Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

I would be fascinated to hear your analysis of Kent Hovind's factuality. What I've seen of his doctrine can be explained by the classical method for fitting a square peg into a round hole: use enough hammer.
Then you haven't watched him much. He points out some real fallacy and lies found in science text books and raises some good questions on many accepted scientific theories. The hammer analogy can be applied to many scientific theories as well.
Then you haven't watched him much. He points out some real fallacy and lies found in science text books and raises some good questions on many accepted scientific theories. The hammer analogy can be applied to many scientific theories as well.

Do you have examples andor text links? I'm not very patient with vids. cn
Then you haven't watched him much. He points out some real fallacy and lies found in science text books and raises some good questions on many accepted scientific theories. The hammer analogy can be applied to many scientific theories as well.

I've listened to Kent Hovind plenty, his son Eric Hovind, too. Both are equally as misinformed about ANYTHING scientific.

Hovind to science is like oil to water.

He knows absolutely nothing about the most basic concepts, shit students learn about in 9th and 10th grade biology classes, of evolution.

If you're getting this information from sources like Hovind, you're being LIED to. They are actively involved in misinformation.

Kent's actually serving some time in federal prison right now on some tax related issue...
LOL Hep your fucking clown man, I love posts like this where the true dimwit comes out, its just a tab bit more funny than the posts where you try hard to act smart.

What the fuck is wrong with you? You don't seem to have anything substantive or interesting to post so you follow Hep around to various threads just to insult him? Personal insults are classless but your trolling is even worse. You seem to be acting like Hep's deconversion is a personal affront to you, that somehow a person that used to believe and no longer does affects you in some negative way and so you lash out at him. Have some basic decency, learn to have discussions with people you disagree with in a calm, mature manner, it will gain you a modicum of respect, something you are greatly lacking ATM.

When Hep was posting here as a believer, people treated him respectfully because he wasn't an ass. He vehemently disagreed with things many of us said but he asked questions and tried valiantly to defend his beliefs until he realized they were indefensible from a position of logic and reason and that it was pure faith. Admitting a belief is held only because of faith is honest and one can disagree with faith, I can respect honesty. Losing a long-held faith position is difficult and often very depressing and certainly not deserving of the constant mocking you have targeted toward him. Of course, it's difficult, if not impossible, to mock a rationally held position which is why pretty much everything you have posted attempting to do so has been a strawman or plain personal attacks with no substance.

So answer this question, why do you find his deconversion so personally offensive that you feel you must attack him in every thread you find?
Im not trying to counter his words, Im pointing out how he contradicts himself. He says hes agnostic but I seen him say "god does not exist" on more than one occasion. He BELIEVES that god does not exist, as if that belief is more respectable than those who have a belief in god. Im pointing out that he is still the same blind follower, this time with a different viewpoint. He had a fresh mind when he dropped his christian beliefs, but then the process repeated itself and people started telling him how the world really works and he accepted that explanation without doing any searching what so ever, I call that being intellectually lazy and being dependent on others. Now he thinks he has CTS (he keeps mentioning that like its a boy scout badge lol) and has everything figure out, its comical to watch his long responses.

CWE says the darnedest things....
You know what an apologist is? If not Google it. Good apologist can apply critical thinking in debates all day long. Proof is subjective, what you see as proof another will not. There are some very critical thinkers and skilled debaters in the world of religion, Ravi Zacharias has made many atheist from all backgrounds look like fools. Kent Hovind has some crazy ass beliefs like the world being only 6000 years old and yet again and again he can back it up with real data and tear down much of what text books teach about science. Do I think there right? Nop, but they have strengthen there convictions through critical thinking. You can apply critical thinking to both believe or not believe. It seems to me that people need to feel superior to others in some way and if they don't have a god to tell them why they are better then it must be there critical thinking skills that make them better.

