Northern Lights X BB auto & Speed Devil auto


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...Not really much o a choice...We'll see...Per gallon how much urine? Only working with a 1 gallon jug Also my diet...isn't the greatest. Breakfast consists usually of poptarts, but for dinner I usually make decent stuff. Had quishe last night/today. What I meant by coincidence was that before using any nutes I had no yellowing. Maybe one part of a very small fan leaf at the bottom. The night after I use ferts I get yellowing and red stem all over...You know after reading that...nvm it isn't a coincidence lol.


Well-Known Member
...Not really much o a choice...We'll see...Per gallon how much urine? Only working with a 1 gallon jug Also my diet...isn't the greatest. Breakfast consists usually of poptarts, but for dinner I usually make decent stuff. Had quishe last night/today. What I meant by coincidence was that before using any nutes I had no yellowing. Maybe one part of a very small fan leaf at the bottom. The night after I use ferts I get yellowing and red stem all over...You know after reading that...nvm it isn't a coincidence lol.
My diet wasn't the best either to be honest...and I used it as an excuse to quit the experiment, but really I got some money and wanted to try Fox Farm lol. Per gallon, most people just pee into the gallon jug and fill it up with water. It ends up coming out to be the right ratio...unless you have a monster pee you've been holding forever haha. Oh and make sure not to use the very first pee of the day, contains a high amount of salts. Never keep your pee mix longer than 24 hours and if your diet isn't the best, flush every once in a while to make sure your soil doesn't get any salt build up. It's pretty simple...when I get this perpetual grow started, am going to run a strain or two that only gets urine ferts and see how it does!


Well-Known Member
Also not sure if it matters to you since you plan to go 12/12 from seed, but I've been following this thread about 18/6 vs 24/0. Seems like some pretty interesting stuff.
Yea have seen a lot of arguments about it! I feel like plants need darkness too...when I was growing under 24 hours lights, the plants grew a lot slower. When vegging, ended up switching to 18/6 and noticed a diff right away. Have seen a guy do a side by side comparison grow and the 18/6 yielded better and was more potent.


Well-Known Member
Do you think I should wait the 2-3 days for the soil to dry out or should I just go ahead and water with the...urine/water mix tomorrow? Noticed a few more stems reddening. Blue Mammoth is just fine though.


Well-Known Member
Do you think I should wait the 2-3 days for the soil to dry out or should I just go ahead and water with the...urine/water mix tomorrow? Noticed a few more stems reddening. Blue Mammoth is just fine though.
Do you let your soil completely dry out before you water? Just curious.

I don't see anything wrong with a light watering of the mix. Don't blame you for wanting to get Nitrogen to her right away! It will be a few days before you notice a difference, but she should stop yellowing, and start growing faster. The yellow leaves will fall off eventually and you'll forget they ever happened.

Your NL must be a picky girl, at least the BM is good to go!


Well-Known Member
Usually it's almost 100% bone dry. I try to shoot for just before it's completely dry, which is usually 2-3 days depending on the temps. Yea, the NL was the only one to have any signs of nute burn when I started out too.


Well-Known Member
Usually it's almost 100% bone dry. I try to shoot for just before it's completely dry, which is usually 2-3 days depending on the temps. Yea, the NL was the only one to have any signs of nute burn when I started out too.
Gotta watch out for that! You let you soil dry all the way and it can develop dry pockets where the water won't penetrate and your roots will suffer...can give you lot of plant issues. Best to keep it moist...if it feels more dry than wet, give them gals a watering. Someone pointed this out to me when I was letting mine mostly dry before watering too. Have seen it mentioned a couple other places since. That NL doesn't know what she wants! One minute she's nute burned, the next, she's deficient lol.


Well-Known Member
Ikr! That's what made me want to try La Diva and Afgan Kush Ryder next time. First NL doesn't know what she wants and the second one took 2 1/2 weeks to finally pop out of her shell and was still stunted. I kind of want to try my luck at hydroponics, takes up less space and I don't have to worry about root size vs pot size. I think I bookmarked one thread about using an aquarium with fish in it for nitrogen and other micro nutes while the plants give oxygen and stuff to the fish. Too complicated for me though lol. I like what you have set in your closet though, will what you have been enough to support the entire grow from start to finish?


Well-Known Member
Ikr! That's what made me want to try La Diva and Afgan Kush Ryder next time. First NL doesn't know what she wants and the second one took 2 1/2 weeks to finally pop out of her shell and was still stunted. I kind of want to try my luck at hydroponics, takes up less space and I don't have to worry about root size vs pot size. I think I bookmarked one thread about using an aquarium with fish in it for nitrogen and other micro nutes while the plants give oxygen and stuff to the fish. Too complicated for me though lol. I like what you have set in your closet though, will what you have been enough to support the entire grow from start to finish?
Thank you, glad you like the currently still making changes to it. I have everything to support the grow...but I've been reconsidering lol...I think I want to use the closet to do a 12/12 perpetual grow because I have enough height to let the plants get tall...then use the bucket I was going to hydro in for I just love organics! I want to try hydro but am torn right now.


Well-Known Member
Personally I think perpetual would be better. You won't have to worry about making the last harvest last and you can grow more plants. So if you wanted you could have every strain you wanted and each of them being done in 11-12 weeks. With hydro though I assume you could grow huge plants(if you have the proper lighting of course). Why not just do hydro perpetual? Oh just wondering, but did that veg+bloom company send you a reply to your request or something? I haven't received anything, but I don't know if they just go ahead and send it.


