NooB Advice

Am I Norml

Active Member
lol.. y u put shwag in a medi bottle..
that is a good one i liked to never quit laughing at your post...i would like to impart some truth on you son..

number one i DO NOT smoke schwag..
number two if you smoked as much a day as i do you would keep yours broken up and fresh and ready to use in a medi bottle too...
and finally number 3 i have found that broken up like that in a medi bottle rideing around in my pocket against my body heat tends to bring out the taste a little bit more..try it you will be surprised bongsmilie


Well-Known Member

I know the common wisdom these days is aluminum foil is a bad choice, but I know a guy who has been using it since the 70's without a problem and considers mylar, panda film, etc a bunch of overpriced garbage. I'm not saying he's right, but he's been using it for 40 years now and hasn't had any of the problems it's supposed to create.


Well-Known Member
that is a good one i liked to never quit laughing at your post...i would like to impart some truth on you son..

number one i DO NOT smoke schwag..
number two if you smoked as much a day as i do you would keep yours broken up and fresh and ready to use in a medi bottle too...
and finally number 3 i have found that broken up like that in a medi bottle rideing around in my pocket against my body heat tends to bring out the taste a little bit more..try it you will be surprised bongsmilie
lol.. i wasnt trippin on the fact its in a med bottle, ive done that.. ijm talkin bout u sayin it is somethin u harvested .. and thats obvious brick weed.. i grow my own and smoke.. so i know what 'home grown' looks like comparedto compressed commercial schwag.. i didnt mean anything by my comment tho .. i was pretty fucked up.. still am


Well-Known Member

I know the common wisdom these days is aluminum foil is a bad choice, but I know a guy who has been using it since the 70's without a problem and considers mylar, panda film, etc a bunch of overpriced garbage. I'm not saying he's right, but he's been using it for 40 years now and hasn't had any of the problems it's supposed to create.
aluminum can be fine as long as it is flattened out and there is not too many wrinkles in it. the light reflects off the wrinkles and an possibly burn the plant. if its smooth.. u should be good.. another good cheap reflective material is
white posterboard or computer paper(in a small area)


Well-Known Member
Well, my war with the spider mites is continuing, and I think I'm pushing the little bastards back. I sprayed with the Einstein oil again today, so hopefully I won't lose too many more leaves to them. Between the 6 plants I've probably lost 25-30 leaves of varying sizes(mostly mid-small ), but I have more that show signs of damage that I may still lose. I'm going to continue neeming every other day for another 4 days and If I still haven't killed them off I'm going to have no choice but to use something stronger. They are in day 3 of flowering now, so I'm on a time limit with a lot of the stronger products.


Well-Known Member

I know the common wisdom these days is aluminum foil is a bad choice, but I know a guy who has been using it since the 70's without a problem and considers mylar, panda film, etc a bunch of overpriced garbage. I'm not saying he's right, but he's been using it for 40 years now and hasn't had any of the problems it's supposed to create.
Thanks Ed

I know people use it, and I know about the common wisdom and potential problems it can cause, worst being that it reflects heat and can have hot spots

My biggest problem with the post is folks telling new growers it's ok, without sharing those potential problems. I have tried so hard to fill this thread with the truth, to break the myths to explain the why's that it just frustrates me when someone comes in and says oh don't listen to that or don't worry about that. To me it would be no different than saying you can grow huge dank buds with a 60 watt incandesant.

There are a lot of things that will work, but at the same time cause problems, then the new guys/gals come here looking for help without knowing why something went wrong, we look at the pics and try to help, I do that freely for the love I feel for the plant and because I believe the more people growing the closer we are to a world where it can be legal and understood

I'm rambling but I hope I'm makin sense?


Well-Known Member
Well, my war with the spider mites is continuing, and I think I'm pushing the little bastards back. I sprayed with the Einstein oil again today, so hopefully I won't lose too many more leaves to them. Between the 6 plants I've probably lost 25-30 leaves of varying sizes(mostly mid-small ), but I have more that show signs of damage that I may still lose. I'm going to continue neeming every other day for another 4 days and If I still haven't killed them off I'm going to have no choice but to use something stronger. They are in day 3 of flowering now, so I'm on a time limit with a lot of the stronger products.
when i use neem oil.. i spray on and under the leaves. and i also water my plants with neem/dishsoap/water mixture. they breed fairluy fast so u must be diligent in trying to eradicate them.. it may mean spray more than once.. to kill the eggs and the adults.


Well-Known Member

I've been spraying them every other day for the last 6 days, and it's slowed them down but hasn't gotten rid of them. I'm spraying them from every angle and have been making sure I coated the bottom of the leaves, but these plants were so bushy that I may have missed some leaves despite going through 2 quarts of neem oil mixture between the 6 plants.


Is that the same thing as azatrol? My caregiver suggested Azatrol and I know of a place to get it, but the stuff is $65 a bottle. I did some reading up on it and apparently the mites won't feed on leaves that have been coated with it and starve to death, but you have to stop using it 28 days prior to harvest for it to fully clear the plants system.


