**Nirvana's Feminized White Widow CFL Grow**

How much will my yield be from BOTH plants?

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Damn, Nice pics! I need you to stop by and take some pics of my plant with your camera! LOL Your plant/plants look great, way better than I did with CFL's. LOL For real what kind of camera are you using! I'm using a Kodak Easy Share 6.2, and Its sucks!

I'm already jelous of your grow brother, and you're only using CFLs! Hard to believe what good genetics will do in time, even in low light conditions, but your plant looks amazing!

lol. Thanks man. An dyeaaa. for right now its only CFL's. I have 1 20 watt floro tube in there too.. I just put it in there for the hell of it.. I actually just added another 23 watts to it. Soo thats 333 watts now. lol. It was my moms idea.. she's wierd. lol. She was looking at all the baby buds on the wayyyy lower branches.. and feels bad for the, because i dont give them much light.. because theyre not gonna get big anywayz.. lol. But she went out.. adn got me a lamp to put underneath it to givem some extra light. lol

I too, should be growing in a closet. I live in an apartment complex that I JUST moved into and I'm trying to keep under the managers/maintenence guy's radar. They can come in at any time for an emergancy (which I don't see happening with summer on it's way....), but all the same, if they do have to come in, I have to take my garden down and wherever my crop is, I have to harvest or kill them before the 24 hour notice comes up, and stash my closet.

Yeaaa, I doubt that they'll just pop by unexpected.. and "By Law", they do need to give you 24 hrs notice. My lanlord at my old house kept showin off the house.. cuz he knew we were movin.. adn i always had to fuckin take down all my lights and mylar (well, ghetto mylar) and hide my plants... I would always just take them, and put trash bags over them.. put a rubber band around the bottom of the pot to keep the bag on tight, and then stick them either inside my hamper, (i had 3 in my room. lol) or I would stick them inside big cardboard boxes, and stick a couple things on top to hide them. If you go to U-Haul... they sell BIG ASS boxes there for pretty cheap. Idk the exact sizes/price.. but u may want to look into getting some.. and if it comes down to it.. put them in big trashbags.. and put them each in their own box.. and pile sum things on top of the box 2 make it less noticeable...? Just an idea.. and then.. wanna hear the funny part.. wen we were moving.. my mom's a pack-rat, so we had a bunch of shit in the house to move, so he came ova to help us.. and asked me if I had any weed, or knew any1 who had some/ grew some cuz he wanted to smoke!! :o I was like wow!! lol I was so paranoid about him findin out.. and he fuckin smokes! lol.

still 2 months of time wasted is better than being homeless. As long as I can save one or two (I'm going to LONG way, I'm keeping mothers and I'm making clones and starting over) than I can keep coming back. As long as the mothers survive (and my other 8 feminized seeds stay viable) I should be just fine

And yea.. 2 months of wasted time is MUCH better thean being homeless.. or even worse... going to jail if he/she reports you to the police. :-? But yeaa i mean you could always (if it came down to it) take a couple clones from each plant.. and kill them. :cry: lol.

Keep up the good work, mano.

Thanks man! =) Only a few more weeks left!

So you really didn't show off the rest of your equipment. What are you using for air flow and how are you keeping the temp down in your closet, while also keeping the humidity down on your flowering plants?

Well, all I really got for ventilation is a double fan in the closet on full blast, I got that air purifier and Ionizer running on HIGH all the time (well, why the lights are on I mean) and I open the closet a lot during the day, adn every so often.. I keep the door opened like 3-4 inches and open my window to get some fresh air in. I also have another double fan.. and I keep that in front of the door, at the very bottom, and I have one side blowing IN and the other blowing OUT... Not sure how good it works.. but I mean its pushin some FRESH air in.. and blowing the OLD air out. And one last thing.. I have a ghetto Co2 generator in there as well. The yeast, sugar, and water mixture. I think that helps a bit. Thats all I've got tho. its hard with no money. :-|

Did you ever decide to pick up some nutes? I remember you saying that you dropped your soil combo mix that you made and went for the climate control bag, did you decide to pick up some nutes for her?

I'm using Schultz - All Purpose Plant Food. Its NPK ratings are 10-15-10. It seems to be working good tho. I know its not the best, not as good as the Fox Farm lineup... but it works for me. =)

What are you feeding your girlly on a regular basis?

