No sex indication

Sam Diegro

I thought you were referring to those. I'll wait a day, let the anticipation build and take a closer look. I'll post update. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Don't jump to conclusions just yet, it grows like a girl but can easily still be a boy.

When you find something like the other folks are describing, photograph it and post. The closer you can get while remaining crystal clear the better.

Sam Diegro

Yeah. I haven't quite embraced the "diagnosis" yet. Remaining very optimistic. I'll try to post better pic. How do you upload pics that retain their dimensions? Anybody?


if that picture was originally larger than 800x600 try using MS paint or something to crop that area down smaller and it should make it more clear when uploaded here cause the forum will resize pics that are too big and that can make it hard to see.