes total sense! It blows me away that they can adapt like that!

Ohhh so if it does turn into a hermi, it only makes a small amount of seeds!?! That's actually sounds like a good thing...?

Yeaaa, it is pretty cool how it adapts.. think of it as the plants "last chance to pass on its genes".. its one of those types of scenarios... and umm.. the plant hermieng CAN be good.. if it only pops out a few pollen sacs.. a hermie plant can have ONE pollen sac.. which will geive u maybe like 2 or 3 seeds.. **dont quote me on that.. just a guess.. lol** or a hermie can have 50 pollen sacs... and give you 100 seeds.. sooo a hermie CAn be good if it only has a couple pollen sacs.. but for the most part.. theyre bad... VERY bad! lol

My lasy plant turned hermie.. adn no bullshit.. probly got over a few hundred seeds from the 2 plants.. and the bad thing about seeds.. (besides the fact that they arent good to smoke!! lol) is when a plant has to make seeds.... it takes energy away from making resin/buds swell up.. soo the more seeds.. the more energy goes into making seeds.. adn the more energy making seeds.. the less energy going into making ur buds fat and glistening with resin.. not 100% on this either.. jsut wat ive hear.. but ive hear that the space where seeds would normally be.. get filled up with resin...? sounds like it could be possible.. lol. but yeaa.. hermie are EVIL! :finger: Fuck You Hermie!

. Yea big time, thanks for breakin it down:weed:Damn! Whats the deal?! Somethin is goin on there man...I dont think I've ever herd of that many clones dieing in that short amount of time...Are you sure about the way your takin the clones? There's gotta be someone on here who can help to raise some lil baby white widows heh

Yea I know whatcha mean, 6 is a good number of clones, if none out of 6 live then I dout many others would

Yeaa man.. i dont get it.. i must be doin sumtin wrong.. but idk wat it is.. i mean. ive watched like 30 videos on how to clone... i just dont get it.. ughhh. and yea. by the way.. only ONE clone survived. but hey.. its a start!! lol. guess i should be happy ONE survived right??

ea cant worry about that, its over and done with, just gotta try to figure out what killed the clones for future reference?!

yeaaa. true true.. but it is hard.. alotta times i think like damn... if i never took that clone.. i would probly have about another 5-10 buds growin.. probly have an extra 1/2 or soo... but those Siamese Buds make up for it. =) But still.. I woulda had 2 Siamese buds.. along with all the buds i lost from taking clones!:sad: lol

I believe so! and some healthy genes they are:leaf::weed::leaf:

Yes they are!! I dont like to brag.. but... lol. it is a pretty sexy plant! also.. I got anotehr seed goin. i will show pics of it.. its the WW seed. its growin pretty quickly! ( Sorry i neva put up pics friday.. i took them.. but the site was fuckin up the whole day for me.. kept sayin databease error.. not sure if you guys got that too?)

Best of both worlds!!:leaf:

Hellll Yeaaaa. lol:bigjoint:

Whew, cant wait for the in dept report!!! Dont spare any details! lol
Dont worry man.. it'll be VERY in depth.. lol. it will almsot be as good as smoking it! hahah.. yeaa riite.. lol but i will do my best!

****PS I will be postin the Friday pics up tonight.. or 2morow morning the latest.. the website kept sayin database error.. sorry bout that**
I am working on my first grow (since high school 1978) and it looks like everything is going good. I just want to know why my stems are so tall? Anyone have an answer? Thanks

Yea... pretty much what everyone else said. You gotta keep your lights closer man. I try leavin my CFL's about an inch 1/2 away from the top of my plant.. same with the cfl's on the side. When you transplant it.. you can bury more of them stem.. you should bury it just about an inch under those 1st leave things that you see when the seedling 1 sprouts. I 4get the name.. col-sumthing? other than the stretching they look pretty green/healthy. =)
thats one beautiful lady! very nice work with those cfls man, looks very healthy...fat stem, super green, and bushy:clap:looks like it will fill up nicly. keep up the good work ill have to check back and see how its going. cant wait to see how much you can yeild of her. i did a cfl grow awhile back, nothing like yours though.
How long did you veg her for?

Thanks man! =) Yeaa i am very happy with her. She does have a pretty fat stem... and VERY VERY bushy! and im hoping for at least an ounce 1/2... but would be happy with an ounce.. alotta people are thinking more... but i dont wanna get my hopes up JUST yet. I think with the 2 Siamese Bud branches.. my yield may increase a little bit. the siamese branch i always take pics of is already gettin fatter than the main cola..

