NOT GUILTY ...zimmermen


Well-Known Member
ok ........not a damn thing we can do about the case now

but we can make sure everyone knows what zimmermen looks like can they can then call i am scared for my life and shoot him in the back of the head .......under the stand your ground law ..............i got it he is walking infront of u and u see a gun on his side u yell gun then shoot him ( he is known for killing he is armed u are in real fear of your life )

lets use the new tool they have given us know they have it in 23 other states

funny side one knows where he is not the family not the court not the lawyers he left that building and odds are leaving the USA becuase well he has no where to go here most everyone knows what happend and that few ppl that agree he did right u are out numbered even prez barry thinks it is messed up and he is a evil son of a bitch on his own so it is fricken messed the hell up


Well-Known Member
Ok, that's what I thought I said. I would be very emotional and would want blood. I don't blame Trayvon's parents at all for how they feel. In fact, I think they've conducted themselves with way more class and reserve than I would.

I didn't know where you were going with that statement Schuylaar after you asked it the third time.
I just wanted to make sure you were REALLY into me LOL


Well-Known Member
Agree completely with this. Zim was the adult and a minor died essentially because of poor choices made. Negligent homicide seems logical to me. I wonder why the prosecution didn't take this angle?
Exactly, a minor died as a direct result of an adult's decision making process. When the Martins bring Wrongful Death against Zimm, he'll be ruined anyway AND has to testify.:grin: There was quite a bit of missed opportunity on the prosecution side as well.


New Member
if someone followed me like zimm followed martin, ya know, in the dark in my own neighborhood while i was doing nothing wrong, both by car, then on foot after i ran, while never identifying themselves, i would fear for my life and i'm sure martin did too if he had any self preservation instincts.
That definitely explains why traytray doubled back instead of just running away and/or going home.


Well-Known Member
Same could be said of all blacks. They are responsible for nearly 100% of crime in the nation. Just seeing one should make your fear for your life. All niggers should be shot on sight.
well then u have some ppl love me i am proud to say i got a keynen stoned and a south african .........both cool ppl .............i know a 6''5' black guy that hate rap and loves death metal .....i was locked up for a year with them 5 white guys on the block 30 something black guys and 1 of the white guys we found out was in there for fucking a kid needless to say he got a bunch more charges when they did a toss of the block everything ended up in his bunk 2 bottles of the best cider and yeast i had ended up in there

from what i see most of the crime is caused by greed lust envy and sometimes anger but that can be any color on the spec man u are a grower u know all about light color


Well-Known Member
That definitely explains why traytray doubled back instead of just running away and/or going home.
the kid was 17 17 i was standing up in flatbed trucks doing 110 down the highway .......throwing parties at my house with 87 ppl just in the basement alone 17 we are all huge idoits ..................zimmermen came up ordered him to do something....the kid siad fuck u or something ......zimmermen touched the kid...........the kid stood his ground .....zimmermen was losing and he was armed and shot him ...........................the whole thing is zimmermens fault period that is the case unarmed kid armed man person walked away


Well-Known Member
Same could be said of all blacks. They are responsible for nearly 100% of crime in the nation. Just seeing one should make your fear for your life. All niggers should be shot on sight.
Well, by definition, I would bet my life, if that was to come to fruition, you would lose more family members than you would care to mention, and that stands true for everyone that has a pulse.

Wrap your pea brain around that before you place your family members in jeopardy again.




Well-Known Member
well then u have some ppl love me i am proud to say i got a keynen stoned and a south african .........both cool ppl .............i know a 6''5' black guy that hate rap and loves death metal .....i was locked up for a year with them 5 white guys on the block 30 something black guys and 1 of the white guys we found out was in there for fucking a kid needless to say he got a bunch more charges when they did a toss of the block everything ended up in his bunk 2 bottles of the best cider and yeast i had ended up in there

from what i see most of the crime is caused by greed lust envy and sometimes anger but that can be any color on the spec man u are a grower u know all about light color
Cider? Damn, you guys were a slackin' on the block..whatever happened to finding that white dude hung in his cell?:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
the kid was 17 17 i was standing up in flatbed trucks doing 110 down the highway .......throwing parties at my house with 87 ppl just in the basement alone 17 we are all huge idoits ..................zimmermen came up ordered him to do something....the kid siad fuck u or something ......zimmermen touched the kid...........the kid stood his ground .....zimmermen was losing and he was armed and shot him ...........................the whole thing is zimmermens fault period that is the case unarmed kid armed man person walked away
Did you come up with that all by yourself.....:roll: Fantasy alert !!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Crayon derangement syndrome!

" The detective who investigated the shooting, the Chief of Police and the District Attorney, after viewing the evidence believed Zimmerman was innocent of any wrong doing or they would have arrested him and prosecuted the case. They did not arrest or prosecute.
There is a lot of shit I have done that I was neither arrested for nor prosecuted. it no way implies that I didnt do something the cops thought were wrong.

The cops had a hard time getting a statement from the only other witness available as he was FUCKING DEAD


Well-Known Member
Self defense is a you or me decision. Fights do not merit capital response, it is always the last option, and the story told was crafted by lawyers. It's polarizing effect is felt easily because of the speculative reality. A kid is dead, shot by a man in America, no consequence, no fucking surprise. We are not capable of gun ownership without massive blowback in the U.S. The illusory truth about guns is pervasive and resisted by the gun culture. Laws are shaped by NRA contributions and the argument does not match the math or the logic. People are not welcome to hold my fate in their obese knee jerks. Uneducated mouth-breathers and criminals have the responsibility to make decisions concerning the general welfare.....bad idea.I would get a gun to protect myself from the idiots that love them. If you want to be outraged by a racial injustice? think of how wall street stole billions, lied, and ruined lives and no arrests were made. That actually matters. This case is smoke and mirrors.


Well-Known Member
ok ........not a damn thing we can do about the case now

but we can make sure everyone knows what zimmermen looks like can they can then call i am scared for my life and shoot him in the back of the head .......under the stand your ground law ..............i got it he is walking infront of u and u see a gun on his side u yell gun then shoot him ( he is known for killing he is armed u are in real fear of your life )

lets use the new tool they have given us know they have it in 23 other states
View attachment 2742883

funny side one knows where he is not the family not the court not the lawyers he left that building and odds are leaving the USA becuase well he has no where to go here most everyone knows what happend and that few ppl that agree he did right u are out numbered even prez barry thinks it is messed up and he is a evil son of a bitch on his own so it is fricken messed the hell up
You know what you just wrote right here?

This could very well be considered a DEATH THREAT by authorities. In today's world actions like that are considered TERRORISM. I suggest deleting.