The info isn't really legit. Problem 1: bitching about testers being sold...don't buy them- I didn't. They are labeled as testers, if you don't know that there are possible issues with testers, then you are an idiot. Problem 2: credit card-- this is still illegal on a federal level. If you are using a debit/credit card in your name attached to your bank account...you are an idiot. Problem 3: why not take down credit card- because some people with common sense or not so common decided that they could use a prepaid and get their beans quicker, less hastle.You are right. You were not quoting me. But you were in fact using a quote from someone else to openly ask a question on a public forum. I am not on a Chinese restaurant forum so I can't comment on your brilliant analogy. This is however a cannabis forum and the bitching you are referring to actually seems to be legit info that people might actually be interested in before buying.
I'm not trying to get anyone fired up. It just seems these so-called problems are created by the ones complaining.