Northern Lights Cabinet Grow..First Time

Come on 2 z's!!!! Kinda sad to she her go...But she will be in a better place in a few days/weeks!! Vape Vape Vape!! Congrats man!!
I going with 2 ounces dry weight, those are some nice buds, great trim job. Congrats again on a fine job! Get that hash going so you can have something to smoke besides the popcorn buds:) while you wait for your weed to dry and cure.
Wow Arch, excellent work my friend. Wish I could get some of tasty looking NL! I hope my girls look half as good as yours.
Come on 2 z's!!!! Kinda sad to she her go...But she will be in a better place in a few days/weeks!! Vape Vape Vape!! Congrats man!!

Yeah buddy! She was so sticky and wet yesterday that I tried putting a small air nug in the vape and got So I chopped it up fine and used a little bowl I had. Harsh but it hit like a train right away. I thought my eyes were going to explode. Then it eased into an alert out of body experience on the couch for about an hour. I cant wait to actually taste this in a vape. Thanks!

I going with 2 ounces dry weight, those are some nice buds, great trim job. Congrats again on a fine job! Get that hash going so you can have something to smoke besides the popcorn buds:) while you wait for your weed to dry and cure.

Hey CHIEF! Thanks man..trimming is relaxing to me. I have about a half a bag full of popcorn and sugar trim, quart size bag. I am waiting for my bubble bags to arrive. I checked the weight of my test nugget this morning. It started out at 12.46g and it was 7.98g this morning after 24 hours drying. Its still moist but it is already drying nicely on the outside. Temperature in the cabinet where its drying is 68 degrees and 45% humidity. at this rate I would say she will be done drying in another day/day and a half. I am thinking that it will lose 25% again of its weight today before its ready. For a total weight loss of about 48%. That would put me at 2.45 z's if all of that bud drys at the same rate. Which it probably wont so 2 z's is a safe bet. If from here on out I can get 2 'z from each plant in my grow I will be a happy man!

Wow Arch, excellent work my friend. Wish I could get some of tasty looking NL! I hope my girls look half as good as yours.

Thanks man! I hope so also!

congrats brotha!! so pumped for you man., nice harvest dude those buds are lime greeeeen!!! awesome job bro

Hey lee! They are green and sweet and piney smelling.

Hahahahahahaha...right. I am king in my castle and what I do in it is my own business...This is what I chose to do. Beside what stays at home...well stays at home.
....yeah thats what it's all about..there's nothing like seeing ur little babies gro up to be proud plants...
HAHA That is Freaking Awesome!!! Just kinda floating around on the couch thats the buzz I would like to get outta mine
Yeah..i just did soem more reading on weight loss due to drying..looks like if that info is on par..ill get about 1.5 z's dry/cured. Thats good by me..if that NL gets any better then I will be set.
Cheers, mate! Glad you're so happy with the way things turned out. A positive first experience growing makes a grower for next, Arch? A bunch of us got beans going for a week or 2, please don't tell me you're gonna take a break from growing :(
To me airtight is airtight. if i hadnt had mason jars on hand. I would be using tupperware myself.

Okay cool, thats good thing haha
and you said trimming is relaxing to you, i hope its relaxing to me haha tons of people say it ghets sucky after 15 minutes or so. All though, i don't have much to trim :D alsooooo 1.5oz is a bunch! Good job Arch
Nice first smoke report Arch!! Glad NL is already treating you well. Isn't it awesome to smoke your own stuff? Only gonna get better and stronger from here on out. I'm still going for 47351 (miligrams) or whatever I said before lol.
Cheers, mate! Glad you're so happy with the way things turned out. A positive first experience growing makes a grower for next, Arch? A bunch of us got beans going for a week or 2, please don't tell me you're gonna take a break from growing :(

This grow has been an experience! I am thinking of getting a seedling going before the weekend and then reveg babygirl. See what I can make heppen.

Okay cool, thats good thing haha
and you said trimming is relaxing to you, i hope its relaxing to me haha tons of people say it ghets sucky after 15 minutes or so. All though, i don't have much to trim :D alsooooo 1.5oz is a bunch! Good job Arch

Yeah millyy I actually am very task oriented so trimming all of those buds got me into a I loved it.

Nice first smoke report Arch!! Glad NL is already treating you well. Isn't it awesome to smoke your own stuff? Only gonna get better and stronger from here on out. I'm still going for 47351 (miligrams) or whatever I said before lol.

I have taken another popcorn and hit it up. After drying this stuff is taking on some duration. I have been fucked up for the last three hours. Its still a very heady behind the eyes high...butttt..I am relaxed as hell. I would have no problem sacking on the couch right now. Its awesome being free from the hassle of searching.
NL's flower anywhere from 7-9 weeks....This plant was one day shy of 8 weeks. Trichs were ambering and most of the trichs were cloudy. I wasnt waiting till it was 50/50.
very impressive.....arch im liking the going to be making it rain ova here........still trying to understand the concept lol dunno if im to high or what but i have to read it again
You know what's even more impressive about the high you got from NL? You grew that fire ass, knock you out, have you relaxed as hell weed:)
You know what's even more impressive about the high you got from NL? You grew that fire ass, knock you out, have you relaxed as hell weed:)

Hell yes CHIEF! I am so fucked up right now it isnt funny. My mind has the music I am listening to on lock. Yet I cant even feel my fucking lips..lmao. I had a feeling it was about right to pull..I was most definitely looking for this type of high for sure. I love getting into my head. The only way I ever knew how to channel it was with weed just like this. High octane with the full mind trip. I would grin but my lips are