Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

Here let me seriously be smart now..We are all gods. We are young ignorant gods. We will keep on growing more knowledge and wisdom throughout eternity. All science is a bunch of nonsense since it doesn't go along with my beliefs. Now I'm smart.. Yay!!
Damnit Hep! I was expecting a long winded response of you trying to prove something your not lol Maybe this time around =p. I love how you are bipolar with your beliefs, first you were a blind crusader, then militant atheist, that was quite a twist. Some people do some soul searching when they drop such beliefs but I guess its difficult to come up with your own answers when you got a group of people telling you whats what, kinda like when you were a kid and learning about...You know what... Never mind lol No need to bring that up. Im just glad you seem comfortable with what you "know", beliefs do that for ya.
Damnit Hep! I was expecting a long winded response of you trying to prove something your not lol Maybe this time around =p. I love how you are bipolar with your beliefs, first you were a blind crusader, then militant atheist, that was quite a twist. Some people do some soul searching when they drop such beliefs but I guess its difficult to come up with your own answers when you got a group of people telling you whats what, kinda like when you were a kid and learning about...You know what... Never mind lol No need to bring that up. Im just glad you seem comfortable with what you "know", beliefs do that for ya.
....Said the nutjob that believes we're young gods.
Explain yourself then, he does have a point. The bible just says stuff and so is he, only difference is it's past down from generation and he is just saying stuff to make an example, proof says alot.

Not sure why this god/faith discussion is still going, you either believe or you don't, move on already. People die because of stupid people, move on.

/end thread
You either kill in the name of your god or you don't.. Meh.

:) :)
....Said the nutjob that believes we're young gods.
Oooo more harsh retaliation with the same insult that he started out with instead of an argument lol this broken record is telling me to be original, Im glad Im making things clear to you at least. Defend yourself with another insult, you parrot, or attack my beliefs some more because you know im right about your reasoning process.
Oooo more harsh retaliation with the same insult that he started out with instead of an argument lol this broken record is telling me to be original, Im glad Im making things clear to you at least. Defend yourself with another insult, you parrot, or attack my beliefs some more because you know im right about your reasoning process.
.... Said the nutjob that believes we're young gods.
I love when you first started this quest for truth. You said critical thinking has helped improve your "spelling" lol Im sure if you knew the definition of literacy back then, you would of used that word instead.
I love when you first started this quest for truth. You said critical thinking has helped improve your "spelling" lol Im sure if you knew the definition of literacy back then, you would of used that word instead.
Getting harder to insult me? It's ok man, you're just a young god for now. Soon you'll be as powerful as my unicorn.
Getting harder to insult me? It's ok man, you're just a young god for now. Soon you'll be as powerful as my unicorn.

LOL Says the nutjob whos on repeat... Hep will forever be told what to think by a group of people that he appeals to, poor fellow thinks that its him that came to the conclusion that hes now at.
LOL Says the nutjob whos on repeat... Hep will forever be told what to think by a group of people that he appeals to, poor fellow thinks that its him that came to the conclusion that hes now at.
Funny, most people would call the person who believes we're gods that aren't mature a nutjob. But not you, nope. You call the person who gives an honest "I don't know" to questions he doesn't know the answer to a nutjob.

I believe we have wasted enough space in this thread for now. If you want to come up with more petty attacks, PM me and I'd be happy to show you how your beliefs are whack. Later.

Edit: Hell, you can even insult me in MY thread (not pads).. "stuff..things..ideas". It should serve me some pointless entertainment.
Funny, most people would call the person who believes we're gods that aren't mature a nutjob. But not you, nope. You call the person who gives an honest "I don't know" to questions he doesn't know the answer to a nutjob.

I believe we have wasted enough space in this thread for now. If you want to come up with more petty attacks, PM me and I'd be happy to show you how your beliefs are whack. Later.

Awe cute, your pretending you dont have beliefs. You BELIEVE there is no god, Hep, dont lie. Thats how you were raised, you were raised to believe what people tell you, raised to be in a labeled group. You were a kid, accepted the first explanation of life that was given to you, kept that ridiculous explanation for a while until you finally caught on. Dropped, then it was almost like you were a kid again, fresh mind! But sadly, people came and told you whats what, and you accepted it, just repeated the process with no original thought... Im quite fine with keeping the discussion here, thanks =) unless this is the last word.
I'm not sure what you're getting at, you're attempting to apply some kind of false negative correlation to the application of knowledge, the same which you yourself use to understand reality. The way we know things is by learning from others. If you grew up in this world never having any contact with humans, you would remain feral;

Generally within communities of social animals, we learn from those we befriend, trust, respect.. Which would be my guess why not many people learn much from you.