Well-Known Member
Personally I think perpetual would be better. You won't have to worry about making the last harvest last and you can grow more plants. So if you wanted you could have every strain you wanted and each of them being done in 11-12 weeks. With hydro though I assume you could grow huge plants(if you have the proper lighting of course). Why not just do hydro perpetual? Oh just wondering, but did that veg+bloom company send you a reply to your request or something? I haven't received anything, but I don't know if they just go ahead and send it.
Yea being able to have different strains and rotate them out so there is constant bud....the pot head in me is intrigued. I thought about hydro perpetual...but then I'd have to get more pumps and buckets....soil just seems easier. Keep about 4 plants in small planters, they have a few feet to stretch upwards, sounds good! Will eventually try hydro a couple months, will finally cave in and buy a tent...then have my bin, closet, and a tent filled with trees lol. Just put a Big Bud #2 seed in germination, so if it pops, the perpetual will be underway!

Oh yea and haven't heard anything from that company. They probably just send it. I wrote someone else for a sample before and they had only hit me back to ask for the address.


Well-Known Member
Damn, Lady "J" indeed. Yea, without a doubt soil is easier, but hydro seems to take up less space I think. Now that I think about it you're not really using pots. Since we more or less have the same type of grow what type of container did you use? Seems I was way wrong about the thing you're using not being large enough. I'd rather have a wide pot than a tall one since space is always a concern with micro grows.

I'm mad jealous of people who have to space to have a grow that big. I've never even seen anything larger than an ounce.

It's too early lol. I associated J with joint which somehow lead me to marijuana lol.


Well-Known Member
Damn, Lady "J" indeed. Yea, without a doubt soil is easier, but hydro seems to take up less space I think. Now that I think about it you're not really using pots. Since we more or less have the same type of grow what type of container did you use? Seems I was way wrong about the thing you're using not being large enough. I'd rather have a wide pot than a tall one since space is always a concern with micro grows.

I'm mad jealous of people who have to space to have a grow that big. I've never even seen anything larger than an ounce.

It's too early lol. I associated J with joint which somehow lead me to marijuana lol.
Lol I actually got that nickname for that reason :bigjoint:. I guess hydro can take up less space if you put the plants in multiple containers....but then it will be a pain in the ass to move out the plant that's ready to harvest and replace it with a seedling.

I used a flower pot container from Family Dollar. It was about 4 or 5 bucks. Really think it gives me the most space for roots because it stretches from one end of the box to the other, and it's about 7 inches deep but I have it filled to about 6. If I just used two pots, would have been a lot of unused space, and they would have taken up more height for the same amount of soil.

Are you not able to convert a closet in your apartment?


Well-Known Member
I could but ventilation is my main concern. Remember I actually started in my closet. Temps are 97F. All the closets are being used for storage/food/clothing/etc. The closet in my bedroom is the only walk-in closet. All the others are your standard sized closet. Yea I have a good amount of empty space in the oddest of angles in my bin. I'm actually curious as to how you'll be able to use the same number of lights you're using now and still keep the temps at an adequate level without having similar ventilation to your bin.


Well-Known Member
I could but ventilation is my main concern. Remember I actually started in my closet. Temps are 97F. All the closets are being used for storage/food/clothing/etc. The closet in my bedroom is the only walk-in closet. All the others are your standard sized closet. Yea I have a good amount of empty space in the oddest of angles in my bin. I'm actually curious as to how you'll be able to use the same number of lights you're using now and still keep the temps at an adequate level without having similar ventilation to your bin.
I have a surprise for you :p.


Well-Known Member
Lol yup...but ghetto - homemade construction :lol:

I will finish everything today and post some pics up for you. Then maybe you will want to try it out too...think how awesome it'd be if you could use a whole closet instead of a bin??!! Or how awesome it'd be to use both...

I'm like you, in an apartment, so I can't just cut into walls or modify the closet door with tools, but found a way around that. Not an expensive way either (you know I'm cheap lol).

Going to start finishing it up now after having a morning smoke :)


Well-Known Member
Alrighty, I decided to go ahead and water today. I added something a little extra if you catch my drift. :wink: I actually didn't aim to get any run off, but I ended up getting just a little bit so I may of overwatered just a tad, oh well. I didn't exactly get a measuring cup so hopefully the ratio of urine to water was enough to help. No idea what's wrong with the girl.

I got some old crappy busted ear buds and split the left and right wires. Tada! More possibilities than tape and cleaner than pipe cleaners. I think I went to town this time. I LST'd just about everything I could. I want to LST the main stem on the NL, but as you can see it's still recovering.

I took the tape off to see if it was really healing. How's it look? There's come slight discoloration, the top part is a lighter green while the bottom is a darker green similar to the leaves. Didn't bother taking pics of it, but the leaves that were yellowing finally started crisping and dying off. The ends of the leaves are brown. There's been no new growth above the break, but it hasn't really died. I'm going to stop spritzing it as it seems like it reconnected to the main stem. Although I wonder if that was just the gorilla tapes stickiness that's keeping it together.

P.S, The first 2 pics are pre-LST is it wasn't obvious. Figured it was good for comparison.



Well-Known Member
They look pretty good! That NL is recovering real nice..can't remember if it's been a week since it snapped but remember reading that's about how long it takes for it to heal. That stem is going to be strong as hell now. Your LST looks good too. Hope the lil extra in the water helps your ladies out ;)