California is going to fuck it up for all of us.. yay prop 19!
Voting no on a bad prop to tax and regulate is what were doing that is setting a bad example for the rest of the world??? I'm sure you could think of at least 50 things were doing to set a bad example but I don't think this is oneRofl... I have been to cali more then 10 times was born in Reno and raised, have lived in Arizona and Texas then moved to Canada to live with my fiance. California is going to fuck this prop over and will set a bad example for the rest of the world.
Rofl... I have been to cali more then 10 times was born in Reno and raised, have lived in Arizona and Texas then moved to Canada to live with my fiance. California is going to fuck this prop over and will set a bad example for the rest of the world.
Voting no on a bad prop to tax and regulate is what were doing that is setting a bad example for the rest of the world??? I'm sure you could think of at least 50 things were doing to set a bad example but I don't think this is one
Voting no on a bad prop to tax and regulate is what were doing that is setting a bad example for the rest of the world??? I'm sure you could think of at least 50 things were doing to set a bad example but I don't think this is one
Had the prop allowed unlimited grow space and mass profits, the anti-19 crowd would be minuscule.... It seems that more and more, it is big growers that are against 19. Ironic...
Wrong again-that is what 19 does which is why I oppose it, it allows huge grows and huge profitsHad the prop allowed unlimited grow space and mass profits, the anti-19 crowd would be minuscule.... It seems that more and more, it is big growers that are against 19. Ironic...
unfortunately politicians love huge profits, the only reason that prop 215 was passed, in order to make money off of taxing for the ethics involved with lying to a doctor, I would say it is an analogy, if you were pulled oveand asked if you were high would you tell the truth and get a dui?! point is that if the truth debilitates your quality of life, who in their right mind would tell it?Wrong again-that is what 19 does which is why I oppose it, it allows huge grows and huge profits
You have no marijuana rights under current law, unless you are seriously ill and marijuana has been determined to ease your suffering. That is the black and white of it, period.
"She's another that sees random testing as the only corporate response to Prop 19."
She is seriously in trouble in that case because Prop 19 precludes random drug testing, at least as it currently exists. Current testing identifies metabolites, not THC, and does not establish impairment or intoxication. Most large companies already do random drug testing because they are forced to do so by the fed under the "drug free workplace" law, so if she manages 20,000 employees she is awfully late to the game if her company does not already do random drug testing.
You think P19 will eliminate current practices?
Personally, I think the corporate world will spend whatever is necessary to insure profits.
Her company has large, powerful unions that would not allow that chip to hit the table. Politics.
Their policy is to treat everyone equally, so management isn't randomly tested, either.
My own union sold out to insure raises that helped cover increasing medical costs, nearly 20 years ago. Politics.
Her company is self insured which means their rules are even more difficult to overcome.
The unions will lose, on this one.
maybe, but how will you know if 19 isn't passed?
there seems to be less complaining about 19's employment protections then other parts
this would be a major change in MJ rights, even in California
if you think all the aspects of 19 can be twisted, then no proposition has a chance, not ever
You think P19 will eliminate current practices?
Personally, I think the corporate world will spend whatever is necessary to insure profits.
Her company has large, powerful unions that would not allow that chip to hit the table. Politics.
Their policy is to treat everyone equally, so management isn't randomly tested, either.
My own union sold out to insure raises that helped cover increasing medical costs, nearly 20 years ago. Politics.
Her company is self insured which means their rules are even more difficult to overcome.
The unions will lose, on this one.
There are NO employment protections in Prop. 19. Nothing in Prop. 19 CAN supersede Federal drug testing mandates for businesses. Please stick to screwing up your own state.
Wrong again-that is what 19 does which is why I oppose it, it allows huge grows and huge profits