Noob Grow


New Member
I'm sure this will be really entertaining for the pros out there, but here goes...

This is my first grow. I'm learning by doing, kind of my life long philosophy (a.k.a. school of hard knocks). Didn't really know what strain I wanted to grow so I started with what I assumed would be very straight forward, an auto, and based upon some word of mouth I decided to go with barney's pineapple express.

So yeah, I'm learning slowly that autos are a tad tricky and I've already made what I consider to be a ton of mistakes. Its been slow going, I germinated these fuckers about three weeks ago and I've already had to nuke two of them because they were looking super leggy and floppy, and just not developing at all.

I'm including pics, please tear this shit apart and let me know what I'm doing wrong. Also, some things I realize: a) My grow light wattage is just not enough, b) the light source is probably too far away from the lil' dudes c) PH of the straight-from-the-tap water I've been using has been over 7.0, so I dunno if that is an issue right now.

Thanks for any insight and help, I'll keep updating as things develop (or don't, lol). :wall:



Well-Known Member
I'm sure this will be really entertaining for the pros out there, but here goes...

This is my first grow. I'm learning by doing, kind of my life long philosophy (a.k.a. school of hard knocks). Didn't really know what strain I wanted to grow so I started with what I assumed would be very straight forward, an auto, and based upon some word of mouth I decided to go with barney's pineapple express.

So yeah, I'm learning slowly that autos are a tad tricky and I've already made what I consider to be a ton of mistakes. Its been slow going, I germinated these fuckers about three weeks ago and I've already had to nuke two of them because they were looking super leggy and floppy, and just not developing at all.

I'm including pics, please tear this shit apart and let me know what I'm doing wrong. Also, some things I realize: a) My grow light wattage is just not enough, b) the light source is probably too far away from the lil' dudes c) PH of the straight-from-the-tap water I've been using has been over 7.0, so I dunno if that is an issue right now.

Thanks for any insight and help, I'll keep updating as things develop (or don't, lol). :wall:

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Hi Lar,

i am subscribing to this journal interested to see how you go and the autos as I haven't seen them yet (time scale)

I am on my fourth grow and doing a journal as well check it out, I will help you as much I can, though I grow in soil, but hey there a wealth of knowledge on here ....

yea man the waters ph is to high get it down to between 6-6.2 .....

As as for lighting what wattage are you using and kind of lights ...?

good luck mate :)

Peace out ....


Well-Known Member
Hi Lar,

i am subscribing to this journal interested to see how you go and the autos as I haven't seen them yet (time scale)

I am on my fourth grow and doing a journal as well check it out, I will help you as much I can, though I grow in soil, but hey there a wealth of knowledge on here ....

yea man the waters ph is to high get it down to between 6-6.2 .....

As as for lighting what wattage are you using and kind of lights ...?

good luck mate :)

Peace out ....

Not letting me edit that post, was wanting to add this .......

Fill a basin with tap water let it stand for 24hrs, the chlorine evaporates.
Thats what I do with mine and my water is bang on 6, not to say will work with yours but if it dose saves messing around with ph and down .....

good luck ....


New Member
Thanks for the interest Stevieh, I'll check your journal out too.

Yeah, I didn't realize that PH was going to be a problem; pretty sure its not in most places but the water from the tap here is highly acidic, like over 7 on the scale. The light I'm using is an LED and its totally horrible, like 60watts but I've just sprung for a new one rated much higher and I think that will improve my grow considerably. the new light I got is a 240watt LED Taotronics, hopefully that will make my life much easier from here on out. ETA for that light is Tuesday.


New Member
So yeah, I've decided to toss that light for now and go back to the 60W CFL that I was using earlier. When the real light comes in, I'm hoping it will resuscitate some growth. We'll see how things go, here are some better pics under the CFL, much easier to see what's going on with these lil ones.



Well-Known Member
So yeah, I've decided to toss that light for now and go back to the 60W CFL that I was using earlier. When the real light comes in, I'm hoping it will resuscitate some growth. We'll see how things go, here are some better pics under the CFL, much easier to see what's going on with these lil ones.

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no problem ....

i would maybe think of get a few more Cfls on it don't think that will get it enough light to it ,get some bulbs and lamps set up ...

good luck ..


Well-Known Member
Those buckets sure look familiar. To bad you don't got better light. You sure you want to have two plants in each net? Looking good but look into getting better light.


Well-Known Member
Here's a pic of some cheap bulbs thats I use and they have a good out put for the money ....


New Member
Those buckets sure look familiar. To bad you don't got better light. You sure you want to have two plants in each net? Looking good but look into getting better light.

Lol nice catch Popcorn. TBH I'm not cetain I want two plants in each bucket. Yeah I definitely agree, better light is my top priority. I think what I'm going for now is just survival of the fittest, whoever dies first will be removed completely as I know there is less chance of any decent yield with more than one plant in a net.

Right now I'm trying to hone in on who needs to be culled, once that happens, its on. BTW I will have a much more powerful light in by Tuesday, so I know I'm stunting my plants now but something will happen when that light gets installed.


New Member
Nice setup. What are your temps?

Also, what LED wattage did you end up getting?
I ended up getting this LED, I've heard great things about it and I hope its wattage is appropriate to what I'm doing.

Quick update, I just checked on my little ladies and after having turned off my intense air, I've seen some pretty substantial growth in the last 12 hours. I definitely thing I will be paring down my grow to two plants per bucket, but I'm seeing some more growth in my lil ones and I definitely think that has been a result of raising the temperature slightly in the grow tent.

So we'll see, photos will follow when I'm not so drunk and more confident of my decisions :mrgreen:


New Member
Hey all!

So I took your advice and I culled the plants that were just not growing. I also just got my new light in and MAN are my little ladies happy. Pics are below to provide the proof, but since I've started the light they have turned their leaves upward to the LED and look like they are super happy. I've had some new growth in the second set of true leaves or each seedling so I think ultimately (for now) crisis averted. Here are some pics for proof, happy smoking! bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
Hey all!

So I took your advice and I culled the plants that were just not growing. I also just got my new light in and MAN are my little ladies happy. Pics are below to provide the proof, but since I've started the light they have turned their leaves upward to the LED and look like they are super happy. I've had some new growth in the second set of true leaves or each seedling so I think ultimately (for now) crisis averted. Here are some pics for proof, happy smoking! bongsmilie

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Very nice. You will be rewarded handsomely if you be patient. Nice panel btw.

I take your a fan of android? I recognize the avatar your using.


New Member
i started out with these little walmart grow lights they kept it alive with some miracle grow learned everything i was doing wrong transplanted into some fox farm under a 600 watt HPS it was too late thou my yield was seven grams but you upgraded early and it will definitely show in the end. Everyone here pretty much summed it up but i would defiantly use 6.0 to 6.5 it will decrease chances of disease and pest just go to your local convenient store with a jug and a quarter like those glacier water machines that's R.O water perfect 6.0 and have you thought about nutrients?


Well-Known Member
good call on the upgrades. next go buy some grow light hangers. they are cheap as dirt on amazon and allow you to adjust the height of light in seconds... Make sure they have the metal gear and not the plastic gear.. i'm pulling up a chair and watching how these turn out after the rocky start.