Noob Troubles


Active Member
Ok i have a few small plants that i am using 5 cfls for light. At first they where ok now the bottom leaves are turning yellow. I think i am over watering them . Some are doing better then others. I am using poland spring water and i tried MG on a few of them. But most of them i havent added and nutes. I am sure the light is good enough and i started ventalation kind of late. I been watering almost ever day because the cups seem to be dry.



Well-Known Member
Ok i have a few small plants that i am using 5 cfls for light. At first they where ok now the bottom leaves are turning yellow. I think i am over watering them . Some are doing better then others. I am using poland spring water and i tried MG on a few of them. But most of them i havent added and nutes. I am sure the light is good enough and i started ventalation kind of late. I been watering almost ever day because the cups seem to be dry.
No nutes at all. Water when the cup/pot is light.
Give them nutes after a month after sprout.


New Member
Poor babies look sick. You need to give them different lighting. Give em some blue tint lighting such as 6500k daylight cfl's. Get a small fan on them as well and when you do that, you can place the cfl's closer to the plants. That will stop the stretching you have going on.

Get some nutes to them ASAP. They can only go so long without nutes before they start throwing attitude at you and giving you problems. Think of it as if you were to only drink water and NO food. RIght...

So to start you off.. Get to wal-mart and pick up some 6500k cfls, go over to your local hydro store and get some veg nutes. Start with something easy peasy. I only grow in hydro so i'm not too keen on soil. But I would suggest you go to your local Head Shop and talk to the guys there. Be sure to respect the "code".

Good luck with this!


Well-Known Member
Poor babies look sick. You need to give them different lighting. Give em some blue tint lighting such as 6500k daylight cfl's. Get a small fan on them as well and when you do that, you can place the cfl's closer to the plants. That will stop the stretching you have going on.

Get some nutes to them ASAP. They can only go so long without nutes before they start throwing attitude at you and giving you problems. Think of it as if you were to only drink water and NO food. RIght...

So to start you off.. Get to wal-mart and pick up some 6500k cfls, go over to your local hydro store and get some veg nutes. Start with something easy peasy. I only grow in hydro so i'm not too keen on soil. But I would suggest you go to your local Head Shop and talk to the guys there. Be sure to respect the "code".

Good luck with this!
Dont listen to Canna... No offense canna but that was bad advice!! NO NUTES YET stop using them!! Esp. MG products!! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Dont listen to Canna... No offense canna but that was bad advice!! NO NUTES YET stop using them!! Esp. MG products!! :bigjoint:
I would also suggest from personal experience that you transplant them out of the jiffy pots and into a plastic ones as soon as possible....

Those pots tend to dry out real quick; too fast for my liking and then you can bury them up to the sun leaves in the new pot to eliminate the stretching you had from before you moved your lights...


Well-Known Member
Looks like yer over watering them.I watered me sprouts at once a WEEK and longer if the pots not completely dry.Get ya one of those moisture meters,there like 5 bucks at wallmart.Then check soil down say 3 inches from the top to see how dry it is.If you do use nutes use then lightly and maybe a bloomin nute at this stage.Something to make the roots grow.I use foxfarm nutes and for sprouts I used big bloom 3 weeks into the grow.Pick up some super thrive too and maybe add 1 drop to a gallon of water for your feeding.Also put those cfls right on top of the plants!They wont burn them so get them close.I kept mine at 2 inches off the tops and do add a small fan to the room gently blowing on the babys.Makes the stems stronger.


Active Member
Looks like yer over watering them.I watered me sprouts at once a WEEK and longer if the pots not completely dry.Get ya one of those moisture meters,there like 5 bucks at wallmart.Then check soil down say 3 inches from the top to see how dry it is.If you do use nutes use then lightly and maybe a bloomin nute at this stage.Something to make the roots grow.I use foxfarm nutes and for sprouts I used big bloom 3 weeks into the grow.Pick up some super thrive too and maybe add 1 drop to a gallon of water for your feeding.Also put those cfls right on top of the plants!They wont burn them so get them close.I kept mine at 2 inches off the tops and do add a small fan to the room gently blowing on the babys.Makes the stems stronger.
They are normally closer. I moved them around allittle for the pics. I movd them from plastic cups to these ones. Is that ok?
I watered them on monday evening so you think i should water them in a few days with low level of nutes? And no MG?


New Member
Dont listen to Canna... No offense canna but that was bad advice!! NO NUTES YET stop using them!! Esp. MG products!! :bigjoint:

Ya know for starting a bunch of Noobie threads and asking questions only a first timer would, You sure have a lot of confidence in giving advice and shutting others out. hahahaha

Don't let the fact that this account only has a few posts. Looks like you are on a first grow with all the questions you ask Jugga.

As for YOUR questions..

Ok, Have 5 seedlings now hope they keep sprouting LOL, had 2 more come up today...

Went out and got 2 26w CFL 6500k bulbs with Clip on lamps and reflectors...

1.) Should i use the round reflector or no reflector?