The mere suggestion that someone like Kent Hovind utilizes critical thinking makes my head explode. People like Hovind aren't using CTS, they are relying on the ignorance of their target audience to the truth and facts so they are able to get away with lies, distortions and strawmen as ammunition for their attack. When in a real debate, his lies are countered, he glosses over them and proceeds with new ways of bending the truth making it impossible for any one interested in real debate to have one because of the limiting time and inability to thoroughly teach the subject in which Hovind is lying about. His actions and words are more akin to those of grifters and other con men, not of educators and critical thinkers.
I've listened to Kent Hovind plenty, his son Eric Hovind, too. Both are equally as misinformed about ANYTHING scientific.

Hovind to science is like oil to water.

He knows absolutely nothing about the most basic concepts, shit students learn about in 9th and 10th grade biology classes, of evolution.

If you're getting this information from sources like Hovind, you're being LIED to. They are actively involved in misinformation.

Kent's actually serving some time in federal prison right now on some tax related issue...
And they say the same thing about you. Also he shows without a doubt that scientific text books in our schools "DO" have point blank lies perpetrated by scientist. Its not an opinion its a fact! I don't believe in god or any of the young earth shit he says but he proves that people have real reasons to believe they way they do and scientist can be just as fanatical as the religious even to the point of making shit up. I don't like the guy but he sure did make a name for himself debating scientist and professors and you know why? He could challenge them, otherwise he would never have gotten in the doors of major universities. He did it with real scientific data and many times made laughing stocks out of some very intelligent people. Not bad for a guy who doesn't understand the basic science that he taught for 15 years.
And they say the same thing about you. Also he shows without a doubt that scientific text books in our schools "DO" have point blank lies perpetrated by scientist. Its not an opinion its a fact! I don't believe in god or any of the young earth shit he says but he proves that people have real reasons to believe they way they do and scientist can be just as fanatical as the religious even to the point of making shit up. I don't like the guy but he sure did make a name for himself debating scientist and professors and you know why? He could challenge them, otherwise he would never have gotten in the doors of major universities. He did it with real scientific data and many times made laughing stocks out of some very intelligent people. Not bad for a guy who doesn't understand the basic science that he taught for 15 years.

I will ask again: Please expound. Lists; specifics. cn
And they say the same thing about you. Also he shows without a doubt that scientific text books in our schools "DO" have point blank lies perpetrated by scientist. Its not an opinion its a fact! I don't believe in god or any of the young earth shit he says but he proves that people have real reasons to believe they way they do and scientist can be just as fanatical as the religious even to the point of making shit up. I don't like the guy but he sure did make a name for himself debating scientist and professors and you know why? He could challenge them, otherwise he would never have gotten in the doors of major universities. He did it with real scientific data and many times made laughing stocks out of some very intelligent people. Not bad for a guy who doesn't understand the basic science that he taught for 15 years.

Of course he says the same thing about the scientific community, except we can demonstrably prove what he says is false.

I'd like you to do a little bit of research on Kent Hovind for yourself. An analogy I can come up with on the spot would be something like Kent Hovind is to science what Jesse Jackson is to African American rights, or what Rush Limbaugh is to the GOP, what the Pope is to Catholicism...

You don't go to a scientist asking about theology, so why would you go to a young earth creationist asking about science?

"Hovind's views are contradicted by scientific evidence and some of his ideas have also been criticized by young earth creationist organizations such as Answers in Genesis."

"In 1971 he graduated from East Peoria Community High School in East Peoria, Illinois. From 1972 to 1974, Hovind attended the non-accredited Midwestern Baptist College and received a Bachelor of Religious Education.[SUP][3][/SUP]

In 1988 and 1991 respectively, Hovind was awarded a master's degree and doctorate in Christian Education through correspondence from the non-accredited Patriot University in Colorado Springs, Colorado(now Patriot Bible University in Del Norte, Colorado, which no longer offers this program).[SUP][7][/SUP] Having a website called "Dr. Dino" has provoked some academics to look closely at how Hovind presents his education and credentials. Chemistry professor Karen Bartelt has said that it is "very unusual for a person with a Ph.D., even a real one, to list oneself in the phonebook as "Dr Hovind", as Hovind has done."[SUP][8][/SUP] Barbara Forrest, a professor of philosophy, expert on the history of creationism and activist in the creation-evolution controversy, wrote that Hovind's lack of academic training makes it impossible to engage him on a professional level.[SUP][9]"

