No. 1 Grow Auto Blue Mystic (Nirvana) [Cabinet] {CFL}, Hydro; |Wicking|

aw you should of waited atleast a week or 2. grats on first finish. :) make those next ones reach their full potential, as you put it.

show some pics of what you harvested :)
Congrats on ur first chop i bet it was exciting! Im closing in on the cut for my lil girl. (probably not too much different from ur yield haha) Picsssss
did u burn any yet lol. I cut mine a week ago ish and it doesnt really have a danky smell but still drying/curing. humidity has been high
Lol dude. I've almost smoked it all already XD. But here is a sneak peak at my next harvest.
Day 50
The burns are from lights falling.
After I get these two out Im setting up a more permanent lighting solution :D
Well, I have basil mint and rosemary growing around my house to cover anything seeping out my window or door. The house smells a lot like weed because Im not even trying to stop it right now.
Its a moderate odor. You can walk in my house an tell there is cannabis somewhere.

As for when I will harvest...Im thinking day 70. Depends.
lookin awesome man, about to start my blue mystic outdoor, Any suggestions?

using 50 gal pots
worm castings
coconut husks
fish emulsion
compost (kitchen scraps)
normal buy at the nursery top soil (but im in thailand >.< so its goood ass soil)

as fat as nutrients go i have;
organic fish fert.
and compost tea.

waiting for the post man is KILLING ME!
lookin awesome man, about to start my blue mystic outdoor, Any suggestions?

using 50 gal pots
worm castings
coconut husks
fish emulsion
compost (kitchen scraps)
normal buy at the nursery top soil (but im in thailand >.< so its goood ass soil)

as far as nutrients go i have;
organic fish fert.
and compost tea.

waiting for the post man is KILLING ME!
^ that sounds very good,Not sure about the kitchen scraps compost though,Any perlite in there too?

-C That Cat?:dunce: