nosey neighbors


Well-Known Member
So its another late night on rollitup. Its 4:33 am here and my hot neighbor just knocked on my door. I've never really talked to her just waves and a hi every now and then. I answer the door and she ask me if i sell blow or weed and im like say what. Anyway i was like i dont sell but i can get you some tomorrow. Then she was like well im drunk and i need something to sober up so i can get he munchies. I just told her i didnt sell but shes bein all persistent like im lyin. Then she said my neighbor right next door said i got her and all of her kids high one day cause i was smoking in the back yard. BULLSHIT! Theres no fucking way! I might smoke like 2 in a row sometimes but nothing that could get a whole family high 15 yards away in the wide open outdoors. I wish it was that good of weed. So anyway long story short im kinda worried now. I see problems in the future. Im definitely not gonna be able to grow in the back yard. This sucks. I hate nosey asshole neighbors. I may have to smoke now.


New Member
dude. invite her in. smoke her out with some good shite. see where it goes.

hot neighbors get the special treatment. don't sell. tell her it's your personal stash.


Too many brownies
She told you she was drunk and came knocking on your door.....jesus christ, what do you think she wanted...some weed and a fucking dick. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
anyway dont sweat it have her over and get her drunk and pull out your erb put a pipe in her mouth and start moving south from there:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
my girl was in my bedby the way. I wasnt worried about getting ass. I was worried about my neighbors talking shit about my smoking weed.


Well-Known Member
whats your girl got to do with her?
Not everybody cheats. Even though sometimes i want to i couldnt do that to my future wife. Sorry guys.I just hope the neighbors dont start calling the cops everytime i want to smoke outside. I guess i just cant smoke outside anymore.