NORTHERN LIGHTS Day 26 of Flower


Well-Known Member
Hey man, I'm growing this soon, I'm growing 2 plants do they smell at all? i heard they were a low odor strain
yeah NL is a good plant for stealth growers because of their low odour during flowering.NL is a good solid reliable strain.its the very first strain i grew.


Well-Known Member
NL is also 1 of the fab strains that responds well to topping , the buds stay the same size , however many tops (Nirvana).
i think my mind is mad up guys...... northern lights for my 1st grow!!!! FACT
thanks haha

happy growin and ther are some quality plants u got goin ther rep dude


Active Member
yeah NL is a good plant for stealth growers because of their low odour during flowering..
low odor most certainly. However, they do give off quite an aroma. Carbon filter is still a must, and keep in mind anyone you co-habitate with will also catch their fumes from time to time


Active Member
i think my mind is mad up guys...... northern lights for my 1st grow!!!!
I couldn't agree more. The feminized ones from nirvana worked great for me.
They have been very forgiving of my mistakes and accepting of my experiments.
My only advice is TOP! TOP! TOP!
although with 2 plants you could do what I did and top one and train the other, that way you are learning multiple techniques throughout your first grow


Active Member
Well the lights didn't come on this morning for the first time since they were just little sprouts all the way back on august 10th!
That's right boys and girls, almost 4 months is coming to an end tomorrow. It almost brings a tear to my eye to think I'll be chopping down some of my "best friends". I wish it didn't have to be this way, I really do!
But we all must harvest one day, as to move on to bigger and better things.

Thank all of you on riu that helped me through my (continuing) study of growing. I, as many of those before me, owe much of my success to you intelligent folk that through the goodness of yourselves, give the free advice that inexperienced yet eager individuals, like myself, require to produce a worthwhile product. You guys rock! (rock n' roll)


Active Member
ah yes I know, I just have yet to get around to it. So expect a big cache of pictures from the entire process as well as my weigh in! So pleased with how things look so far. Actually toking on a bowl of it right now. Seems just about dry enough to pull down. Going to wait until the evening. Goes down nice and harsh, but comes out on the sweeter side. I really tried to keep the chemicals away from this as I am not a fan of the voodoo magic that seems to have swept up many growers.

Another update tonight (hopefully) Stay tuned brothers and sisters!


Active Member
OK RIU, I took the time to rotate these pics so y'all could see em without needing to be a giraffe, but I clearly failed at picture posting again.


All dried and plugged away in a mason jar! Coming in very(very) shy of 5o's. Far beyond what I had expected for my first go of things (quantity and quality) A few more pictures to come. thanks guys


Well-Known Member
OK RIU, I took the time to rotate these pics so y'all could see em without needing to be a giraffe, but I clearly failed at picture posting again.

All dried and plugged away in a mason jar! Coming in very(very) shy of 5o's. Far beyond what I had expected for my first go of things (quantity and quality) A few more pictures to come. thanks guys
Very nice haul for first attempt , i would have left them longer , another 2 weeks would have swelled them right up but as its first attempt awesome results :)


Active Member
IMG_0755.jpgIMG_0756.jpgIMG_0757.jpgthe finished product. Forgot to post these way back when.

Check out my second grow! currently at day 16 of 12/12. This Blue Widow is a beauty


Active Member
some more photos i found
IMG_0732.jpgIMG_0703.jpgIMG_0692.jpg Have this strain now growing outside from seed that was pretty neglected and i was extremely surprised is actually growing...forgot how hardy of a strain this is. and the smoke is not bad at all either :bigjoint: