Not sure what to think


Well-Known Member
I wrote a post earlier today that unfortunately didn't get posted because sadly (due to the fact the forum timed out on me...slow typist lol). I understand how people can view people like myself, a visionary of sorts, as a person who is f'd in the head by doing it. Seriously though, am I wrong for standing up for what I believe in, dispite being the low guy on the totem pole?? I mean, yeah I get the overall view of people who are in financial services in general, but honestly why am I feeling soo strongly about the path I have chosen??? And yeah, walking alone on this path has kept me wondering if in fact I have lost my mind, not wanting the money, but knowing full well that I have done a good deed when that person (or couple) has the biggest smile on their faces when I leave, that they know finally that they can rest easily at night, and yet the other people within the company recieve all the acknowledgement.

I posted in another thread, which had a plethora of youtube clips within, the vid I posted IS exactly who I am (as person), and EXACTLY what I stand for....

My hand is outstretched, but soo few see it as possible that I can help them (in reference to the older generation), and yet I never viewed age as a factor, I was with the understanding that if I have the knowledge, why keep it to only a select few.....but after a while I am wondering why I need to be around for 50+ years just to have people reconise that I am here to assist them.....

I'm at a loss guys, is money the only thing people will listen to???

*Waves down to the people standing at the base of the mountain* Come on up folks I can and will keep you warm. :)

I don't know if my mind can keep going, roll and smoke one up for me will ya???


Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
I understand. Age has nothing to do with knowledge. I'm smarter and more well rounded then most older folk...and I'm 22. It's ridiculous that people pass on knowledge because of the source and the source alone.

What mountain we staying on?

Might I ask what your so passionate about? The post didn't mention that. Unless your talking about growing.


Well-Known Member
I understand. Age has nothing to do with knowledge. I'm smarter and more well rounded then most older folk...and I'm 22. It's ridiculous that people pass on knowledge because of the source and the source alone.

What mountain we staying on?

Might I ask what your so passionate about? The post didn't mention that. Unless your talking about growing.
I understand. Age has nothing to do with knowledge. I'm smarter and more well rounded then most older folk...and I'm 22. It's ridiculous that people pass on knowledge because of the source and the source alone.
What mountain we staying on?
Might I ask what your so passionate about? The post didn't mention that. Unless your talking about growing.
My passion runs with numbers...or should I say mathematics. Not only that but the sheer fact that that this whole journey started when I was 12, it was forever ignited in school detention, I looked out the window, said to myself I AM going to California. At that time what fueled that disire was simply wanting to get away from the family that tried to destroy my ability to think, feel, and be me (or what the big guy upstairs wants me to be). That same year, I was in the car with my (then) "mother", and she was shopping around for investments (life insurance, RESP, etc.). And we walked in, she was talking to the instructor (was teaching a class at the time), as I looked around I locked eyes, with who happened to be my future roomate and recruiter, also that year was the same year the one and only email I have ever used
was created( ) . At 18, I said f'em, nothing changed with my life at the house, my "parents" were continuously trying to brainwash me into thinking I was nothing better than a whipping-boy....taking all their anger and frustration out on me, saying I was a dissapointment and an accident. So I flew out, and was "California dreamin'" in no time flat. It goes much further than that, but I don't want anyone or you falling asleep reading this lol...

The mountian in which we're standing on is Mt. Everest, plenty of people have conquer it, but very few would want to stay up here, they don't see that there is everything we need right there. And the passion in question is financial service company that goes by the name Primerica, it just so happens that the office I am in has made the company the #1 financial services institution in Canada, and as a whole, is the largest in North America. All I am saying Kodank, follow your dreams man, and I promise you, if you look to see if there is a office in your state/province, go with them brother, they do know what they are doing.

Granted it is probably unlikely to see this in this day and age, but the company as a whole (was worth when I started) is worth $687 billion, so I know I am not going to get a piece of the company pie.....but I know I will be a-okay in the end of this journey.

*rolls up a blunt**puff...puff...pass* A wee bit strong there man, but it feels damn good......oh, and one more thing (sorry Kodank...and to anyone who read through this), fill in this riddle as you see fit.....*Look up.....wayyyyyy up....what do you see????* C'mon people, join us....theres plenty of the fatty to go around (invison a foot-long blunt)

*turns on the stereo**cranks it to 10**Voodoo Child begins to play for WORLD to here*:).....I can't wait to grow either.....but that is for another day.



