Nostalgia Ain't What It Used To Be


Well-Known Member
right, what did there used to be when you were a kid that doesn't exist any more? What were the mad crazes that died out and haven't been seen since?

I miss Lucky Charms, they still do em in the US but not in the UK anymore! Also this stuff called Cremola Foam i think, you put a spoonful in a glass of water and it made a fizzy drink. And snap-bands. Quality.
Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
i refuse to believe that nobody has any childhood memories, gads! remember tamagotchis, and pogs, and furbees? guff, the lot of it. but cool at the time


Well-Known Member
yes mate! pogs were amazing, but looking back it's like wtf were we up to, flipping little bits of card about


bud bootlegger
my older brother had this electronic football game.. it was just this big piece of metal that looked like a field, and had all of these players on it... you plugged it in and it just sort of vibrated around and the players would sort of move every which way.. it was the oddest thing, don't know how you played or scored or whatever, but it was always funny watching the players shake back and forth on the field..


Well-Known Member
haha class! like electric subuteo footie, toys were so crap then compared to now, feeling a bit hard done by lol