Nirvana's Ice, and DNA's Rocklock, soil grow, from seed.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7 garden 005.jpgAug 7 garden 003.jpgAug 7 garden 007.jpg Okay guys, here's my first attempt at my own grow journal, so let's hope it goes well. So far, so good.

I was off to a bit of a slow start, but things have finally taken off. Those pics are from August 7th and 8th, before I started watering heavily. They're healthy, but growing very slow. They first poked through the soil on the 27th and 28th, so at 10 days old, they're still behind schedule, a little.

The plant on the front left, is DNA Rocklock,(freebie) and the other 5 are Nirvana Ice. All feminized. They are in straight Happy Frog soil, and have been given no nutes. I also threw in a couple pics of the T8's I use to veg,(6,500K) which work great. I've used those cheap $20 T8 shoplights, before, and they just don't cut it. They have crappy reflectors and weak ballasts, which I assume is the reason. IDK, but I do know that these 6-bulb units work great. I actually sold my T5's, and switched back to these. As long as I don't veg more than 18" or so, they work nicely. Okay, on to the pics I took today.....



Well-Known Member
Okay, I'm adding the pics I took an hour ago, 4-5 days after I started watering heavily. I was misting the soil before that, and it wasn't keeping the entire meduim moist. I'm quessing that the soil at the bottom of the cups, was staying dry, for the most part. The difference in growth, is quite substantial. They've really started to take off.

The two clones off to the side, are Crystal, that I got from a buddy of mine. I may keep them, I may not. Haven't decided yet. They might end up outside somewhere.



Well-Known Member
Looks like a good start.
Curious to see how your Nirvana ICE comes out.I'm growing Nirvana's WHITE CASTLE right now,its a cross between their ICE and WHITE WIDOW.

Sub'd to your thread.

Good luck with your grow!


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Well-Known Member
^Awesome man, White Castle sounds like it's going to be a sweet strain, judging by it's parents. It should end up nice and white, when it's finished, like the Crystal I've grown. Awesome looking stuff.

I plan to transplant all those, hopefully tomorrow, so they'll really be taking off, after that. I hope to have them on 12/12 in less than 3 weeks. Hmm....I think I'll go straight to my final sized pots(either 3 or 5 gallon, ain't sure yet), and skip the one gallon pots. That'll save me at least 3 days, by bypassing the middle transplant. Stay tuned.... :cool:


Active Member
would love if you kept the posts up i germinated a rocklock and just put it into soil tonight. like to see how mine might look. its a ufo fem if it survives. did you put plastic baggies on top after you planted? i just started doing that.


Well-Known Member
^Looking good, brother. Excellent job. :cool:

would love if you kept the posts up i germinated a rocklock and just put it into soil tonight. like to see how mine might look. its a ufo fem if it survives. did you put plastic baggies on top after you planted? i just started doing that.
No problem man, I intend to keep this up to date, for the entire grow. It's supposed to be my first grow journal, but I'm not sure if there's any special way I have to have it setup, or designate it as a 'journal'. Hmm...IDK, I guess I'll just keep it as a regular thread, til I figure it

I germed mine in paper towels, put them in soil(after only 24 hours. sweet), and threw them in my humidity done for 2-3 days. When they were about an inch tall, I took them out and put them under full light. The baggies will do the same thing as my humidity done, so I'd say you're on the right track. :)


Well-Known Member
They've really grown in the last 3 days, and are ready for their next sized pot. I was going to transplant tonight, but got Tomorrow, I'll get it done, I

I've been watering every 2 days, the temps have been up to 90* on as few days, but is normally 78-85*, and the RH has been hovering between 30% and 40%. It was 95* for the first 5 days, which is another reason I think they got off to a slow start.

No nutes yet, except one dose of Protekt, a silica additive, at 1/2 strength. This is the first grow that I've used Protekt, from start to finish, so I'm curious to see if it increases dry weight, like the claims. There's other benefits too, but the dry weight, is the one I'm most concerned with.(for obvious

I haven't decided on training yet. I'll probably try a couple different things. I'll top, FIM, maybe supercrop one, and, I'm going to let one or two go naturally. I'm told that Ice is known to have a nice Xmas tree shape, if left untrained, and yields really well. Well see, and compare the results. :cool:


Well-Known Member
More details, that were left out, as of now.....

I will be flowering under a 400 watt, and 600 watt, air-cooled HPS, in a 5' x 4-' area, at approx 4 weeks old, and between 12-18" tall.

I'll also be using a light mover, set to move about 12-18", back and forth over the canopy.

This will be a perpetual grow, with no mother plants kept seperately, at least not for now. I may do that once I've found phenotypes that I want to keep, but for now, it's...take a couple clones from each(1 to 4), wait for them to heal,(5 days or so) then move them to flowering.

I'll be using Dynagro nutes, both "Bloom" and "Grow", along with Protekt(silica). I also use Calmag periodically, and Hygrozyme. I might also experiment with some other nutes, not sure yet, so I'll leave that open. I'll be PH'ing everything between 6.6 and 6.8, with my water being 6.8 out of the faucet, at 35 PPM.