Well-Known Member
Primerica is a scam. imo
Yeah have heard that man, and you are entitled to your opinion. And I certainly hope you don't take this the wrong way, but read between the lines....all I was getting at was that you can have you're dreams come matter how bleak times may seem....everyone can be what or who they want to be....that's all :)



Active Member
Yeah, Citi-Primerica is definitely a scam. I thought it sounded legit, and then I went to an "interview." Screams scam. Basically, they want you to work for free and compensate you based on the number of people you bring in. Plus they wanted me to pay for all sorts of licensing and training (it's been a while ago and my memory is kind of fuzzy :joint:). I've got no problem working on commission, but when someplace wants to hire you and then makes you pay them, something is definitely up. Then I started asking some pointed questions about how they operate, what's their business model like, etcetera and the dude really started squirming. I got the fuck out of there and never looked back.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Citi-Primerica is definitely a scam. I thought it sounded legit, and then I went to an "interview." Screams scam. Basically, they want you to work for free and compensate you based on the number of people you bring in. Plus they wanted me to pay for all sorts of licensing and training (it's been a while ago and my memory is kind of fuzzy :joint:). I've got no problem working on commission, but when someplace wants to hire you and then makes you pay them, something is definitely up. Then I started asking some pointed questions about how they operate, what's their business model like, etcetera and the dude really started squirming. I got the fuck out of there and never looked back.

Yeah, Citi-Primerica is definitely a scam. I thought it sounded legit, and then I went to an "interview." Screams scam. Basically, they want you to work for free and compensate you based on the number of people you bring in. Plus they wanted me to pay for all sorts of licensing and training (it's been a while ago and my memory is kind of fuzzy FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT="). I've got no problem working on commission, but when someplace wants to hire you and then makes you pay them, something is definitely up. Then I started asking some pointed questions about how they operate, what's their business model like, etcetera and the dude really started squirming. I got the fuck out of there and never looked back.
Very true, to be honest with what I had learned in going to those meetings is people who are really "successful", are the most, egotistical, self-centred, selfish people.

In my very first meeting I attended for "training" (which is laughable at best, which you'll come to find out further down this post...just let me finish this thought lol), the "team leader" had made a statement close to this, "What would you do if you had a huge bull in front of you??" And I blurted out, "You break off the horns and shove them down it's throat." Now from that moment on, I realise whole-heartedly what I said is and was wrong to say. But speaking from the heart was something that sounded totally foreign to them, I mean sh!t, when that spineless @$$hole said that like the black-belt (supposedly) he was in tae-kwon-do....he made a huge mistake by saying that the people who are "trainees", are white-belts mean nothing to him, and that he can't hear what they have to clearly (i do have some issues to work out), the money has clouded his views of life---or life in general. He pissed me off so badly, that I said to my recruiter if he doesn't watch out, I will hurt the prick. From that day foreward, I had my recuiter (and as I mentioned in the 1st post), and roomate on egg shells....which I realise now was wrong of me to do so....but geez asking me for money when she already was getting $900 from me (out of a $989, cheque) for rent was luticruse (i know i spelled that wrong).

Here's exactly what I wanted to tell'em......and sorry I didn't mean for this to turn into "vent corner"....

" If ever there was a time where I knew what was necessary to make an impact in people's lives, that time is NOW. Sure, maybe I am an unlikely candidate for success, and I refuse to be someones lacky. Nevertheless, no longer will I be someone's bitch. I found myself surrounded by ignorant assholes who only believe THEY are the ONLY people who matter. Attitude aside, I find it incredibly ironic that the person whom I work for at this present day, is deaf. Okay then, let it continue to fall on deaf ears, let your selfishness dominate how you conduct yourself. Sure, you can act like you give a damn about people and aiding them in the journey to financial freedom. And yet I am the one people turn to to help them in a financial crisis, not only that but those who ask me for assistance think I don't expect anything in return. Get your g**-damn heads out of your asses, quit whining and crying about not making ENOUGH money. Who's bloody fault is that hmmm?? Not mine, that's for damn sure. It's crazy that those who are successful in here are the MOST ego-tistical, self-centred, spineless people known to man. Nevertheless, go ahead, take credit for something you didn't do, pretend that you are living in a fantasy. Problem is when that glass shatters, and the world around you comes crumbling down. Remember YOU are the one who has to look in to that mirror every night. not me. To be honest, I find it absolutely hilarious that those who are the "leaders" are leading you straight off a cliff. Sure, grapefruits are large in stature, but a ripe pair??? Damn it all anyway, and yeah it is very rare to find someone who will go into battle with not one thing in it's aid. This crusade that I am leading, it is simply a pheonix.....rising above the ashes. While most won't see what I see, simply because they've gotten by, by allowing other people to raise them up to the mountain peak, STOP NOW. If you truly are human and not some robotic droid, stand up, stand tall, and notice what is wait for you at the top *waves to everyone down below*. At it's peak, there is only room for one, but at this moment I am flattening the top to make way for the new breed of true leaders....come and join me, I won't let you become cold within. Remember, like a lifeguard, you have been trained to save lives', and the lives around you.

