No. 1 Grow Auto Blue Mystic (Nirvana) [Cabinet] {CFL}, Hydro; |Wicking|

Thanks for posting up this journal. I plan on growing this strain when I relocate in a couple months. It will be my first grow, minus an unsuccessful attempt dashed by falling lights. Also, it's interesting that you mention LST, as I also plan on LSTing my girls. Can't wait to see how it goes for both of us.

They're looking real good. Thanks again for sharing.
Dear god. It wont fucking stop. I miss the tiny fucked up plant I had XD

Haha I am pretty sure mines not getting much taller. Its in a 1g pot with intentions of keeping small but didnt expect it to be THAT small lol 7/8". You soil setup allows the roots to go sooo far.
Haha I am pretty sure mines not getting much taller. Its in a 1g pot with intentions of keeping small but didnt expect it to be THAT small lol 7/8". You soil setup allows the roots to go sooo far.

YES I'm glad I got this rectangular pot, I actually have another I need to start growing in soon that way I can harvest all 4 before I move XD.

Thanks for posting up this journal. I plan on growing this strain when I relocate in a couple months. It will be my first grow, minus an unsuccessful attempt dashed by falling lights. Also, it's interesting that you mention LST, as I also plan on LSTing my girls. Can't wait to see how it goes for both of us.

They're looking real good. Thanks again for sharing.

Falling lights almost ruined my oldest plant. It bounced back as you can see, because I fucking sleep next to them and heard the light fall. If at all possible, dont use duct tape *still using duct tape*
Also, Im realizing that I am quite lazy, so my LSTing wont be all that intense. I will just try to fill in space when I harvest middle plant.

Pictures soon.
I seriously get a boner when I look at my closet sweetheart.

Days 42 and 14

(babies first)
Bud closest to doorstumblr_m70zxrA3u81rsopteo3_1280.jpgDoor Bud view 2tumblr_m70zxrA3u81rsopteo4_1280.jpg
Hahaha that might have to go in my sig. Nice lookin buds fillin in. I love watching it develop every day when I check after work.
Day 50 for oldest plant!
Smaller plants will be highlighted again after I harvest this one.
On a side note, I've got spearmint germinating like crazy finally.(was having issues with it earlier)

I'm getting some yellowing of the bottom leaves, however I am not concerned at all.

Exciting development. At day 23 the smaller plants are showing preflowers. Compared to the oldest ones day 30. Pictures will be shown when they are easier to see.
Okay! In about 10 minutes I need you all to look at my buds and let me know if harvesting now would be a good idea!

From what I understand, 80% of brown pistils is a good time to harvest.
Nice! I was gona post here and see how ur gals are doin. Have u looked at the trichs up close? Turns out at my work theres a nice ass microscope im gona try out in a few days. No idea why we have one haha.
Go to fleet or gander mtn and get a cheapo rifle scope. not sure if itl work but at least ul have a scope for something? hah.
You seem to have new hairs growing. Loos like your buds are still growing. The trics are the indicator. I'd wait till 3/4 of the trics have a brown tint but not dark brown. I picked up one of these on ebay

Works awesome and easy to hand hold as you scope around the plant. At only $3 you could afford to have it expressed shipped. I resisted the urge to cut too early and my buds were much larger. Looking good.
WELL bad news. I couldnt fucking wait. Good news is I already have 2 plants into flowering. (day 32 for them been flowering for over a week)
I went ahead and cut the lady I had. These next ones I will let reach their full potential. I just really need to get high asap. Its been since Nov 2011. Thats too fucking long guys. So understand my rush to harvest XD.

Thanks for the link Houndag!