Not sure if deficiency or overdose.


Hey all. Just looking for a little help. Its my first grow. Using pro-mix soil and tap water. Jungle juice nutrients (but my micro is holland secret) not sure if mixing bran ds is bad. Im in my 3rd week of flower and the bottom leaves are turning yellow, and crispy on the edges. And the plant in general is becoming a lighter green only where the light is concentrated ( i tried out LST). The top by what would have been the main cola is still a nice green. So i moved my light up (thought it was light stress), then the stems and main stock started turning a bright purple, and the yellow is starting up the plant. Not sure what to do. Feed or not? Add cal-mag? ph is hovering around 7. I know its high but im reluctant to add the ph down i have. Could ph7 cause problems such as im having. Sorry for the long post.Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
pH your water to around 6 after you mix a full strength feed. If you are not using JJ Micros check what you are using for calcium but it doesn’t appear calcium deficient. Usually that will show in flower. Also verify the Micros have iron and sulfur. I use JJ and eliminate the Grow in flower. Personally. Not suggesting you do it.


Well-Known Member
If your PH is too high your plant will not take up the nutrients. If you are using promix soil for like vegetables that you buy at a generic garden Center I recommend putting the PH to 6.4-6.6 after putting the nutrients in the water. I was having bad lockout issues cause my PH was way too high. After lowering everything seemed to pan out nicely. Now I have light burn and heat stress but that’s another issue in itself haha.


Thanks guys ill ph the water to around 6 when i feed tomorrow and see if that helps. Was worried the ph down solution i have may be harmful to add during flower but ill give er a try. Much appreciated!