i m gonna start a grow and i m looking for lamps..i wanna grow 2 or 3 plants..
butt i know fuck all about lamps so if any1 could let me know if this setup is any good i would be greatful.
this is what i m thinking of getting but have no idea http://www.ebay.com/itm/250-watt-HPS-GROW-LIGHT-SET-250w-High-Pressure-Sodium-w-bulb-ballast-hood-lamp-/160820124728?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2571a05c38#ht_13770wt_1202
butt i know fuck all about lamps so if any1 could let me know if this setup is any good i would be greatful.
this is what i m thinking of getting but have no idea http://www.ebay.com/itm/250-watt-HPS-GROW-LIGHT-SET-250w-High-Pressure-Sodium-w-bulb-ballast-hood-lamp-/160820124728?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2571a05c38#ht_13770wt_1202