Anyway, like I said, that negative correlation is false, you haven't demonstrated how it's better or worse to gain knowledge by yourself or using resources outside yourself. But I know I probably couldn't come up with calculus myself like Isaac Newton did, and I probably couldn't build a car or invent vaccines... So already we see that if people had to each start from the very beginning, only learning from themselves, we likely wouldn't be very far, probably not even at the top of the food chain.
I'm not sure what you're getting at, you're attempting to apply some kind of false negative correlation to the application of knowledge, the same which you yourself use to understand reality. The way we know things is by learning from others. If you grew up in this world never having any contact with humans, you would remain feral;

Generally within communities of social animals, we learn from those we befriend, trust, respect.. Which would be my guess why not many people learn much from you.

Anyway, like I said, that negative correlation is false, you haven't demonstrated how it's better or worse to gain knowledge by yourself or using resources outside yourself. But I know I probably couldn't come up with calculus myself like Isaac Newton did, and I probably couldn't build a car or invent vaccines... So already we see that if people had to each start from the very beginning, only learning from themselves, we likely wouldn't be very far, probably not even at the top of the food chain.

About time someone stepped in for the kid, that was getting ROUGH lol Your putting words in my mouth, Im aware of how knowledge is shared. Im just calling him intellectually lazy because each time he had a "fresh mind" when he was a kid and when he shook off his ridiculous belief, he accepted the first explanation that appealed to him that was the complete opposite of his former beliefs (which he was mad it) so it seemed like a perfect fit. Another well beaten path to follow and be committed to because people convinced him its the right way to go, no exploring this vast world of knowledge through his own perspective at all, just confined to that little path because thats what they told him to do... Poor guy... Its ironic he feels more independent than ever now. We can keep going, or you can let big boy Hep fight his own battles, he needs the confidence, you know. lol
Well that's an error on your part, you're presuming to know intimate details about Hep's personal transition to nonbeliever which you have no way of knowing.

All you know about him is he doesn't believe in God.
About time someone stepped in for the kid, that was getting ROUGH lol Your putting words in my mouth, Im aware of how knowledge is shared. Im just calling him intellectually lazy because each time he had a "fresh mind" when he was a kid and when he shook off his ridiculous belief, he accepted the first explanation that appealed to him that was the complete opposite of his former beliefs (which he was mad it) so it seemed like a perfect fit. Another well beaten path to follow and be committed to because people convinced him its the right way to go, no exploring this vast world of knowledge through his own perspective at all, just confined to that little path because thats what they told him to do... Poor guy... Its ironic he feels more independent than ever now. We can keep going, or you can let big boy Hep fight his own battles, he needs the confidence, you know. lol

If an opinion contrary to your own makes you angry, that is a sign that you are subconsciously aware of having no good reason for thinking as you do. If some one maintains that two and two are five, or that Iceland is on the equator, you feel pity rather than anger, unless you know so little of arithmetic or geography that his opinion shakes your own contrary conviction. The most savage controversies are those about matters as to which there is no good evidence either way.
Persecution is used in theology, not in arithmetic, because in arithmetic there is knowledge, but in theology there is only opinion. So whenever you find yourself getting angry about a difference of opinion, be on your guard; you will probably find, on examination, that your belief is going beyond what the evidence warrants.
—Bertrand Russell
I tried really hard to believe I really did. Good ol catholic guilt had me saying many Hail Mary's * & our Father's in rependance of thinking which leads to questions about Faith which would land me for sure in the Lake of Fire!
It was in 1st grade at of course a catholic indoctrination center they changed No meat on Friday during Lent except fish? (I only guess because of the Jesus/Fish story) to No Meat... except if under 13 or elderly (I now wonder if maybe serviñg fish for lunch those Fridays was not cost effective for the school) My crazy aunts were playing Musical Aisles avoiding the new Lay Eucharist Ministers still distraught over the jesus' on earth allowing lay parishioners to accept real jesus' real body in their hands-w so many changes in absolute rules it was really hard! So I clung on hard until I learned about Evolution and even then it took some more years to voice it in my head on purpose. I am by pure definition a Christian hoping there was a man once walking around preaching Socialism and the Golden Rule. It's a real shame how the evil fucks of the world made it creepy to be called one.