I only vegged her for 3 weeks!! I was planning on 4.. but at the rate she was growing... i thought 3 would be good.. and i was right! lmao. 3 was plenty! i dont knw what I would do if i vegged for 4 weeks.. not sure if it would fit in my closet! lol. but yeaa. deff keep checkin in on her.. i take pics every tuesday and friday, just so ya know. =)
Yea I got the database error too, I was trying to figure out what it meant. I was wondering if it was just me or what, but I think the whole site went down for a while or somthin. That let me know how much I really enjoy RollItUp, I got sad when I kept getting "database errors" and couldn't get on lol
So how is your widow doing now? I just germinated some of the 9th Cannabis Cup award winning White Widows from Attitude's website two days ago. One has like an inch long root and one just has a bit of a tail...it might be going the way as one of your other 3 seeds went. Hopefully not, these chicks cost me nearly 30 bucks a seed. When do you plan on harvesting your plants? I should be doing a closet grow, but I'm going to use one of my bedrooms anyways and hope that my land lord or a maintenence guy won't come in for the next 3 months. I plan on using 6 2ft T5 floros for 2 weeks, a 600w MH for 2 weeks, then flower for 9-11 week with a 1000w HPS. Are you planning on purpling out your WW? I've been reading that colder temps or leaving the lights off completely for the last couple days stresses the plantinto producing super resins for an even more lifting effect. GJ on the cfls. I read through every page of your journal
Yea I got the database error too, I was trying to figure out what it meant. I was wondering if it was just me or what, but I think the whole site went down for a while or somthin. That let me know how much I really enjoy RollItUp, I got sad when I kept getting "database errors" and couldn't get on lol

Yeaaaa. you will learn quickly that this website has problems like that... a lot. =/ Idk how many times to be exact.. but there has been a few times i've gone to come on here, and theres a probllem like that.. =/ ooo well. hopefully they will fix it soon. And yeaa i am the SAME way.. i didnt know wtf to do.. lol. I was like Nooooooooooooo! I need to post pictures today!!!!!!!! lol. i need a life


So how is your widow doing now? She's doing GREAT! I am actually in the process of uploading some pics now. theyre from Friday tho, so they are a couple days old, but I will have new ones up on Tuesday. I just germinated some of the 9th Cannabis Cup award winning White Widows from Attitude's website two days ago. One has like an inch long root and one just has a bit of a tail...it might be going the way as one of your other 3 seeds went. Hopefully not, these chicks cost me nearly 30 bucks a seed. Holy shit! $30 a seed! I paid like a like 40 for 5 feminized! are they feminized at least!? Well, guess I cant really say anything.. cuz IF I had a job.. and had a decent amount of money.. I would probably buy some expensive seeds too. Man.. I HOPE that your seeds dont turn out like man.. if they do.. make sure you writ Attitude and tell them.. even if they dont send u a refund or anything.. just let them know.. cuz at $30 a seed.... thats fucked up if even ONE doesnt sprout. When do you plan on harvesting your plants? Ummm.. not exactly sure.. doont really have a set dadte/time. Gonna just go by the trichs.. but i was thinking around 9-10 weeks.. adn Tuesday will be week 6.. but with the rate its growing.. I think theres a chance it could be done by week 8.. that would be nice!I should be doing a closet grow, but I'm going to use one of my bedrooms anyways and hope that my land lord or a maintenence guy won't come in for the next 3 months. I plan on using 6 2ft T5 floros for 2 weeks, a 600w MH for 2 weeks, then flower for 9-11 week with a 1000w HPS. Wow.. sounds good man. you got all the right lights you need for the grow.. start of with the T5's since theyre not as powerful as the MH.. and then hit it up with the 1000 watt HPS.. those baby's are gonna fucking look GOOD!! Is that the grow you have in your signature? im about to go check it out now. Youre growing the Blue Widow too? I was Soooooo close to buying that. Well.. mine woulda been Blue Venom, but its the same genetics. And honestly.. if you have a whole room to use.. its MUCH better than a closet.. only good thing about a closet is it can be hidden... thas about it.. but with a closet.. its hard to get good ventilation.. humidity/heat can become a BIG problem.. your limitied to space.. i mean I only vegge rmy plant for 3 weeks.. i was gonna do 4.. adn I only have 1.. and its taking up 1/3 of my closet! Shes growing soo wide shes touching the wall on 3 sides... sooo if you got the room.. use it up! ** I wanted to ask.. how many plants are you growing?**Are you planning on purpling out your WW? I've been reading that colder temps or leaving the lights off completely for the last couple days stresses the plantinto producing super resins for an even more lifting effect. Hmmm.. idk im still debating on wether or not to purple them out.. i was planning on it at 1st.. but at the same time.. i kinda wanna just see how it comes out normally... ughh.. idk. the purple adds such a nice effect.. and I know you said you read through EVERY page of my journal.. adn I know you probably already seen this.. but someone purpled out their WW.. and posted a pic up of it. Here a pi of it

