no lighter..what to do


Well-Known Member
Alright so im in the process of getting drunk..dont judge me
And i realized i dont have a lighter, i used up all my matches last time this happened, so im outa luck there.
Normally in this situation i would light a blunt off the stovetop but all i got is a pipe... how should i proceed in igniting this bowl, any ideas welcome


Well-Known Member
Alright paper burned pretty quick, but i found some twine and wrapped it around a stick. Since it just glowed unlike the paper on fire it was a pain but i im successful.
And i would have bought one, but its good friday (i think) and cops are out and about.

Aww damn woody. Qtip was genious


Well-Known Member
a really tightly rolled piece of newspaper

a gun for the cops

and an excellent thread on t'n't :)
good luck lol


Well-Known Member
pube hairs

what you do is cum on a pile of it take a rolling pin and flatten it out

let it dry over night

it will be like paper

NOW you just put your shit in it roll it, like it, light it but make sure you get all the aroma in too or its pointless

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
jail house light

take a pencil and get the lead out of it, take some toilet paper. You put a piece of lead in each of the wall outlet holes(not ground) make a T with a piece of lead thru the toilet paper, the lead is the top of the T. touch the T to the 2 leads sticking out of wall socket, viola, FIRE.

careful you don't shock yourself putting the lead in the small outlet hole, it's live BTW