No more vapes for me, nightmare of experience!

hellmutt bones

Well-Known Member
If u do one hitters, why would you do 8-10 vapes?

1-2 vapes and im stoned. Also how big is ur oven cus if u put 1 gram its not gonna affect u as bad as if u put 2 grams.
Also vaping can be stronger to some ppl.


Well-Known Member
I took 8-10 hits with about .2 grams of ground weed in a portable vaporizer which is not too powerful. But the effects were clear: I started with 2 - 3 hits, with a one hitter I would have been having a light but certain high but with the vape I just had sedated calm effects, then I took more hits and that sent me directly to hell with no good in between.

So that's shit, I'm getting either a light sedative effect or a hell of a nightmare, it is black and white, no grays. That shit is for Cancer patients, I'm staying with the old-fashioned stuff, it has always worked for so many of us.


Well-Known Member
I don't like vaping either, makes me feel like what you were describing. Bongs usually hit really hard and choke you up. You should try a bubbler, its like a pipe that has water in it so you can't hit it too hard like a bong but the water still filters some of the harshness out.
See? He had the same effects. For me it was black and white, no in betweens.

Yeah, I ordered a jetflash smoking system now.


Well-Known Member
I allways said Street weed is shit weed.

There was a guy in my city apparently because he smoked weed it made him hack an old woman with a axe????!!! That's same as what you had bad weed lol sorry for you to experience thatl
street weed does that to people all the time, thanks for mentioning it, really. i'm sure it was the weed.

op you're on the right track with vape, you just have no experience with it or weed.


I hope your relationship with marijuana improves my dude. Maybe just hold onto the vaporizer and try it out again when you're a seasoned stoner lol


Well-Known Member
I just think the following: Vaping does not release all substances at once, some of these substances are bad but some are good and help to balance some of the effects. I could buy an expensive vape and play with the heat settings to find something that suits me but it would be an investment, etc.

For starters, the weed I buy is more Indica, on top of that, the vape is releasing more of the Indica related compounds and very little of the already small energetic sativa compounds in the weed.
It will depend on the strain of course, but my theory is that through vaping you will lose much of the sativa compounds.

In reality, I'm just a curious person, I'm not a sick patient so I will stick with what works and go with some water filtration to avoid that nasty tart to build up inside of me and that's it.

Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
Lmao good luck mate just don't cry, joints are best thing for not a heavy smoker or daily smokers because it's mixed tobacco yeah its tar and shiznit but the point is you can feel the drag that you smokeand it's only small puff and oxygen....
Or I would suggest eating it it's allot smoother than ducking a full lung load of vamped bud with no oxygen... Don't drink rum if you can't handle WKD.


Well-Known Member
I agree with most of the above, I would also add that temperature is a very powerful variable in vaping. Lower temp hits will provide flavorful hits with more uplifting highs, higher temps the opposite (I think at higher temps the THC is converted to CBN, giving the couchlock effect?). Knowing the device and the symptoms you describe, that may be the most likely culprit. I would say if you feel like trying again you should use the lowest temp, it will give you the most happy effect. Also there's always strain to consider, I know I avoid Super Lemon Haze because it gets me too racey and anxious.
I think some kind of water tool will help some with throat irritation, just be careful you don't get more than you thought in a hit. Sometimes it can be so much smoother than a joint you can hurt yourself. You already know that's no fun....
I have a pheno of slh that is more indica dominant in the high.
.it is actually my go to strain because of its strength and relaxing,sedative. Effect


Well-Known Member
I guess everyone's different, when I ask people about which alcohol gives you the less hangover most people say Vodka and that Rum is the worst hangover. However, for me it's the other way around, Vodka totally kills me and Rum is very friendly to me.

Could be the same for vapes, perhaps they give too much THC and many people's bodies like this but perhaps my body needs the other elements too in order to balance it.


Well-Known Member
I'm back, I used my one hitter with the bubbler I made from a plastic bottle and the effects are the same as with the one hitter, except it didn't hurt my throat, it still tasted like tart though, I don't know if a better bubbler can fix this and actually give you a taste of the weed cuz to me it tastes like smoke.

I guess that's one of the good things about the vape, the flavor. Other than that I prefer the smoke high, I feel very similar as with the vape on the first level except that I have a tiny bit more energy and feel less sedated, it lasts less though.


Well-Known Member
Hi guys, shit I'm so confused now!

I ground the weed, place it in the vaporizer on the first setting, took 2 long hits on the first heat setting and went out, then 15 mins later took other 2 hits on the first heat setting and for the rest of the day I had a really cool experience that lasted about 4 hours. I mostly walked in the beautiful city of Prague and had very deep insights about life, at the end of the day I reached St. Vitus Church and for the first time they had mass, I entered and they started playing the organ, trumpets and singing, it felt incredibly good and the organ sounded very medieval, I stayed for the whole hour and left very satisfied, plus the church was a living museum, I mean, I have visited it many times before but this time it was something amazing.

So the lethargic effects seem to be more due to the weed and not due to the method, not a high though, I wonder if a high is only achieved with sativa. Under the first heat setting in the vaporizer it was not so lethargic as in other occasions were I didn't even feel like talking, definitely mostly Indica in the weed, but yeah, the introspection was great and lasted for 4 hours, I don't think smoking can last that long, so now I have a jetflash smoking system arriving soon which I will probably don't need!

The only good news is that I found a dealer who claims to sell homegrown stuff and having different varieties, I will see him tomorrow, hopefully he will have good Sativa stuff.
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Well-Known Member
Dayum son!

"So I bought 2.5 grams"

How? My guy would smack me up side the head and give it to me for free. We smoke more than that in one sitting while talking about the latest u-tube stupidity.
Last time I was that light was ...... 1992? I got no advice, I fear anything I tell you would leave you drooling on the floor for 13 hours giggling helplessly.


Well-Known Member
sounds like the OP cant handle his smoke.

Ive had my Volcano vape for almost 10 years and never had a bad experience once.


Well-Known Member
Damn, the damn dealer I was going to meet for the first time didn't show up. This sucks, to be dealing with these retard criminals, that's why I need to grow my own, stupid government.