I give her those Nutes at FULL strength every-other watering. But will have to flush, and start giving her only fresh water soon! Im excited for this harvest!! This is my FIRST grow with GOOD seeds. My last grows were done with BagSeed.

All of this will be helpful for when I'm trying to tame these beasts that I'm starting (They are tiny beasts now, like microscopic beasts, really)

Alright, well hope it helped.. lol. I dont have to most intricate setup, so it might not be too helpful with yours, lol. One thing I can say that might hel you out during Veg, and even flowering, is you might want to get some CFL's anywayz, and place a few underneath your plants to shine on parts of the plant that dont get much light. This has helped my plants out ALOT as far as rapid-growth. I had lights shining on EVERY part of this plant from like.. Day 3. lol. And it seemed to make a BIG difference!
My set up is FAR from perfect. I actually had a CO2 generator that I just took back to the supply shop and TWO 1000w HPS Ballists that I just returned in favor of the muffler for my fan, a 600w ballist, the nute line up, and few wall mounted fans. I didn't have the money to buy a decent CO2/Fan Speed/Humidifier/Temp Control enviro controller (the complete package for one of those is like 350-450 dollars. The normal ones are co2 and temp control, minus the bells and whistles), nor did I want a co2 burner actually BURNING inside an apartment. So I did have plans to make it kick ass, but I'll just have to settle for bad ass. I might dump another $1000 into my set up when I get this tax refund next week, but I kind of need the cash. I just want to get the best buds possible----in the long run---if I'm going to risk eviction (I'm medical, the cops are not a worry), I want to make sure that I'm risking it for the dankest bud I can create so that I have a chance on getting a house with a proper grow basement in the next year.

It's a flaw that I have, don't be jelouse. I've dumped nearly $5000 into this room so far, and I've not even seen a bud, yet. I still have a sun master hood with no 1000w ballist (I only have one, not 3 now) that's not being used. My buddy is supposed to be bringing me a enviro controller that I paid for a month ago in a week, that should control my exhaust (I don't want people feeling a hard breeze coming from my window when they walk by it, so I want to be able to turn the fan down, during the day) so that's the next upgrade.

The next upgrade to my grow room, after that, is a hole in my closet that I'm going to fit some tubing and a squirral cage fan to, to bring fresh air into my room, countering the fan/can/muffler combo that's exauhsting the ganja air out of my room.
Damn, Nice pics! I need you to stop by and take some pics of my plant with your camera! LOL Your plant/plants look great, way better than I did with CFL's. LOL For real what kind of camera are you using! I'm using a Kodak Easy Share 6.2, and Its sucks!

lol. Im tellin ya man.. you gotta try that trick with the magnifying glass!! Go 2 radioshack and buy that 3 lens magnifying glass. it has 3 separate lenses ( obviously.. lol. "3 lens magnifying glass. lmao) I just use 1 lens (5x) and put it right up to the camera and take a pic... mine is a Sanyo S750 w/3x optical zoon - 7.1 MegaPixel camera. Its not that great either. really really cheap. does urs have the "Macro"? that makes ALL the difference man.. if ur camera doesnt have MACRO.. then thats why ur pics wont come out that good (even tho i htink ur come out fine?) just check through ur settings adn look for a macro button.. its the little "flower" icon.. thats for close-ups... i kno u probably already kno all this. lol. but just in case u didnt. =)

And yeaaaaa... i cant wait to get an HPS!! thats gonna be KICK-ASS!!

My set up is FAR from perfect. I actually had a CO2 generator that I just took back to the supply shop and TWO 1000w HPS Ballists that I just returned in favor of the muffler for my fan, a 600w ballist, the nute line up, and few wall mounted fans. I didn't have the money to buy a decent CO2/Fan Speed/Humidifier/Temp Control enviro controller (the complete package for one of those is like 350-450 dollars. The normal ones are co2 and temp control, minus the bells and whistles), nor did I want a co2 burner actually BURNING inside an apartment.

Yeaaa, well it may not be perfect.. but its still a nice ass setup. especially compared to my taped up CFL's... 2 way fan.. and grapefruit bottle with sugar,water, and yeast.. lmao.

So I did have plans to make it kick ass, but I'll just have to settle for bad ass. I might dump another $1000 into my set up when I get this tax refund next week, but I kind of need the cash. I just want to get the best buds possible----in the long run---if I'm going to risk eviction (I'm medical, the cops are not a worry), I want to make sure that I'm risking it for the dankest bud I can create so that I have a chance on getting a house with a proper grow basement in the next year.