ROFL I just now associated the sports slang hail mary :oops:
I always say that religious people aren't stupid. I still stick by that. But "faith" stems from stupidity and ignorance. We're all stupid, and certain views stem from our stupidity. I've met a few really smart people that believe things like being gay is bad.. Or have weird feelings towards certain races.. They're not stupid, but some of their views sure as hell are.

It's the same with religious people. They can be smart or dumb, but believing in blowing yourself up for the better good or strongly believing that we came from ribs is.. well.. stupid.

Maybe they have critical thinking skills.. Which just leaves them with stupidity. They made a stupid decision to follow something that is obviously not real.

Even then, I still wouldn't say they have very good critical thinking skills if they believe in such nonsense. Do you know any intelligent critical thinkers that believe in santa? Why not? It's because it takes very basic CTS (critical thinking skills) to say that santa isn't real. It also requires CTS to say that most religions are just nonsense. If you strongly believe we came from ribs or other stuff like that, you MUST have low CTS.

Can you name me one intelligent person with an IQ score of 200+ that believes there was a talking snake? How about one that believes there was a great flood? Sorry for mainly picking on christianity, but I'm sure you still understand my point.

So you're telling me that I never felt what it was like to be a strong believer? Haha that's funny dude.. Funny guy.

Again you are wrong. What your basically saying is that critical thinking skills prevent belief in the "supernatural" and that is simply not true. There are many people who would put us both to shame in critical thinking skills who believe in God. Also to say all faith stems from stupidity and ignorance is a stupid, ignorant and naive thing to believe. Many come from need. A need to see your loved ones again, a need to explain your existences, a need to justify war, a need for justice not seen in life and on and on and on. Its just not so simple. And the reason people don't go on believing in Santa is because its an accepted myth and we are told its bull shit. How many religious people do you know who believe in Santa? By your standard all none critical thinkers should believe in god, they don't, no more then all critical thinkers are atheist. You reasoning is flawed by a very narrow view of people. Religion, all religion is born from human nature and human nature is much more complex then your view allows. Any way we are not going to agree on this but we do agree its all bull shit so say your peace or not. Im tired of repeating myself. No hard feelings and all that. Later bro
If an opinion contrary to your own makes you angry, that is a sign that you are subconsciously aware of having no good reason for thinking as you do. If some one maintains that two and two are five, or that Iceland is on the equator, you feel pity rather than anger, unless you know so little of arithmetic or geography that his opinion shakes your own contrary conviction. The most savage controversies are those about matters as to which there is no good evidence either way.
Persecution is used in theology, not in arithmetic, because in arithmetic there is knowledge, but in theology there is only opinion. So whenever you find yourself getting angry about a difference of opinion, be on your guard; you will probably find, on examination, that your belief is going beyond what the evidence warrants.
—Bertrand Russell

This deserves to be posted again.
I would challenge him to name one person with a verified IQ over 200, can't use google. He's making shit up, 200+ IQ is virtually unheard of. People like Newton and Maxwell were probably close but considering that there is no standardization for IQ tests, there may be some subjects that do test that high but would say that most modern persons with IQs over 200 probably are not believers.
Cant use google? Wtf? Am I suppose to remember the names of smart people who believe in God? Ok, John Jorge Jones has an IQ of 201 and believes in God, I challenge you to prove me wrong "no googleing". Now that we are past the stupid shit lets continue. OK so this is what I think. I think most High IQ people don't believe the nonsense, however some do and anyone with half a brain knows that. My point was simple, critical thinking skill will not automatically stop someone from believing in the supernatural. The 200+iq is an exaggeration but the point is valid. Smart people can be raised to believe in something ridiculous just like stupid people can be raised to call it all bull shit. My father-n-law is a member of Mensa, His IQ is over 150 and he once said "Some people, even very smart people can be ruled by emotion and make an emotional decision and "nothing" but an emotional experience will change there minds. He is 76 and has believed in god all his life. I don't argue with him about god because I would lose. He has his reasons to believe and it has nothing to do with critical thinking skills or IQ it was in his raising not his intelligence. I'm not going to Google something that is common sense. Not all dumb people believe in god and not all smart people are atheist and if you believe they are you need to check your IQ.
There is smarts and intelligence. Cunning and logic. Spartan and sybartic thought processes. I don't think IQ is associatied one way or another. Religion is about emotion.

We don't know but, Billy Graham and Mitt Romney probably have high IQ.