I'll likely be using 3 gallon pots, starting with straight Happy Frog soil, then miving to 50/50 Happy Frog/FF Ocean Forest mix, with about 20% perlite, at the final transplant.

Okay, that's all I can think of, atm, but I'm sure I'll be adding more later. :)


Well-Known Member
Okay, I didn't have these pics when I started this thread, but just got 'em back, so I'm adding them now....

Those are 4 days after sprouting, and were still growing slowly. I figure I lost a week, because I wasn't watering heavily, but, that's under control now, and they're growing like Hopefully, they're ready for 12/12, in 10-14 days. We'll just have to wait and see, eh? :wink:



Well-Known Member
It's almost time to try some training methods. I think I'm going to try a couple, and see the results. Right now, I'm thinking of topping one, FIMing one, supercropping one, LSTing one, and leaving one go naturally. Should be interesting. :cool:

That'll be in a couple days. :)


Well-Known Member
Okay, I ran into some problems here at home, and had a bit of a delay, like 2 weeks. :shock: I didn't have time to take care of them properly, or transplant, so they are still rather small, and showing mild deficiencies starting. Doh! No worries though, I transplanted them from their party cups, to 3 and 5 gallon pots, skippinAug 29 002.jpgg the 1 gallon stage. That was two days ago, and they're looking better already. These pics were taken about 2 hours after the transplant....

Aug 29 001.jpg


Well-Known Member
The lights come on again, in about 4 hours. I'm going to take some new pics, 48 hours after the transplant, and there should be a noticeable improvement. Also, no more delays. I have things under control here at home, and can tend to them properly, again. :cool:

EDIT: The 2 plants on the far right, are some rather sad-looking Crystal clones I got from a friend. They'll take off too, just looking a little grim,


Active Member
I grew out the feminized Rocklock June freebie from Attitude and (to my horror), amidst all my pretty girls, it was a boy.

Cute, but I killed him. Hope you have better luck.


Active Member
my rock lock just died 25 days germination wtf. usually 3-4 max with my seeds from attitude. grew to 2 inches then wiltered. All other seeds started are going fine. 1 low ryder at 2 week 1 at 5 days. What light setup are you using for the tubes? where did you get it and how much was the cost. Also i noticed your stems are reaching up high. usually a sign of the light source being to high.I like to cover that stem with soil and keep the light close. that way you have a little fatter stems. could just be me.


Well-Known Member
^Nah, don't worry, they weren't branching out because they were in party cups.(root constriction) It's day 3 since the transplant to these large pots, so watch and see, they'll look drastically different, a week from now. Here's the lights I'm using... ...they come with 5000K bulbs which work great, but, I've switched to 6,500K bulbs. I had four T5 lights(two-bulb, 4' models) and switched back to the T8's, after I saw them performing the same. The T8s cover more area, less heat, wattage, etc....and still veg great, as long as I don't let 'em get much over 18".(then they start stretching excessively) I plan to veg to about 12" this run, so they should turn out pretty nice.


Well-Known Member
I grew out the feminized Rocklock June freebie from Attitude and (to my horror), amidst all my pretty girls, it was a boy.

Cute, but I killed him. Hope you have better luck.

Wow, thanks for the heads-up. I'll keep a closer eye on 'em, after hearing about your "horror".lol That'd suck to let everything go to shit, because I wrongly assumed too much. Actually, I quit growing a few months ago, because of pollination problems, and even though hermies were the cause, I don't want it to happen again. Two pollinated runs = 30+ ruined plants. Gr......


Well-Known Member
Okay, I just started training method #1, on the Rocklock that was taller than the rest. It's similar to supercropping, but a little less stressful on the plant. Bending the top over like that, forces the plant into a panic state, transferring it's energy to all the branches, sending them racing towards the light. That's the theory, It's a really good way to force your plants to 'bush out', yet still retaining the main cola, because once you release the twist tie, in a week or so, the top will straighten back out, and resume upwards growth. So, you get 'bushy', plus the nice main cola. Sweet.

Tomorrow or the next day, I'll top and/or supercrop a few. I'm kinda waiting for them to recover from the transplant, which was 3 days ago.



Well-Known Member
5 days later, after the transplant....

...they haven't got any taller, and are starting to bush-out nicely, with great internode spacing. Exactly what I wanted. I was off to a slow start, but am happy with the way they are taking off. They should look really nice in a week, and possibly ready for 12/12. The Rocklock that I bent down the top, is starting to branch out, but is stretchier than the Ice. Those things are sweet, branching nicely, with nothing except adequate lighting. No food yet, won't get any til 12/12, unless they tell me otherwise. :cool:

Temps are a little high, currently 86*, humidity just under 40%. Not quite ideal, but they don't seem to be Also, the 2 Crystal clones off to the left, are still looking a little ill, but are finally recoverinmg from their rough start. They should catch up to the others, very soon. :)

