Nirvana's Papaya 400w MH grow.

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
I got my grow bags in today and was psyched. I ran down to the local Blue Seal store and looked for a good soil. All they had for regular sized bags was MG. But they had profesional grade soil mix with NO NUTES in it. It is a mixture of soil, perlite, vermiculite and sand. I figured it would work alright. The only thing is that it comes in 3.5 cubic foot bundles that are compressed into a bale. It cost $20.95 so it wasn't that bad. It will last a long time. I broke up a bunch of it and was nice and light with plenty of perlite and very little debris like sticks. I transplanted my 3 plants into the 3 gallon bags and it was time for it. The roots were all the way down to the bottom of the 8" pot and looking for more dirt. I've heard that Papaya, although short, have a very large root system. Hopefully this will help my plants out. You can see in the picture the dying leave at the bottom. now that its out of the MG I hope it heals. Should I give it lots of water after the transplant or wait a day? You will also notice the new growth coming where I topped it last week. I like the bags already. I can pack the together a lot better than the round pots. Well worth the $3.




Well-Known Member
hey douche, looking good. i think the soil you got will do you a fine job. i'm going to the local grow shop monday for my bags.

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
Its been a while since I posted. I've been staight out at work and the plants were slowed right down after the transplant. I think now that the plants are out of the MG soil they should do much better. I noticed they have been real slow compared to others I see But as long as they live they can take as long as they need. The first picture is of the LST. It is doing real good. It has all kinds of branches coming up now and is really taking off. The other 2 are doing better now too. They seem to have gotten their color back. I watered them the other day and got water on the leaves of one of them and forgot to shake it off. There you can see spots now on the leaves. I started giving them Shultz nutes last weekend. It is a liquid concentrate 10-15-10. I looked everywhere for different nutes other than MG and thats the only other type I could find. It was at Home Depot. I also have a small project to do this weekend. I work construction and found some left over galvanized square duct today. I cut it up and made a new light hood with 4" holes on each end for the air flow and its nice and shiny inside. All I need to do is take the plexiglass off of the wooden one I made as well as the elbows at the ends. Should go pretty easily. I also have aluminum tape to seal up the whole deal. We'll check back in this weekend and show you what I made.




Well-Known Member
hey douche, they look healthy enough. but they do seem slower. are you feeding them yet? are you ph ing your water?

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
I wasn't feeding them before the transplant because of the miracle grow soil I used. I didn't want to risk burning them (which happened anyway). After the transplant I gave it plain water for a few days then went to distilled water with shultz 10-15-10 liquid nutes. I mixed it about 1/2 strength. I think a combination of the burning from the soil, the topping and the transplant all about the same time it put everything on hold in the plants and now I am noticing a lot of growth from day to day. The picture of the plant in the middle doesn't do it justice to how dark green it is. It is so much darker than the other 2 for some reason. Later.

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
I got pretty stoned tonight and played around with my google Sketch-Up drafting program to design the new light hood. Program works pretty good. Figured I'd put it up just for shits to show how its made.



Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
I put together my new light hood today. I figured I would get it done before the kids got home from school. It didn't take too long to do and works real good. I noticed a big difference in the light output now that there is reflective metal instead of cheap wood. None of the whole setup has cost me a dime so far. The light was a gift and all of the materials were found at jobsites I have been on and collected over the years. I used really nice aluminum tape to seal up all of the seams. The plants are back up to speed again. They change by the day now and are getting bigger finally. Tell me what you think about everything and any improvements you feel could be made and it will be appreciated.:joint:



Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
I have a small fan that I took apart and fit into an old plastic jug to act as an inline fan. Its not as ballsy as I would like so I am going to find something better this weekend. Hopefully cheap. I'm trying to keep this as ghetto as possible. Anything I can make for cheap is better than buying.


Well-Known Member
I have a small fan that I took apart and fit into an old plastic jug to act as an inline fan. Its not as ballsy as I would like so I am going to find something better this weekend. Hopefully cheap. I'm trying to keep this as ghetto as possible. Anything I can make for cheap is better than buying.
I'm interested to see what you come up with. Right on.:shock:

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
Here they are. Thanks to whoever gave me a +1 rep for the ghetto hood. I used to have +5 then I made a comment on another thread about having to put kittens to sleep and a couple bitches took away 10 points! I had -5 after that. Anyway, I like the way the new hood has been working. I had my aerogarden hood laying around so I hung it up verticaly next to the plants to give some extra light down low. They are doing better now and growing fast. I gave it nutes twice in a row as an expirement and you'll see a little burn on the very tips, so I flushed them with distilled water yesterday. The middle plant is taller and darker than the others so I hope it isn't a male. The tall one was about 6" tall and the other one was about 5". The LST plant I have no clue how tall it would be. It's growing real fast also and the colas are growing out of the stock nicely. There you go and see ya later.



Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
I took a quick picture tonite. It is looking good now. The stems are getting nice and fat and strong. The leaves are getting bigger by the minute. They are a nice color and I think the nute burn was real minor. if that was what the problem was. It could have been just a fluke. I closed up the seams on the closet door today with weather stripping to keep the light out when I start to flower. The picture I took is of the bigger plant. Since the topping there is now 3 nice colas going. I marked them out and made a point to say that balls will not be allowed. Later.


Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
Merry Christmas everyone (late). I have had a bad cold all week and felt like crap. The plants are getting nice and bushy now. They have a nice wide canopy up top and the aerogarden hood down low is really helping the lower nodes. They are at about 9 inches now so when they hit 12" its flowertime. I'm gonna do the 36 hours of dark before. Seemed to work well for you guys. I'm going to go with the Schultz blooming formula. I forgot what the npk is but its close to all the others. I'll take some pics tonight or tomorrow. They are starting to smell now too. Obviuosly not the flowering smell but the nice plant smell. It fills the closet up and when the door opens it welcomes you.

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
Here is a quick picture of one of my babies. Getting really bushy now. They are a lot darker green than in th picture. I'll probably be flowering in a week or so. Do you think it will be ready? I think so. one side of the plant is a little taller than the other so I'll turn it 180 and I think it will shoot right up real quick. Let me know if you think I should flower. Each plant has at least 3 good strong stalks to branch out and bud. I also took a lower branch today and cut it off and stuck it in a cup of water and onto the top shelf of the grow closet. I wanted to try it to see if it rooted and if the plant is a female then I know I have at least one to use as a mother. Here ya go.



robert 14617

Well-Known Member
they look fantastic papaya was the first seeds i tried to buy from nirvana they were scooped by definitely subscribed looking forward to seeing your progress...rob


Well-Known Member
hey douche, i started flowering mine when they hit 12", that was on dec. 2, today i measured them at 24, 21, and 16 inches today, the short one i topped.
your plants are looking great, hopefully you get all girls.

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
Welcome aboard robert. If you read from the first post on you'll see the shear stupidity these things have endured. The one that is LST'd I saved from my AG and is at least 3 months old. The other 2 were victim of my own newb expirements. Kevin I've been watching yours also and man they are looking AWESOME. Very impressed. I hope at least one of mine is a female or I'll have a hard time justifying another grow to the old wife. Yes, she is in charge, I have come to accept that. They shot up another inch since the pic from yesterday. The LST plant is even faster than that. More pics soon.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
well douch nozzel lookin fine your gong to have something to be proud of soon enough +rep and im 44 years old so that should tell you there will always be time for growing ,keep the peace in the family