Well-Known Member
Yo man, here are some really helpful sights i found
this is where i've been getting a lot of good info. But try searching grow tips for white widow specifically and its flowering period and all that can be found in a bunch of places.
Good Luck
thanks man. yeaa ill checkem out now. my seeds got a lil taprooty goin. but im gonna give it another day, just to be on the safe side. =)
thanks for the info. ill let u guys know how it goes.. once i get shit goin. =)
I live in New Hampshire, did my first grow last year got almost a pound of four plants. It was tough though had to give them a lot of attention. Bugs and mold were a huge problem. Lost a plant to that crap. Where are you in new england? weather is tough. I got some Hollands Hope this year. Supposed to be good for colder climates and resistant to mold.
oo yea i live pretty close to New Hampshire... i live in MA. and damn.... i would love to pull a pund! lol. i pulled almost a Qp off my last WW plant i grew indoors under CFL's.. only vegged for 3 weeks. my avitar pic is a pic of the plant actually. had a couple poly-ploid buds tho.. but the WW i have now vegged for almost 5 weeks.. adn is wayyyy bigger than the lasat. soo im hopin to pull a QP off this 1 plant. that would be nice!
yeaa, im worried about bugs around this wooded area too.. and maybe lil rodents.. =/ and people too.. but.. its worth a shot. i still got like 7 seeds left. adn theyre all femmed. =) i neva even considered mold... hmmm.. shoulda thought of that. lol. yea im not sure how WW will do outdoors... think its more of an indoor plant. but we will see.. im suppoed to be gettin sum peuple power seeds in the mail any day. but im gonna try to grow 1 indoors. and if that dont work. throw them outside.. and hope for the best.