2.) I have my T5 HO Floro hanging above the plants and i have no room for these other two CFL's can i have them mounted under my hanging light facing across the plants? OR would it cause them to grow sideways?? And ideas, cause there's no room for them in there any other place that's not blocked by the hanging T5 HO setup...

Thanks guys appreciate it, prob wont be back on until AM :weed:

Vertical lighting should have a round reflector.

Horizontal lighting should have a wing reflector.

I have them in good grade BM1 soil, and under 2 different kinds of lights until my other lights get here this weekend... Then they will be under 2 different floro lights that are 4' long and each one has 4 bulbs in it....

The first 2 plants came up almost right away, they broke through by the next morning but its been 3 days since then (day #4) and still no other ones, and these 2 that came up are working on there 3rd set of leaves now... Nice purple colored stems (purple/red and fat)...

Unless you have a purp strain or a Purp Pheno the purple/red stem is a def and will turn green in a while. I give it 2wks to return to the green.

As for the pics on this thread.. Over or Under or stupid?


You have a lot of stretching. Put your lights closer.



Well-Known Member

Ya know for starting a bunch of Noobie threads and asking questions only a first timer would, You sure have a lot of confidence in giving advice and shutting others out. hahahaha

Don't let the fact that this account only has a few posts. Looks like you are on a first grow with all the questions you ask Jugga.

As for YOUR questions..

Vertical lighting should have a round reflector.

Horizontal lighting should have a wing reflector.

Unless you have a purp strain or a Purp Pheno the purple/red stem is a def and will turn green in a while. I give it 2wks to return to the green.

As for the pics on this thread.. Over or Under or stupid?


You have a lot of stretching. Put your lights closer.

Way to be an ass. Hes right though. You shouldnt need nutes that early, that looks like MG soil too. So it prolly has nutes. Plants usually dont need nutes for the first 20-30 days after sprout. They just look overwatered which will deplet the plant of nutes. Just cut back on watering, and when the time comes add nutes. lamp

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Transplant them and bury them up to that bottom set of leaves.Don't worry, the first set always turns yellow and falls off. Put a fan on them,gently at first, then turn it up in a couple of weeks or so, and after that, go full speed.That's what I do, and my stems are strong. Get your lights closer.No nutes. My plant is in a potting soil with nutes, and she's a month old.I haven't nuted yet. Water when the top of the soil is dry to about an inch in.Move your lights to about two inches from the tops,and if it seems like that's too much for them after a couple of days, you can move the lights another inch away.But with cfl's you should be fine.Make sure you use at least some 6500k daylight cfls for veg, if you can't use ALL 6500k.Good luck.
Ok i have a few small plants that i am using 5 cfls for light. At first they where ok now the bottom leaves are turning yellow. I think i am over watering them . Some are doing better then others. I am using poland spring water and i tried MG on a few of them. But most of them i havent added and nutes. I am sure the light is good enough and i started ventalation kind of late. I been watering almost ever day because the cups seem to be dry.


New Member
Way to be an ass. Hes right though. You shouldnt need nutes that early, that looks like MG soil too. So it prolly has nutes. Plants usually dont need nutes for the first 20-30 days after sprout. They just look overwatered which will deplet the plant of nutes. Just cut back on watering, and when the time comes add nutes. lamp
Girls can be cruel.

With the problem at hand, I am a hydro person myself with the canna BUT I do have a bunch of veggie grows under my belt. THe nutes can be used straight off after the head peakes. Thats usually for all flowering plants.

These plants are old enough to start with the grow nutes. Remember, they ARE WEEDS and will grow without nutes but theres no reason to deprive them.


Well-Known Member
Girls can be cruel.

With the problem at hand, I am a hydro person myself with the canna BUT I do have a bunch of veggie grows under my belt. THe nutes can be used straight off after the head peakes. Thats usually for all flowering plants.

These plants are old enough to start with the grow nutes. Remember, they ARE WEEDS and will grow without nutes but theres no reason to deprive them.
Damn im sooo glad to hear here is another girl up here, its a total sausage fest. Females are the true gardeners. But yes with hydro you want to start nutes after sprout in low levels. Soil though has its own nutes.


New Member
Damn im sooo glad to hear here is another girl up here, its a total sausage fest. Females are the true gardeners. But yes with hydro you want to start nutes after sprout in low levels. Soil though has its own nutes.

Girls are few and far between.

Stoney is a really cool girl. I also like Sunny, herb, and a few other girls on here. Although they have no Idea who this is due to the new name. I shall remain anonymous.


Well-Known Member
Girls are few and far between.

Stoney is a really cool girl. I also like Sunny, herb, and a few other girls on here. Although they have no Idea who this is due to the new name. I shall remain anonymous.
Cana opinions are like assholes, everyone has them! I never said i wasnt a noob in fact if you read my posts over i clearly state in most of them that i am a noob....

However, i have never heard anyone say to give a soil plant nutes under 3-4 weeks old other than you so maybe your wrong or maybe im wrong but what ever no need to come at me like a bitch!

:joint: pass the dutchie!