Keep reading, it only gets worse for the guy...
And they say the same thing about you. Also he shows without a doubt that scientific text books in our schools "DO" have point blank lies perpetrated by scientist. Its not an opinion its a fact! I don't believe in god or any of the young earth shit he says but he proves that people have real reasons to believe they way they do and scientist can be just as fanatical as the religious even to the point of making shit up. I don't like the guy but he sure did make a name for himself debating scientist and professors and you know why? He could challenge them, otherwise he would never have gotten in the doors of major universities. He did it with real scientific data and many times made laughing stocks out of some very intelligent people. Not bad for a guy who doesn't understand the basic science that he taught for 15 years.

That's actually a pretty serious accusation and I don't think you could actually prove it, let's say using the legal standard of reasonable doubt, no wait, let's use the less stringent - preponderance of evidence. IOW, back it up or else start getting used to people putting you in the same category of proven liar, Hovind.

Now some ground rules. In order to determine whether an untrue statement is a lie, you will have to demonstrate it was,
a) done purposely and maliciously
b) not merely a speculation but presented as an real hypothesis
c) is known or even could have been easily known to be untrue by the textbook author. Which leads to another point which would be you would also need to demonstrate it wasn't a pure mistake, which does happen, especially when an editor attempts to change things and the author doesn't get to proof the changes, because there have been instances of this reported.
d) I think you need to stick to actual US based textbooks intended for actual science students and actually written by a scientist, or demonstrate that a certain untruth has been systemically used by multiple textbooks, otherwise I think you could hedge by using actual creationist textbooks that are known to contain factual errors, specifically meant to deceive a student.*
e) I think it goes without saying that I won't accept a second hand account of what a textbook says unless it isn't in dispute. IOW, don't expect me to believe a creationist website that claims a textbook says something unless it's verified. This gives me a chance to make sure you don't use the routine creationist tactic of quote mining where removing a statement from context or creative editing changes the intended meaning. Of course point 'a' should cover that, but I figure it can't hurt to be thorough on the rules as it actually might save YOU some time if you man up adnd accept this challenge.

Which brings me to offering this as a bet since you seem pretty damn sure of yourself. We can use bitcoin or some other anonymous method if you have one. The only thing I am not sure of is judging or referee. Obviously a neutral party, maybe a committee but I think the honor system could work if you agree to the rules. .
If you accept the bet, you can do so without putting any money at risk, just honor, or you can offer anything up to $1000 due to the limitations of payment.

* That would be disingenuous of you but if I don't state such a thing formally, you could 'technically' win and since I personally am willing to bet money on this and actually used to specifying rules of such bets frequently and I'm pretty high right now, I sort of forgot I haven't actually made a bet but I was going through my analysis using critical thinking... as I do for all of my bets, because critical thinking and logic (including formalized logic like math) actually work and have made me a decent amount of money. Interesting how even in those arenas I consistently do better than punters that rely on intuition, luck, god, etc.
I guess you could say I am pretty confident in logic and reason and I have empirical evidence that it is better in ALL ways than faith. I guess you could say I have faith in not using faith to guide me and humanity. Equivocation can be funny sometimes.
What the fuck is wrong with you? You don't seem to have anything substantive or interesting to post so you follow Hep around to various threads just to insult him? Personal insults are classless but your trolling is even worse. You seem to be acting like Hep's deconversion is a personal affront to you, that somehow a person that used to believe and no longer does affects you in some negative way and so you lash out at him. Have some basic decency, learn to have discussions with people you disagree with in a calm, mature manner, it will gain you a modicum of respect, something you are greatly lacking ATM.

When Hep was posting here as a believer, people treated him respectfully because he wasn't an ass. He vehemently disagreed with things many of us said but he asked questions and tried valiantly to defend his beliefs until he realized they were indefensible from a position of logic and reason and that it was pure faith. Admitting a belief is held only because of faith is honest and one can disagree with faith, I can respect honesty. Losing a long-held faith position is difficult and often very depressing and certainly not deserving of the constant mocking you have targeted toward him. Of course, it's difficult, if not impossible, to mock a rationally held position which is why pretty much everything you have posted attempting to do so has been a strawman or plain personal attacks with no substance.

