Noob Question Regarding Cooking with cannibis


Active Member
Hey everyone, I've got a question which has probably been answered a million times on this forum but I'm stoned and can't find it. How exactly do you cook with bud? Do you use the actual bud? or do you extract the oils?

The reason I ask is this:

1). I'm a Stoner. I love to eat
2). I'm fat. I love to eat.

lol anyways, I've always had a passion for cooking, especially when it comes to deserts. I'd like to do something other than the traditional brownie. I have numerous recipes for pies, cheesecakes, candy, and custards that have been in my family for years. I would like to include cannibis in these recipes. I am more particularly interested in making my own egg nog which I've done every year since i was a kid with my dad.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.


Well-Known Member
Well my two fav ways of cookin with cannabis is the Cannabis Cooking Oil and the cannabutter.
The way i make the Oil is take your favorite type of oil, ollive or whatever and pour however much you want to use. I usually make a whole bottle of it with a lot of weed so your choice. I take the oil and weed and stir it together in a microwavable safe cup or bowl and put it in the microwave for about 30 to 45 seconds on high, then stir and in for another 20 seconds. Then place this in a frying pan on medium till the weed starts to turn a brownish color. And wallah cannaoil, you can strain out the weed or leave it in and place back into your bottle or into your foods.
With the cannabutter you take the amount of butter you want to use and put it in a pot with twice as much water and boil this. As soon as it begins to boil stir in the maryjane, and cook like this for a good ten to 20 min on medium. Or until you can smell it starting to over burn. Then like the oil, strain the weed or don't. And pour in a glass bowl or a pan and let sit out over night or for 2 1\2 hours in the fridge. What will happen is the weedbutter will rise above the water and you can scoop up the layer of cannabutter and save it for later or use it. I melt mine down into a butter tub for looksso it hardens again in a butter fasion. Can make butter sticks this way too. -Enjoy
Keep us updated on what you make =)

-Mister Nice GUY


Active Member
First of all, I thank you kindly for your help. I believe that I will be able to apply both methods to my cooking and I look forward to sharing my exploits with you all.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I would be interested in learning to make home made egg nog. I too love to cook but I am not into the desserts. My wife does those. I am a meat guy. Love to do interesting meat and veggie dishes.


Active Member

1 Cup of sugar
6 egg yolks
1 tsp salt
8 cups of whole milk
6 egg whites
double dash of salt
1/2 cup of sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
(OPTIONAL: I typically mix in 3-4 ounces of each of the following: brandy, bourbon, and rum)

Mix together 1 cup sugar, egg yolks, 1tsp salt and milk. Cook in large thick boiler, stirring constantly until mixture comes to gentle rolling boil. Remove from heat.

Beat egg whites with double dash of salt until stiff. Add 1/2 cup of sugar & add vanilla extract. Beat well. Combine both mixtures. Add your brandy bourbon and rum if so desired. Chill. Serves 12-16 and will hold refrigerated for 12-14 days.


Active Member
I've never tried making weed nog. Although I can say, that one might consider replacing the alcohol with an equal amount of cannaoil. If anyone tries this, let me know how it worked out for you if at all.


Active Member
I've never cooked with pot before either. My friend who is a big pot head told me that just grinding the weed as fine as you can and using it directly works better than the butter. He said he tried making the butter several different ways.

About the cannaoil, do you really want to drink 9-12 ounces of olive oil?
Like I said, i've never cooked with pot before, but it's my understanding that it's heat that activates thc and fat that it sticks to, so maybe just adding the weed when you boil the ingredients and strain it out would work? Just a guess.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't quite work the same way, when you grind it up and place it in you are also getting the chlorophyll. It doesn't blend with the recipe as well and makes it harder for your body to absorb the material. When it is suspended in the fatty oils your body uses those very quickly when passing threw your body so it gets into your system faster and stays in your blood longer.
You don't need that much oil, and you don't drink it =)
You can use as little as a few tablespoons of, depends on what the recipe calls for. You can suspend a lot of thc in one cup of oil or less. Just strain out the weed then use more trim or bud ya digg. Keep repeating if you want higher strength per amount of oil.


Active Member
You're guess is as good as mine. I will be attempting to make Weed nog for thanksgiving. I'll let you all know how it works.


Active Member
That's a pretty good point MisterNiceGuy. Hopefully that shit turns out good.

So if I wanted to make some brownies, would I be better off making the butter or just using pot directly? I want to get the best bang for my buck.

I was thinking a half of mids for one box of brownie mix would do. Any suggestions?