Northern New England Purple Power

So, I'm finally home, ready to do some work. I'm gonna go buy some CFLs tmrw. Suggestions about that? I want two, that will help start my 4 PP seeds and maybe grow in the future.

Also germinating and looking for the best sites tmrw.

Finally getting going!
Get a couple 6800k or 6500k "Veg" bulbs and maybe one 2500k or 2700k "Flower"

Mixed Spectrum of both lights is best. IMO.
^ thanks

So I'm gonna use a potting soil called Premier Pro-Mix, it has
-Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss
-Wetting Agent
-Limestone (for pH adjustment)

Sounds good right? I'm gonna use that for starting the little girls, then mix it with compost for the holes in the ground.
I also have some fish emulsion which i'll probably add

Garden Sulphur? would that be a good thing to have? i dont even know what that is

I'm going to get the lights right now.

First Pictures! You guys like the set up? I folded the wet paper towel over, than put the jar over that to keep it moist and warm.

Photo on 2010-05-23 at 15.03 #2.jpgPhoto on 2010-05-23 at 15.03.jpg
Sorry about the picture quality, it'll get better once i find my camera...this is just done with my computer
Does this stuff look good? I'm not sure i got the right lights..
Photo on 2010-05-23 at 17.47.jpgPhoto on 2010-05-23 at 17.48.jpg

It says on the lights that is not intended for use with electronic timers..huh?
Need some input here
Yo where in NH do you stay im down in Manchester......i been wanting to find someone around here so i can learn i really want to grow but im not the best of reading so if you can hit me back.. "woody" hit me up if any one is around Manchester NH
What is the Kelvin rating on the light,

the timer looks fine.

Thats the wierd thing, I swear there isn't a Kelvin rating listed on it. But I looked online and maybe it said it was 2000 something, so I don't think thats any good. I'm gonna see what I can do today.

Can anyone give me a specific type of light to get? Brand and all that i mean...i don't know why this is giving me so much trouble haha
^ Thank you!!

Here we go people! my little girls popped and I placed them in some soil, actually just Potting Soil, which contains ingredients which I posted up above here.

For now they are just going to be outside on my porch, which gets good sunlight, until I figure out the lights situation.
This should be ok I think, we have been having very warm weather and they will get water and a bigger homes when they need it.
I'll send a picture I took of the pots later
Its going though!
Just put them in a plastic bag to act as a humidity tent and increase the energy going into the plants. Shouldn't have any nights below freezing, its in the 90s right now so should be good!
So I'm gettting pretty worried, I can't be home, so I've been gone for a week and they still haven't sprouted. My parents are at home taking care of them, I'll be soo pissed if they messed them up.
Am I freaking out? Cus I think this is a geniune concern. Ahhhh
how long was the root out of the seed before you planted it? i usually wait til its about 3/4 to 1 inch long and they always sprout the next day.

i think the shorter the root, the longer it takes to sprout. it needs to grow down before it grows up...but im def not positive on that haha.

be patient im sure they are fine! just dont dig around for them cuz that could kill it for sure.

i finally got to check on the 2 NLs i tranplanted a week ago. i was happy to see they didnt dry out but a deer ate one of them down to the first node:evil:. the other one has doubled in size but a few leaves appear to be munched by an incest. they are off to a rough start!

I am germing a Purple Power, Red Dragon, and an auto Jock Horror right now. these ones will be better because they wont be rushed and im gonna let them grow bigger before transplanting. i'll start a journal when i get these ones into pots, hope to see you there!

how long was the root out of the seed before you planted it? i usually wait til its about 3/4 to 1 inch long and they always sprout the next day.

i think the shorter the root, the longer it takes to sprout. it needs to grow down before it grows up...but im def not positive on that haha.

be patient im sure they are fine! just dont dig around for them cuz that could kill it for sure.

i finally got to check on the 2 NLs i tranplanted a week ago. i was happy to see they didnt dry out but a deer ate one of them down to the first node:evil:. the other one has doubled in size but a few leaves appear to be munched by an incest. they are off to a rough start!

I am germing a Purple Power, Red Dragon, and an auto Jock Horror right now. these ones will be better because they wont be rushed and im gonna let them grow bigger before transplanting. i'll start a journal when i get these ones into pots, hope to see you there!


yea they were only about 1/2 an inch but i wanted to get them in cus i only had one day home. I need to learn to be more patient.
That sucks about the NL.
Good luck with the new plants, I'll def check it out.
yea they were only about 1/2 an inch but i wanted to get them in cus i only had one day home. I need to learn to be more patient.
That sucks about the NL.
Good luck with the new plants, I'll def check it out.

Yeah man patients is like the most important thing with plants because usually they will either correct them selves or you'll have more time to figureout whats fucking them up
I use to over water my first few plants so much that they got root rot so when i lifted one up the plant came out without any roots.