So answer this question, why do you find his deconversion so personally offensive that you feel you must attack him in every thread you find?

Attack him? Now whos playing the hurt card. Its not my fault that Heps big head stands out in a crowd. I dont care that he lost his religion, good for him, took him 18 years to realize basic knowledge. Its the fact that he thinks he knows the truth now, he throws around the word "SCIENCE" like he has scientific knowledge, you know what scientific knowledge he told me in the other thread? "I take a pill to stop being sick, thats science" :clap: That shit is fucking comical man, I dont care what anyone says. Im not the only one to point out his arrogant attitude either, its not only me who shares this opinion. Hes an ignorant child who thinks he has life figured out and says "CTS!" like its a boy scout badge.
Attack him? Now whos playing the hurt card. Its not my fault that Heps big head stands out in a crowd. I dont care that he lost his religion, good for him, took him 18 years to realize basic knowledge. Its the fact that he thinks he knows the truth now, he throws around the word "SCIENCE" like he has scientific knowledge, you know what scientific knowledge he told me in the other thread? "I take a pill to stop being sick, thats science" :clap: That shit is fucking comical man, I dont care what anyone says. Im not the only one to point out his arrogant attitude either, its not only me who shares this opinion. Hes an ignorant child who thinks he has life figured out and says "CTS!" like its a boy scout badge.

Hurt card? Do you throw out phrases without understanding their meaning often? Where did I act hurt? Are you actually denying you attacked him?
[h=3]Noun[/h] personal attack (plural personal attacks)

  1. Making of an abusive remark instead of providing evidence when examining another person's claims or comments.
The post I quoted to which you responded was the evidence for my post. If you're playing stupid, you're not helping yourself. If you really are stupid, then I guess this response is meaningless but I'll try to by posting again:
Hep your fucking clown man
In spite of your poor grammar and not using the contraction, 'you're' I think it would be hard to claim this is attacking the content of Hep's post and not him personally
I love posts like this where the true dimwit comes out,
Unless you are calling yourself the dimwit and 'this' refers to your own reply, this too is an attack.

its just a tab bit more funny than the posts where you try hard to act smart.
I would say this isn't as bad because maybe there are posts where Hep does try to "act" smart, but I think the intent surely is that he is 'acting' because he isn't in actuality.

The rest of your post here is meaningless tripe. Yes, he's a kid and yes he get's excited about learning science. However, quit acting like it's a bad thing. He had an epiphany about how his mind works and now better understands rationalism and empiricism and came to realize how some of his own ideas were the result of sloppy thinking. Most of the time when we realize this, i.e trust someone we shouldn't have, not because of gut feelings but because of known history, or we reflect on a business decision and realized we created a rationalization and ignored contrary information, we get made at ourselves but then attempt not to repeat the same mistakes again. Why do you think he should be any different in this situation? Maybe because you are using the same irrational, sloppy thinking to continue supporting beliefs you have and somehow his words seem threatening to you. You are seeing someone acting in a totally rational and logical manner and all you do is come after him with a vengeance, name calling and bizarre accusations of not thinking for himself. I bet you couldn't define critical thinking without looking it up, in spite of having discussions about it and begged you to watch some videos about it.
Hurt card? Do you throw out phrases without understanding their meaning often? Where did I act hurt? Are you actually denying you attacked him?

personal attack (plural personal attacks)

  1. Making of an abusive remark instead of providing evidence when examining another person's claims or comments.
The post I quoted to which you responded was the evidence for my post. If you're playing stupid, you're not helping yourself. If you really are stupid, then I guess this response is meaningless but I'll try to by posting again:
[/B]In spite of your poor grammar and not using the contraction, 'you're' I think it would be hard to claim this is attacking the content of Hep's post and not him personally
Unless you are calling yourself the dimwit and 'this' refers to your own reply, this too is an attack.
I would say this isn't as bad because maybe there are posts where Hep does try to "act" smart, but I think the intent surely is that he is 'acting' because he isn't in actuality.

