Nirvana's Papaya 400w MH grow.

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info. Yea I would love to see some pics. They are looking even better tonight, really filling out. More pics soon.


Well-Known Member
also thee red stems, dont worry at all imo all of mine have had red in their stems, this new gro im doing so far no red red stems, and im loading them with 8% ca and 5% mg and 10%N

also can be cold temps, imo i also get red if my night temps go below 65 or so


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info. Yea I would love to see some pics. They are looking even better tonight, really filling out. More pics soon.
Isn't it crazy how fast the papaya's start filling out and fattening up? Wait till you see the pics I upload in a few days. I am letting them get a little bigger before showing em off again :).

Keep on truckin'...can't wait to see pics.

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
Here they are. Everything is going well so far. I've been careful not to water too much. Its dry as a bone for the first inch but then I feel a little moisture so I have just let it go for about 4 days now without water and they are still strong. I noticed the stems are now hard and strong. I looked everywhere for some square pots to transplant into but no luck. I have 8 inch round pots now. I can't go any more than 24" so I dont know if I can gain anything by going square. I could move the pots around and put them in a triangle type- o8- Like this. But then I would have to mak another shelf and then center the light in the space. Right now the light is against the wall so I have kept the pots against the wall in a line. Don't mind me I'm thinking while I type. I'll probably just stick with the pots I have all the way since I'm lazy. I hope it doesn't fuck the plants up though. The plant in the middle pic is the LST. I am going to add another stake to hold it down some more in the next few days. Let me know how they look.




Well-Known Member
hey douche, i was looking for square pots too, no luck. so i was thinking about plastic bags, they sell them at the grow shop i deal with.

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
I was thinking along the same lines myself. I wasn't sure if plastic was ok. I thought about the cloth shopping bags maybe. would let oxygen and air in and out of the soil. What do the plastic bags look like? Is there a good place online to find them?


Active Member
hey douche, plants are lookin good man!! What nutes are you using?
I use organic nutrients cause its alot harder to overfertilize. I've been using iguana juice grow, the plants fucking love it.
good luck man all the best

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
I was impatient and all I had was MG potting soil with nutes already in it. I would have liked to have used a regular soil and add different nutes later in the grow. I split it 50/50 with vermiculite though so I wonder if I can use other nutes soon without burning them. I am too scared too try it though.

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
I just found some grow bags on ebay. I bought 10 3 gallon bags for $3. It was from a seller named Hydroponicharry. They should be here in a few days. When should I transplant?


Active Member
ya dude miracle grow is hurtin soil. next time get like a pro-mix.
My buddy used miracle grow witht he nutrient release shit and he was adding nutrients but he had to flush them all the time.
Its easy to over do it. If you do add nutrients, i'd go organic.

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
Last night before bed I did a few thing to the 2 plants that aren't LST'd. I topped the little shoots coming out of the very tops and then I loosened up the stems. What I did was grab the top of the stem under the the first node and then at the bottom with my other hand. The stems were real hard and woody. Then I started twisting back and forth. I could feel it getting easier the more I did it. After a few times it felt softer like it was before it hardened. I was very surprised with how tough they are. I was able to twist them almost all the way around and it didn't even come close to snapping. I checked on them tonight and they were showing no signs of any wilting or damage to the babies. Hopefully I did the twisting right and the stems will heal up and become nice and thick. any thoughts on when to transplant from my 8" pots to the 3 gallon grow bags? Thanks and keep watching.


Well-Known Member
hey douche, thanks for the ebay lead. i grew in miracle grow with nutes before. it's not all evil, but you do need to be careful watering. you don't want to over water, it breaks the nute balls open. do not flush. i bought a moisture meter, takes all the guess work out of it.


Well-Known Member
papiya is very nice btw if u havnt grown before i didnt read soory im in a rush tonight neways good luck bro !!


Well-Known Member
any thoughts on when to transplant from my 8" pots to the 3 gallon grow bags?
I've read that the best time is a week before switching to 12/12. In my case, I am transplanting after the plants show sex. I want to root out the males first so I don't transplant males and then waste top soil. I am using nothing but Fox Farm Ocean Forest...and it's not cheap, so I don't want to waste it.

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
Just a quick update. Everything seems to be going pretty good still. I did notice a little bit of a change in color on the lower leaves on the plants that I twisted. I am assuming that maybe its concentrating on repairing the stem and taking away from the leaves for now but then again I am talking out of my ass and really have no idea. The LST plants lower node is starting to grow straight up like its supposed to. I'll get some pics up later to show you.

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
I'm a little concerned today. The very bottom leaves, not the first that show up out of the dirt, but the first single finger leaves are drying up and curling and the top leaves are sort of saggy and seem lighter in color. I wonder if I could give them some nutes to help them or if it is the MG soil is fucking them up. I'll post some pics tomorrow if it gets worse.


Well-Known Member
I tried MG soil and my plants grew awesome for a month but then they started yellowing like yours are. Also most MG soil feeds with time released nutrientents and you don't want that b/c you can't control what your plant is getting or how long they veg for b/c mg soil feeds for veg 2-6 months depending on which u bought.

hope it helps

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
Yea, I should have found other soil but all anyplace around here has is that crap. I am waiting for my 3 gallon grow bags to get here anytime now so I think I'll try to find soil without nutes and transplant right away. I would have liked to wait a little while to do so but I want to get them out of there.