Heyy. trust me man.. your setup is still KICK ASS! Like you said.. you've already dumped almost 5 THOUSAND! (NOT HUNDRED.... THOUSAND) you cannot say you dont have a nice setup after spending 5 grand!! lol. And thats awesome that your a medical user.. i still dont think MA (Massachusetts) has medical marijuana yet.. idk tho. I know MA and CA have bills they're tryna pass tho.. to completely legalize weed, adn tax it and shit.. They had a big meeting on it not that long ago.. sayin how MA is a "Role Model" state.. adn if all the otha states are just waiting for 1 state to legalize it.. then others will follow.. and thats why MA needs to be the first to step up.. mann.. i would LOVE if they legalized it! out of all the states.. i just happen to live in the 1 that legalizes it! lol.And dont you worry man... once your buds grow.. they will be some of the DANKEST buds out there!!

It's a flaw that I have, don't be jelouse. I've dumped nearly $5000 into this room so far, and I've not even seen a bud, yet.

Lol... DONT WORRY man! once your plants hit week 6-7 in flowering... all you will be able to see is BUD!! EVERYWHERE!!

I still have a sun master hood with no 1000w ballist (I only have one, not 3 now) that's not being used.

Awww man.. really?? how much does the ballist cost?? and could you put a 400 watt HPS in there?? depending on those 2 questions... just outta curiosity.. would u eva wanna sell it? and if so how muc? idk we or even if i could DEFF buy it.. but i NEED to get an HPS soon! and iw as gonna go to HTGSupply.. adn get a 400 watter, since i only wanna grow like 3-4 plants at a time.. maybe even just 2.. but still needa save up some money.. just a qustion tho.. if u dont wanna sell it.. thats cool too.

My buddy is supposed to be bringing me a enviro controller that I paid for a month ago in a week, that should control my exhaust (I don't want people feeling a hard breeze coming from my window when they walk by it, so I want to be able to turn the fan down, during the day) so that's the next upgrade.

Niiiiiice. Man.. I cant wait till I have a decent amount of money to use on a grow room like yours. =) that will be awesome! Keep the upgrades comin man!! Have u ever thought about doin one of those VERTICAL grows man?? I saw one grow.. on here actually.. and dude... lemme tell you.. it was the sickest fucking thing I have EVER seen!!! ima go and try to see if i can find that shit.. JUST FOR YOU! ok..ok.. well for me too. lol. but man.. its bad-ass.. idek how many plants he had growing in there. but it was ALOT!!

The next upgrade to my grow room, after that, is a hole in my closet that I'm going to fit some tubing and a squirral cage fan to, to bring fresh air into my room, countering the fan/can/muffler combo that's exauhsting the ganja air out of my room.

Ahhh.. there ya gooo! you know.. i was actually thinking about trying that too.. but... for w.e. reason.. my closet doesnt go all the way to the end of my wall.. kinda hard to explain.. but i'll try....

Wen u open my closet door.. theres a few ft to the left.. and a few ft. to the right.. just say for examply.. it goes 4 ft to the right... well if you shut my closet door and look to the right.. my wall is 10 ft to the right.. sooo ( in reality *not an example. lol*) there is about 6ft of space between the end of my closet.. and the wall... and idk wtf is in that space....? lol. i dont even know if it goes outside or not??

But i wanted to get some ventilation goin.. adn that wat i wanted to do.. get those vents (for the dryers) with the lil fan attached to it.. and have one at the bottom. blowing fresh air IN... and have one at the top.. blowing old air OUT.. unless you think i should have the bottom one blowing OUT and the top one blowing IN.... but i figured HOT air rises.. soo i would want to blow out the hot (old) air right..?

Alright.. well im home now... gonna go admire my Baby for a little bit.. its sad.. but true. lol. I will go in my closet.. well leave the door open (let some fresh air in) adn just STARE at all the buds.. but out my lil 5x magnifier.. and look at them for madd long... haha.. im a loser.. i know.
Heyyy Everybody. Just had a quick question.. Since Mary-J has been such a fast grower... when do you guys think I should chop her? I was originally planning on 9 weeks... But at the rate she's growing.. I'm wondering if she would be ready by Week 8? Because I still need to flush her 2 weeks before I harvest, so if I'm shottin for Week 8, then that would mean I would have to flush tomorrow - Week 6 (Wow.. I'm soooo Fucking HAPPY!! I'm getting Sooooo Fucking Close to HARVEST!!)