Well-Known Member

I've been spraying them every other day for the last 6 days, and it's slowed them down but hasn't gotten rid of them. I'm spraying them from every angle and have been making sure I coated the bottom of the leaves, but these plants were so bushy that I may have missed some leaves despite going through 2 quarts of neem oil mixture between the 6 plants.


Is that the same thing as azatrol? My caregiver suggested Azatrol and I know of a place to get it, but the stuff is $65 a bottle. I did some reading up on it and apparently the mites won't feed on leaves that have been coated with it and starve to death, but you have to stop using it 28 days prior to harvest for it to fully clear the plants system.
are u making sure that an outside duct is not the culprit.. or pets or even you as a ride for the mites.


Active Member
lol.. y u put shwag in a medi bottle..

yeah tht looks likes some brick, I AM NOT RAGGING ON YOU I just got some like tht, couldnt smoke it so i put it in my scetti for flavor..haha not really

I got my camera back working, as soon as i did(like she didnt want me taking the pic,) one of the top stalks looks like it just died and i was just in there it happend in like 30 mins......WTF??:wall:


Well-Known Member

It's possible it's coming from a duct, but there really isn't any way to seal it without also shutting off the heat to the room. It won't be warm enough for me to stop running the furnace for at least another 2-3 months, especially at night when the lights are off. It could also be from me/the pets, though I don't let them in to my grow areas. It's impossible to keep them from hanging out outside the doors waiting on me, and I can't keep them from touching me or my clothing.

There's also the fact that spider mites are a common problem here no matter how good your control measures are. Our climate is so arid and dusty that it's virtually guaranteed that you're going to get them sooner or later. I probably should have been treating them with the neem weekly instead of biweekly, and I definitely should have caught the signs of mite activity sooner then I did. I've learned my lesson that way, so now I just need to learn what the most effective way is to get rid of them so that I can go back to focusing on prevention. :)


Well-Known Member
yeah tht looks likes some brick, I AM NOT RAGGING ON YOU I just got some like tht, couldnt smoke it so i put it in my scetti for flavor..haha not really

I got my camera back working, as soon as i did(like she didnt want me taking the pic,) one of the top stalks looks like it just died and i was just in there it happend in like 30 mins......WTF??:wall:
sho sum pics..

btw i wasnt tryin to call him out.. he said it was northern lights from his last harvest.. my question was really gonna be.. why u put schwag in the med bottle and where is the northern lights that u harvested. but he then said" i dont smoke schwag".. so i nver edited.. but obviously he does smoke schwag.. nothin to be ashamed of.. i grow and smoke schwag.. itsall thats around in my area.. plus i have grown "killer" shit from shwag seeds


Active Member
guess I should "load" the pics this time:bigjoint:

dont ragg on my plant( its some brick seed....) want to be good at it before I pay $ for a strain....I want Aroura Indica

do you think she is too bushy @ the bottom? Should I cut the lower branches off even tho they got a bunch of good sprouts?


Am I Norml

Active Member
sho sum pics..

btw i wasnt tryin to call him out.. he said it was northern lights from his last harvest.. my question was really gonna be.. why u put schwag in the med bottle and where is the northern lights that u harvested. but he then said" i dont smoke schwag".. so i nver edited.. but obviously he does smoke schwag.. nothin to be ashamed of.. i grow and smoke schwag.. itsall thats around in my area.. plus i have grown "killer" shit from shwag seeds
that 1/8 that is in that bottle was some PO-TENT shyt lol coarse im not gonna sit here and defend my shyt either lol its just way to childish for me... but i will tell you one thing.. i haven't sprouted a bag-seed in over 10 years all my nugs come from premium it good .. or be it bad ... swag around here means home grown bag-seed and that my friend isn't worth putting in my pipe bongsmilie

maybe its just a difference in terminology being the gap here..but either way id still let you hit it if i had rolled it :)


Well-Known Member
i told u i wasnt insulting.. geez

but either way.. the shwag in your bottle isnt even home grown bagseed.. its grown outside hard compressed mexican bric.. unless u pressed it yourself.. it looks like some schwag i posted on here a while back

this is schwag i bought

this is the NL(schwag") u grew(bought)

y does my schwag look better? i kno looks aint shyt but c'mon.. u aint gottas lie to kick it.


Well-Known Member

I get what you were saying. There are a lot of different methods that work, but all of them have some sort of drawback. You just want to make sure people are aware of the drawbacks to the method so that if something does go wrong they have some idea how to fix it. :)


Well-Known Member
it is.. i said i wasnt callin him out..
but we can turn this into a noob lesson..

who here knows how to spot good weed from bad weed.. ?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, like most things opinions vary

I have smoked Mex Brick and I have smoked the best of the best

It's all pot, it all gets high, some just better than others, like everything else in life