NorCal outdoor 2012 coastal style , white Russian, kush, skunk,hash, blue cheese+more


Well-Known Member
thanks guys!! im gonna have to take more pictures of the stalks with a different reference that bottle is odd shaped and makes them look small.


Well-Known Member
How are those GSC's doing down there? Looking good over there how the fog treating you? keepem green dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
How are those GSC's doing down there? Looking good over there how the fog treating you? keepem green dirrtyd
My gsc mothers doing good i took the first 6 cuts 2 weeks ago and they rooted pretty fast in my cloner considering the heat has been in the 90's almost every day for 2 weeks. i just took 20 cuts today ill pm u and ABM once these girly's root!
the fogs been under control at my elevation thanks to all this heat. But i know that cold weather and fog are fast approaching in the following months so im continuing to spray potassium bi carbonate weekly, and spinosad bi-weekly


Well-Known Member
must stop nitrogen deficiency!!! maxsea doesn't seem to be working for shit so im going to be trying organicgem hope it clears them up


Well-Known Member
why not use Alaska Fish fert mixed with Alaska Morbloom 50/50.......Alaska Fish Fert is great for clearing up N def
The organicgem is a fish fertilizer with an Npk of 3-3-3 its cold processed extracted so that it keeps all the microbiology so u can use it for aact. The morbloom and Alaskan fish fertilizer have been processed using a boiling and heating method which kills the microbiology. I have both the morbloom and the Alaskan fish fert and they do work just fine but I think the organic gem bubbled for two days will jump the girls in all the nutrients they need as well as all the little micro beasties they need too.


Well-Known Member
thanks man ^ hopefully the carport and ez-up's do their parts and the fog and rain will be less of an issue. potassium bi carbonate in the fogger weekly just in case though.

im going to be picking up 100 lbs of fine screened earthworm castings and 50 pounds of fresh earthworm castings un screened with worms from friends compost and im going to top dress a shit load with both and grab a big air pump and brew up some ewc tea


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah. That organicgem should get the job done then.....

And shit, I hope we all can beat the fog haha.

didn't relize you guys had to deal with the fog issues like we do here but thats why we had to get srains that are aclimated to wet weather even when its hot and clear allday long but damm fog just sits off the coast and nightfall bamm its right up in ya face again


Well-Known Member
KIC how is the greencure working so far? I was looking on my shelf and saw i had some. I also have baking soda looks and smells like greencure. keepem green dirrtyd


Active Member
Ok well iv been wanting to get around to making a thread and now that I can't drive iv got a lot more time on my hands. So iv moved into a new place for this year and iv got an amazing locatin 2000 feet elevation right on the California coast line with beautiful sun all day. View attachment 2161921 View attachment 2161928

Ok so here's the garden im using a combination of 50 gal camo grow bags and large holes in the ground, soil beds, and some 10-15 gallon pots for some more clones come June it will be filling in a lot more soon.
View attachment 2161936View attachment 2161937
Heres a secret kush strain from a breeder it's called zilla View attachment 2161938

Here's one of the more bushy white Russians View attachment 2161939

Here's one of the taller growing female white Russians View attachment 2161940

Some platinum og clones getting used to the outside. And some blueberry headband, skush, skunk xxx, and hash passion seedling View attachment 2161947View attachment 2161948View attachment 2161949

Here's 2 white Russian males and a tray of a few more platinum og and blue cheese, and chem dawd d cuts getting used to the outside. Oh yeah and some tomatoes View attachment 2161951

Here's my stud male creencrack x blueberry which I'm saving for breeding with almost all these strains. View attachment 2161954

And my little cloning and mini 150 watt veg station View attachment 2161955

The breeding tent in the loft View attachment 2161956

Its not much yet but stick around and watch it grow

You got a good and nice looking set up there budd! Keep up the good work and have a good one!


Well-Known Member
didn't relize you guys had to deal with the fog issues like we do here but thats why we had to get srains that are aclimated to wet weather even when its hot and clear allday long but damm fog just sits off the coast and nightfall bamm its right up in ya face again
Yeah we get valley fog and it comes in thick at midnight and sits until midday when it gets cold.....I hate it.....can't even drive sometimes haha


Well-Known Member
My fog is gone by 8 if that. I just consider it a nice foliar feeding. And there is almost never a cloud in the sky! Gotta love it.