Im obviously gonna go by the trichs.. I dont wann do 50-50 tho. My friend SL2 harvested his White Widow at 30% amber (But his took a long time to finish flowering! 10.5 weeks for one plant.. and 12 weeks on the other. :-().. and he said after about 4 weeks of curing... his shit is Sooo powerful! He said if he waited adn did 50% amber.. it might put him in a coma.. lmao. And I dont want bud like that. I want more of an "Uppy" or "Energetic" high. Soo i'll shoot for 30% amber.

Well... just let me know what you guys think.. just your opinion.. like I said, I'm gonna go by the trichs, but I just like to hear other people's opinions. :mrgreen:
OOO yeaa... but the way.. just wanted to say.. I fuckin LOVE the avatar man!! Fits ur name PERFECTLY!! lol. and I like that your reppin our State! lol.

O yea.. adn cant wait to see your new lights in action man!!:bigjoint:
Heyyyy guys. Idk, I got bored.. and I was planning on doing this once the grow was completely finished.. but I figured I could get away with doing one now too. I will do another one of these when she is finished to show her whole life.. But when I do the one at the end.. I will put in more detail.. such as what day each picture is... I thought I put that info on/in the pics.. but I guess not.. but just as a reference.. the plant gets about 2-3 days older in each pic. there is 1 or 2 parts where it skips ahead 5-6 days.. but idk... I know its not really in detail and the pics arent very big.. But I hope you will enjoy it anywayz.... Sooo here it it... Mary-J's Life Story.. (So Far)

To Be Continued..............................
Oooooo Yeaaaaa. One more thing guys.... Well, I took the plant out today, just to examine it, and give her a hair cut, and tie up any buds that need to be tied up. And while I had her out..... I broke down and cut a small bud/branch off. It was a lower bud off the Siamese Twin Branch. Don't worry, I took pics of it as soon as I cut it off, and after I trimmed it. Now I have it sitting inside of a shoebox with a small computer fan as the exhaust. =) I will post pics up in a few. Im MADD tired, gonna take a nap. Zzzzzzzzzzz.................
Heyyyy guys. Idk, I got bored.. and I was planning on doing this once the grow was completely finished.. but I figured I could get away with doing one now too. I will do another one of these when she is finished to show her whole life.. But when I do the one at the end.. I will put in more detail.. such as what day each picture is... I thought I put that info on/in the pics.. but I guess not.. but just as a reference.. the plant gets about 2-3 days older in each pic. there is 1 or 2 parts where it skips ahead 5-6 days.. but idk... I know its not really in detail and the pics arent very big.. But I hope you will enjoy it anywayz.... Sooo here it it... Mary-J's Life Story.. (So Far)

To Be Continued..............................

LOVE THIS!!! Watching them grow like this is awesome! :clap: :weed:
To answer your harvest question: From everything I've been studying about WW, it requires at least 9 weeks, but if you waited the extra 2 weeks, your buds will thank you for it. It's up to you, but if you waited this long and ALL of your other WW seeds died......I'd reach that chick to her fullest potential so that you wouldn't be missing out, but hey, that's just me :)

For your exhuast question:

I live on a second floor apartment. My closet has a space that goes up into the insulation that covers all the apartments that I'm connected to (like 12, total). I can pull fresh air from there, and bring it into my grow room.

For your situation though, it sounds like there is no fresh air there----HOWEVER; you could drill a small, 5-7 inch hole (it can be easily covered with drywall if you are renting and you don't want your land lords to know that you're drilling holes) and then cut ANOTHER 2-3 inch hole somewhere within that extra space that leads to the outside, and viola! You have instant air!

Your widow is looking amazing dude, seriously don't chop her early if you can avoid it. If anything, if shit goes down, you can always chop it, but if nothing is going down.....why not wait an extra week or two, eh?