The rest of your post here is meaningless tripe. Yes, he's a kid and yes he get's excited about learning science. However, quit acting like it's a bad thing. He had an epiphany about how his mind works and now better understands rationalism and empiricism and came to realize how some of his own ideas were the result of sloppy thinking. Most of the time when we realize this, i.e trust someone we shouldn't have, not because of gut feelings but because of known history, or we reflect on a business decision and realized we created a rationalization and ignored contrary information, we get made at ourselves but then attempt not to repeat the same mistakes again. Why do you think he should be any different in this situation? Maybe because you are using the same irrational, sloppy thinking to continue supporting beliefs you have and somehow his words seem threatening to you. You are seeing someone acting in a totally rational and logical manner and all you do is come after him with a vengeance, name calling and bizarre accusations of not thinking for himself. I bet you couldn't define critical thinking without looking it up, in spite of having discussions about it and begged you to watch some videos about it.

Yeah your right man, I hurt people with my attacks... I should commend Hep, and support his views. Pills make you feel better, thats science!
I aint being a dick but, your attitude has changed some man... You used to be humble, now you come across as someone who feels superior to believers.

True colors are sometimes hard to observe

No matter how intelligent the bliever is, he wouldn't put me to shame using his CTS (critical thinking skills) to prove his beliefs. The moment he says there is a god, he set aside his CTS on the subject. By simply saying "I don't know if there is or isn't a god", I would have already put more thought into it than he has.

"many come from need. A need to see your loved ones again, a need to explain your existences..."
Believing in a god to solve those ^^ issues is ignorant. You're misinformed on the true answers. You ignore all logic just to be satisfied. I'm not asking why people believe, I'm telling you that they're ignorant for believing in the first place.

I tell you that religion is bull shit, so why don't you drop your beliefs like you dropped your beliefs with santa (assuming you believed in santa)? Also, what does other people's beliefs in religion have to do with you? YOU should have enough logic and reasoning to say "No, all of this is nonsense" regardless of how many people believe.

No, I've met some stupid atheists that lack CTS. I don't have a standard.

No hard feelings at all.. Just voicing our opinions. Notice how we haven't insulted each other? :)
This does sound like a hurt card.

Just sayin, seems both sides share the same tactics after all

What the fuck is wrong with you? You don't seem to have anything substantive or interesting to post so you follow Hep around to various threads just to insult him? Personal insults are classless but your trolling is even worse. You seem to be acting like Hep's deconversion is a personal affront to you, that somehow a person that used to believe and no longer does affects you in some negative way and so you lash out at him. Have some basic decency, learn to have discussions with people you disagree with in a calm, mature manner, it will gain you a modicum of respect, something you are greatly lacking ATM.

When Hep was posting here as a believer, people treated him respectfully because he wasn't an ass. He vehemently disagreed with things many of us said but he asked questions and tried valiantly to defend his beliefs until he realized they were indefensible from a position of logic and reason and that it was pure faith. Admitting a belief is held only because of faith is honest and one can disagree with faith, I can respect honesty. Losing a long-held faith position is difficult and often very depressing and certainly not deserving of the constant mocking you have targeted toward him. Of course, it's difficult, if not impossible, to mock a rationally held position which is why pretty much everything you have posted attempting to do so has been a strawman or plain personal attacks with no substance.

So answer this question, why do you find his deconversion so personally offensive that you feel you must attack him in every thread you find?
I aint being a dick but, your attitude has changed some man... You used to be humble, now you come across as someone who feels superior to believers.

True colors are sometimes hard to observe

Hmmm.. Not to sure how to respond to that so I'll just say that we're all equal. If your views on me have changed since I no longer believe in religion, so be it. Sorry you feel that way bro.
I aint being a dick but, your attitude has changed some man... You used to be humble, now you come across as someone who feels superior to believers.

True colors are sometimes hard to observe

Hmm, the third person who shares my opinion about Heps arrogance? Could be the second or the fourth, I cant remember. We must be wrong though...