Node Swapping.


Well-Known Member
i was wondering about taking clones from a female and replacing with male cuttings, but i think they would still produce seeds? or maybe take a female strain, and graft a male dif strain onto it and let it pollonate itself then cut the male part off so it doesnt pollonate the other females?
This is an interesting idea. Perhaps you could do something similar to how wine grapes are grown:

Wine grapes are often two different plants between the roots (which supply food) and the leaves (which produce the fruits). Wine grape growers graft the desired fruiting strain onto "root stock". The "root stock" is typically a strain of grapes that is highly adapted to the local environment and stays in the soil for generations and acts as the roots for the plant as a whole. This way, the desired fruiting variety is given a strong supply of nutrients from a usually more virile strains roots. The fruiting variety grafted to the root stock can be changed as desired, while the root stock remains in the soil indefinitely and after generations of growing becomes quite big, feeding the fruiting grafts quite nicely.

Typically, cannabis males are more virile, more vigorous growers. Maybe you could use a good strong male as root stock, and graft female shoots for flowering.

Personally, I've never been inclined to fuss with grafting cannabis, because as previously stated it is an annual, it dies after bearing fruit.
That is a good idea, basically replace the male nodes on the plant with female ones, maybe they would grow larger and faster producing more bud.


Active Member
yup simple grafting works on most things try an mj plant to a tomato plant see what happens

This is scientifically impossible. Grafting can only be done between members of the same plant family. This is also a very hard process to do with herbaceous plants like MJ. All of these nursery grafts people are talking about are done on dormant woody plants.

Jack Larson

Active Member
vh13 is right, theyre are only two valid reasons for doing this, that I can see, one is if you had a weak root system on an otherwise stable strain, you could graft to a plant with a better root structure. The other is plant cuont ,to comply with local laws this method wuold allow you to have multiple strains on one plant = one mother! Other than that just because you can does'nt mean you should just ask my birdog.


Well-Known Member
vh13 is right, theyre are only two valid reasons for doing this, that I can see, one is if you had a weak root system on an otherwise stable strain, you could graft to a plant with a better root structure. The other is plant cuont ,to comply with local laws this method wuold allow you to have multiple strains on one plant = one mother! Other than that just because you can does'nt mean you should just ask my birdog.
lol you REALLY want someone to ask you about your avatar dont you? But to the person that started this thread i just wanted to say that grafting has been discussed on this site many times, this question comes up all the time, just like the other guy said the only way that grafting would be at all practical or useful would be having a multi strain mother. since it supposedly takes 10 to 12 weeks for a grafted branch to start growing again it would be a big waste of time for any purpose other then making a multi strain mother. dont get me wrong though grafting is hella cool, maybe you have the time and space and you want to try it in a just for fun or proof of concept kind of way, that would be really cool and if thats what you decide to do then make damn sure you start a grow journal.
i was going to just do it to fuck around and experiment with, but i didnt know it takes so much time to do so.
I am however going to try the multi strain mother plant, im thinking an ak-47 main plant, with critical mass, blueberry bubblegum, blockhead,white widow, and ak-48 grafted on. i have the time and space im currently using a 15x15 foot room to grow in, plenty of space. gonna have the mother under a 400w MH. ill definently do a grow journal tho. thanks for all the info on grafting also + rep to larson and phister :-o
My plan for doing the multi strain mother is, take the largest/strongest stem system female plant for the main host. Then attach all the new cuttings, and im going to graft a different top onto the plant as well.
I think im gonna call her frankenstrain.
keep a look out on my stuff within the next few weeks or so for the start of the grow journal on this (:


Well-Known Member
My plan for doing the multi strain mother is, take the largest/strongest stem system female plant for the main host. Then attach all the new cuttings, and im going to graft a different top onto the plant as well.
I think im gonna call her frankenstrain.
keep a look out on my stuff within the next few weeks or so for the start of the grow journal on this (:
I want to watch
Im going to start journaling the grow this weekend.
i have 26 2 week old seedlings ill pick out the best one or i might use a definent female clone i have. most likely the clone.