Thank you for your kind words about my room. I'm hoping that this set up yields something for me. My original set up was balls to the wall, and then I had to cut it in half (when I took the 2 ballists and the CO2 generator back to the supply shop, I got $850 of credits to my account, and I still have around $280 left to get any misc materials that I'll be needing)

This hood you definately don't want. It's a freaking awesome hood, but it uses very specific plug ins that are only universal to the makers of this hood (which is why I don't have a ballist for it, the 2 that I had didn't even fit it, see? LoL, another reason they went back), but I have 2 parabolic hoods here that will do the trick until I can buy a cable converter for my other hood (it's a rectangle, I definately want to see my 1000w Ushio bulbs going in there. The parabolics will be wasting light)

Check out my grow journal for my newest update, I'm putting it out after I finish this message.
Ahhhh I cant believe its almost time to harvest that baby!!! lol Hey, when you say a "percent amber" are you just talkin about the trichomes or does that mean the hairs too or are the hairs a whole different indicator???

Either way, I'm with you on the type of high to go for, I'd go for the harvest time that will help produce the more up and entergetic and social high. I think the idica type of high has its uses and can be good to smoke at certain times, when your trying to relax or before bed and all that good stuff but again, Im with you on the type of high I really enjoy, more up and feel good stuff lol

To be honest, I had no idea the time you harvest had an effect on the high...Thats pretty coo to me.

Ok so my vote is 8 weeks if that increases the chances of a good high because even though people try to get the most they can out of a grow, I think most homegrowers (of any kind of plant, MJ, tomatoes, whatever) shoot for quality over quanity!! I dont know about others but I would rather have a LITTLE less of some GUD than more of some stuff that really didn't do it for me.
But because Widow is 60 indica/40 Sativa, if you harvest it early, you're going to get that indica high, versus harvesting it late and letting that sativa do it's work so that you get a great balance versus a lethargic stone.
Right on Dude! I got a slide show just like that in the making! Yours looks great! She is a monster!

yeaaa. i remember u sayin u were gonna do that too. where do you go to make ur slide-shows?? I was gonna do a slide show.. but idk wea to make one? i guess i could search for it on google or sumthin? Thanks tho.


Ahhhh I cant believe its almost time to harvest that baby!!! lol Hey, when you say a "percent amber" are you just talkin about the trichomes or does that mean the hairs too or are the hairs a whole different indicator???

I know!! It came a lot sooner than I had thought it would! =)And yeaa, when I talk about the "% amber" I am talking about trichomes. The hairs are a different indicator.. kind of. I mean, you wanna wait for the hairs to be mostly red/orange when you harvest as well. The hairs come out of the Calaxes.. and there are trichomes ON the calaxes..

Here.. I have a graph saved on my computer that will better explain things. (I am TERRIBLE at trying to explain things... I know.. hahaha) Here's the charts....


HAIRS * The Week time is for a Sativa/Indica Hybrid.. which a lot of plants are. so this is for a typical 7-8 week flowering plant*


Either way, I'm with you on the type of high to go for, I'd go for the harvest time that will help produce the more up and entergetic and social high. I think the idica type of high has its uses and can be good to smoke at certain times, when your trying to relax or before bed and all that good stuff but again, Im with you on the type of high I really enjoy, more up and feel good stuff lol

Yeaa I deff like the more "Uppy" high.. as long as its not filled with Anxiety!! Thats one thing I have trouble with when smoking.. Idk what it is.. before, I could smoke 4-5 blunts in a few hours.. and be fine! I used to sell weed.. I would pick up a few lbs. at a time.. adn I always had madd weed to smoke and used to smoke blunts to my face all the time.. But then i got caught.. and got arrested and almost did 2 years.. and couldnt smoke for 2 years.. adn after that.. EVERYTIME I smoked.. I would get wicked bad anxiety.. like.. feel like I was dying type anxiety.. and so now when I smoke.. I can only smoke a few hits.. and thats it.. =( very disappointing.. but oo well. I save more weed.. adn I KNOW not to over-do it.. But yea... Indica high isnt really for me.. unless im tryna go 2 bed.

To be honest, I had no idea the time you harvest had an effect on the high...Thats pretty coo to me.

Yeaaa, I just found that out when i started growing/learning about growing.. I never knew that either.. and was really amazed when I found it out.. But i mean obviously.. if you have a plant thats 100% Sativa.. and you harvest it late, when all the trichs are amber.. you will still have a sativa-type high.. just not as intesnse as if u harvested it at 50-50.

