noob sexing question


Well-Known Member
Heck yeah, after a close look I do see a pistil... oh and another one, on what is otherwise a full blown male. Sorry dude, it decided to express itself as a male. Indeed no point in waiting, kill it and move on.


Heck yeah, after a close look I do see a pistil... oh and another one, on what is otherwise a full blown male. Sorry dude, it decided to express itself as a male. Indeed no point in waiting, kill it and move on.
LOL thank you. Got two more i just started to flower. One minute ill post pics


I chopped one down last week, the second yesterday w/ scissors in front, and said in that post "two more just going into flower" and those were the pics with cit leaves. Sorry for confusions. Quick qiestion for you as a well known member I trust the advice, can I reuse soil or will old roots damage new crop?


I chopped one down last week, the second yesterday w/ scissors in front, and said in that post "two more just going into flower" and those were the pics with cit leaves. Sorry for confusions. Quick qiestion for you as a well known member I trust the advice, can I reuse soil or will old roots damage new crop?
Nm..not going that route


Global Moderator
Staff member
I chopped one down last week, the second yesterday w/ scissors in front, and said in that post "two more just going into flower" and those were the pics with cit leaves. Sorry for confusions. Quick qiestion for you as a well known member I trust the advice, can I reuse soil or will old roots damage new crop?
Nm..not going that route
Did you just respond to your own post ?
Reusing soil is old news - just make sure you amend it properly.


Well-Known Member
Looks like you got one hell of a hermie on your hands, more male than female though, get rid of it and start over...