Seein this pics makes me want to give it a try... but idk yet. lol. i got another WW started.. about a week old... and Shes gonna be my experimental plat.. Im gonna try topping her or FIMing her.. LST and take some clones from her.. adn if I DONT purple this one.. i will MOST deff purple this one out. =) And I am gonna give it at least 1 day of darkness.. someone was tellin me to give it 2 weeks!! i was like FUCKKKKK THATTTT! ive waited 9-10 weeks.. and now u want me to wait another 2.. in complete darkness... i dont think that would be a good idea.. at all.. no water.. no light.. for 2 weeks.. you'd probly open the door in 2 weeks to find this shriveled up, crispy, sorry exuse of a plant and be BULLSHIT! lol. But yea i will probly give her a day or 2 of darkness.. I will be posting some pics up today soo be sure to checkem out! =) lots of oranges hairs now. cant wait to see urs in flowering.. and not in a bad way.. but i would like to compare our plants once urs is in flowering... see if the price is really worth it or not.
GJ on the cfls. I read through every page of your journal Thanks man..it means a lot when people actually take the time to read through the journal.. i know its tough cuz theres like 50+ pages.. lol. Well.. bout to go check out ur journal now man.. Good Luck with yours.. adn stay tuned for Fridays pics!!
Hey guys. well.. here are the pics i promised! Like i said RIU was fuckin up friday.. soo i didnt get to post them.. i was really really disapointed too.. cuz these pics look GREAT!! She finally stopped growing (i havent had to raise the lights in a while) and is just working on filling out and pushing out orange hairs. =) the pics are awesome! Some opf the best ones i've taken soo far. I also have a pics of the Baby Widow. She is now 9 days old. =) OK, well enough talkin.. heres the pics!

Strain : White Widow
Day : 59-Day 38 of Flowering























Strain : White Widow 2
Day : 9



Allllllrighty guys. Hope you enjoy the pics (Museum lol) Not gonna lie.. these are some of the best pics I've ever got to take so far.. the buds just look sooo good! now that they have orange hairs.. kinda brightens them up a bit.:hump: =) Well, I will have more up in a couple days... and they should look evenbetter!:hump:

Looks great man. You leaves look better than mine do. Those hairs will turn in the end.

Oh by the way, I wasnt that impressed at first with the WW. But since they have cured about a month OH MAN! The one that went 12 weeks just knocks me out, Its buzy at first then melts me into a big ball of goo! lol I have never had a weed that is so relaxing.

The one that went 10.5 weeks is more up and entergetic high but then after an hour starts melting ya! They both only had 20 to 30% amber at chop. At 50% or more you might be in a coma! lol

Keep up the good work man!

Looks great man. You leaves look better than mine do. Those hairs will turn in the end.

Yeaa they do. There are a few leaves here and there at the bottom that turn light green, and when I pull on them, they just come right off. In like another week or so, I think i'm gonna trim off alot of the bigger leaves, adn let some light through. And awww, thats too bad. lol. I like the orange color. lol.

Oh by the way, I wasnt that impressed at first with the WW. But since they have cured about a month OH MAN! The one that went 12 weeks just knocks me out, Its buzy at first then melts me into a big ball of goo! lol I have never had a weed that is so relaxing.

Oooo. ok, well thats good to know. I'll make sure to cure it for a few weeks before I let other people (beside me and my gf) try it out. And yeaa, I like the energetic High... as long as it doesnt come with anxiety. lol. Im not big on the strains that just knock you on your ass, thats what alcohol is for. lol. :bigjoint:

The one that went 10.5 weeks is more up and entergetic high but then after an hour starts melting ya! They both only had 20 to 30% amber at chop. At 50% or more you might be in a coma! lol

Wow.. thats crazy tho! 10 1/2 and 12 weeks.. and they were still only 20%-30% amber!! wow. But Hmmm.. I think that ill probably chop around the same time then, 20%-30% cuz I dont wanna be a walking zombie. lol.

Keep up the good work man!

Thanks man, You keep up your good work too! Your plants are looking GREAT!
I'm already jelous of your grow brother, and you're only using CFLs! Hard to believe what good genetics will do in time, even in low light conditions, but your plant looks amazing! I too, should be growing in a closet. I live in an apartment complex that I JUST moved into and I'm trying to keep under the managers/maintenence guy's radar. They can come in at any time for an emergancy (which I don't see happening with summer on it's way....), but all the same, if they do have to come in, I have to take my garden down and wherever my crop is, I have to harvest or kill them before the 24 hour notice comes up, and stash my closet. still 2 months of time wasted is better than being homeless. As long as I can save one or two (I'm going to LONG way, I'm keeping mothers and I'm making clones and starting over) than I can keep coming back. As long as the mothers survive (and my other 8 feminized seeds stay viable) I should be just fine

Keep up the good work, mano.

So you really didn't show off the rest of your equipment. What are you using for air flow and how are you keeping the temp down in your closet, while also keeping the humidity down on your flowering plants? Did you ever decide to pick up some nutes? I remember you saying that you dropped your soil combo mix that you made and went for the climate control bag, did you decide to pick up some nutes for her? What are you feeding your girlly on a regular basis? All of this will be helpful for when I'm trying to tame these beasts that I'm starting (They are tiny beasts now, like microscopic beasts, really)