Ok so my vote is 8 weeks if that increases the chances of a good high because even though people try to get the most they can out of a grow, I think most homegrowers (of any kind of plant, MJ, tomatoes, whatever) shoot for quality over quanity!! I dont know about others but I would rather have a LITTLE less of some GUD than more of some stuff that really didn't do it for me.

Yeaaa, I'm hoping for 8 weeks too!! And yes.. I would like quality over quantity. Definitely! We will see.. maybe I'll shoot for 8 1/2 weeks...? idk. lol. It sux cuz I wanna just go by the trichs... but idk wether to flush it now.. or next week...? ughhhh... decisions.. decisions.... :confused: lol. OO yea. I'm home too now.. and bustin out the camera to take some pics!! And im also gonna post up the pic of the small sample bud I've got drying. =)

Be back soon with some picssssss

To answer your harvest question: From everything I've been studying about WW, it requires at least 9 weeks, but if you waited the extra 2 weeks, your buds will thank you for it. It's up to you, but if you waited this long and ALL of your other WW seeds died......I'd reach that chick to her fullest potential so that you wouldn't be missing out, but hey, that's just me :)

Yeaa, im thinkin around the 8-9 week time frame.. mostly depends on the trichs.. it just looks like she's finishing up so quickly now!! Orange hairs everywhere.. the trichs are all clear from what I can see. I'll probly flush her the middle of this week.. adn take it from there.. if i need to ill wait out the 10-11 weeks.. im not gonna chop her early if shes not ready..

For your exhuast question:

I live on a second floor apartment. My closet has a space that goes up into the insulation that covers all the apartments that I'm connected to (like 12, total). I can pull fresh air from there, and bring it into my grow room.

For your situation though, it sounds like there is no fresh air there----HOWEVER; you could drill a small, 5-7 inch hole (it can be easily covered with drywall if you are renting and you don't want your land lords to know that you're drilling holes) and then cut ANOTHER 2-3 inch hole somewhere within that extra space that leads to the outside, and viola! You have instant air!

Hmmm. yeaaa, maybe I will give that a try.. see if I can get some fresh air in there. That would be nice.. and yeaa.. i am renting.. but FUCK my landlord.. He sucks! Everyhign looked good wen we moved in.. but then once we started actually "living here" shit started fallin apart...

all the electrical sockets are wicked loose.. like if i plug in a light or anything.. i can gently tug on the wire.. adn it will fall outta the wall... my silverware draws is sitting at an angle.. like wen i push it in.. the back falls down... i opened the cabinet ( i will admint.. i was a little angry at the time...) and the whole thing fucking came off in my hand. .like right off the hinges!.. dishwasher broke.. fridge broke.. ughhh.. the list goes on!!

Soo sadly me putin holes in the wall is NOT a big deal at all... lol. the hosue sux. i mean if you look in my fuckin closet all along the top corner of the wall... theres madd peoples phone #'s written in marker all over it.. wtf!? lol

Your widow is looking amazing dude, seriously don't chop her early if you can avoid it. If anything, if shit goes down, you can always chop it, but if nothing is going down.....why not wait an extra week or two, eh?

Thanks man. Yea I am deff proud of the way she turned out! And i will not chop her till shes completely ready.. wether its at 8/9 weeks.. or 12/13.. ill wait it out.. but if 4 sum reason.. it takes like 12 weeks.. im DEFF gonna take a few samples.. and I will just weigh them wen they're dry.. soo i have the total weight.

Thank you for your kind words about my room. I'm hoping that this set up yields something for me. My original set up was balls to the wall, and then I had to cut it in half (when I took the 2 ballists and the CO2 generator back to the supply shop, I got $850 of credits to my account, and I still have around $280 left to get any misc materials that I'll be needing)

No problem. All the words are true man. Trust me.. i think you'll be VERY happy with your yield. you got a real nice choice of seeds.. and some kick-ass lights.. and a whole room to use... you're good 2 go.. and WOW! $850! Damn.. well heyyy. if you dont end up usin the Co2.. maybe you should just make a few ghetto ones.. like the Co2 generator I have...? it cant hurt right? And thats good you got almost $300 for supplies. Damn... I wish there was a grow show around in my town.. i have no car.. adn the closest one is 1hr and 20 min. away.. =/ I have to get all my shit at Home Depot and Lowes... adn they dont have much of a selection. =/

This hood you definately don't want. It's a freaking awesome hood, but it uses very specific plug ins that are only universal to the makers of this hood (which is why I don't have a ballist for it, the 2 that I had didn't even fit it, see? LoL, another reason they went back), but I have 2 parabolic hoods here that will do the trick until I can buy a cable converter for my other hood (it's a rectangle, I definately want to see my 1000w Ushio bulbs going in there. The parabolics will be wasting light)

Oooo. i seeeee. lol. aiight, just figured I'd ask. Cant wait to get my hps.. probly obly gonna get a 400 watt one tho.. but like I said.. I'll only be growing 2-3 plants.. soo 400 watts will be plenty. =) and I'll stick a fw CFL's around the bottom too.

Check out my grow journal for my newest update, I'm putting it out after I finish this message

Aiiight. Ima go check it out after I take these pics and post them up. Be sure to check back on here soon.. I'll have a bunch of pics.. she is looking better and better each day!! And I gave her a bit of a hair cut.. nothing major. just a few leaves here and there...

What's your opinion on that?? Trimming fan leaves...? It seems to be like 50-50 with everyone wether to do it or not.. well.. actually.. i think MORE people say they cut them off.. Idk.. i think its Ok to cut some off.. I have seen ALOT of grows.. where people cut off almost ALL the fan leaves.. adn their plants are fine... they turn out GREAT! I think maybe next week.. or a little after next week. Ima do a big trim on her.. let some light get to other parts for the last week or so..

Actually.. maybe I'll just cut a few each day..? instead of cuttin a whole bunch at once?? Idk.. what do you think??


But because Widow is 60 indica/40 Sativa, if you harvest it early, you're going to get that indica high, versus harvesting it late and letting that sativa do it's work so that you get a great balance versus a lethargic stone.

Hmmmm.. I always thought it was leaning more towards the Sativa side..? This is what it sais on the Nirvana WEbsite.

Tending toward the Cannabis Sativa side, White Widow produces a buzz that is powerful yet energizing and very social.

Heyy, actually.. now that I re-read ur text.. i think you meant to say 60-sativa and 40-indica. lol. But hmmmm... yeaaa, you got a good point there.... a really good point. did not think of that.. Well, just have to wait it out then. =) Im hoping 9 weeks tho.. I am a VERY VERY impatient person.. REALLY REALLY impatient.. i know i shouldnt be groowing weed if im impatient.. lol. but its fun.. and this is a good way for me to learn to control myself. =D

Ok.. well.. Im takin her out and takin pics now.. They should be up soon.. be sure to check back everyone... Laterrrrr!
Alright. Heres The pics. 1st up are Mary J's pics.. then I took a quick pic of all th eleaves I cut off... I gave her a pretty big haircut today.. I still left PLENTY of leaves.. but I did cut off a shitload of them.. i figured im close enough to the end.. adn this lets ALOT more light shine through... you probably wont even really be able to tell.

And the last pics are the sample bud i snipped. its in a shoe box with a fan drying out.. Wet weight was 1.8 grams.. ill weight it again once its dried.. well heres the pics.. adn im sure your used to this by now... but theres ALOT... i think like 40.. maybe 41/42? lol. Here ya go!

Strain : White Widow
Day : 63 -6 Weeks Flowering


































All the Leaves I Trimmed


**Sample Bud - Before Trim/After Trim, and In Box Drying








Enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyy........... :hump:

:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:NICE JOB!:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
Next time hold a Bic lighter up to one of the buds so we can see exactly how big those beautiful buds are! And send over a smell link so I can get a whiff too! I bet she smells great! LOL :clap::leaf:
Amazing! Can't wait to see the final result*

Thanks man. Yeaaa. I am counting down the days till I get to chop her down!! Cant fuckin WAIT!

:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:NICE JOB!:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
Next time hold a Bic lighter up to one of the buds so we can see exactly how big those beautiful buds are! And send over a smell link so I can get a whiff too! I bet she smells great! LOL :clap::leaf:

Thanks! Yeaa I will do that next picture day. =) Which will be friday. Cuz it is kinda hard to tell the size of the buds from just pics without any comparison. and yeaaa, I wish I could let u smell her. mmmm. She smells GREAT! but still.. no smell unless I touch her...... Really wierd huh? I thought FOR SURE that by now my closet would reek of weed.. but nope.. i open my closet.. adn it doesnt smell at all... just a little bit of hot air.. thats all.? Ooo well, im happy. Dont have 2 waste money tryna stop the smell...