I've come to the conclusion that today, October 10, 2010 marks a day where the freedom march began. In a sense, I should be heart-broken about it all, but it doesn't matter to anyone here. So, with that said I would like to inform the populus here today that no matter the circumstance, we all can be the cream in our coffees' and rise up above the portrayal of "doom and gloom". There are too many people who need our help, and yet they will turn a blind-eye to an out-stretched hand. It should never be the money that fuels your disires, wants, or needs, it truly IS a business where you need to find out what makes Anytime I try to help out with the knowledge I have attained, putting their best interest at-hand. And yes, I understand, exposing the TRUE you can seem like one helluva task at hand. If you may, invision this if you would.

Walking along your daily route (or driving), you come across several people in need...what would YOU do???

Dispite the usual thought of people who are homeless, realise that no matter what their addiction might of been that caused them to in that position presently. They too once were like you, they had a roof over their head, enjoyed many things that brought them pleasure, had food in their stomachs, and were safe. Now with the choices they made, they are cold, broken, and at often times just wanting to know that people do care about them. It's wonderful how much of a positive effect you can have on people, just by simply cracking a smile. And yeah, I am more than likely the only person in the world to say to you, "Give your money away to the homeless." While it's not normal to think like that, lemme ask you this, What if the outcomes have been reversed and you were in their shoes??? What would YOU do next?? Case-in point, dispite the view of the media on such a thing, would you be able to do what they do and still want to breathe, or would you throw in the towel and give up???

Today when you leave this place, ultimately remind yourself how wonderful it is to be in your position, be greatful that you have a home to come back to, food everyday, many of the little things we often take foregranted (hair products, make-up, TV's, a car, etc), and the money to save, spend it however you see fit. Not having to worry about where your next meal would come from, or wether or not your heat and hydro would be cut, or simply caring for your family. Now I ask you all sitting before me, use what you've learned today. There is a reason I am here 10 years later, to spread my message....heck laying in that hospital bed, I had succumbed to alcohol poisoning, splitting my skull in the process...damn thing hemoraged on me completely and yet I refused all attempts at recieving treatment, all because I heard a little voice say to me, "Go forth my son, keep calm, spread you message, it's time." All was healed within 10 minutes, the fluid ceased, and all things returned to nomal. And yet, I supposedly need to be RVP just to be heard haha.

SVP (edited in: not quite yet, but I certainly feel that way) **** ******* "

So Dr. Nick, you see, all I am attempting to do was for people to understand that there are people who care, and will fight the good fight. Sure it may not seem like it's worth it, but damn it I didn't lose 2/3rd of my brain, not letting my Cerebral Palsy and Hydrocephalus get in my way.....I AM the change...and I wanted people to know it. Even though "family" should listen, they haven't and yet, I have come here because...I truly feel like I am part of a family here :)....take it for what it's worth....I realise that what say here won't matter to everyone. I am trying reinvent the wheel so to speak, make it move without so many moving parts.

Just my outlook though man, I know it isn't the same.

Peace, love and rock'n roll,



Well-Known Member
Three claps Buddy, three claps.
Thank you very much bro,

So you see....if you take the three posts I made here, honestly....who would you rather help you (from my perspective, by which I mean where I stand)....A goof who tells you he/she has bought 4 homes, 3 sportscars (which are cool too but....) and has gone to Las Vegas over 40+ times, has stayed in 8 star resorts....orrrrrr.....someone like this who only wants the best for the people whom he/she comes in contact with???

It funny really, it was just a little over two hours ago that I wrote this:

*lighting strikes a redwood...nothing happens*

Here I sit, thinking about how much the world NEEDS change. And yet NO one wants it to change because it's easier for those fat-f**kheads to make ------>$$$$. And yet, here I am doing this ALONE. Those ignorant a$$holes will be rotting in he!! when they take they're last breath...they would of accomplished NOTHING at ALL. And yet, while I am seemingly torturing myself here fighting for what IS right. It really hit me in the heart while listening to the news, they just repeat the same damn headlines over and over again. All the while, why don't they try to report on something that matters??? I mean YES, the war in Iraq is a sad state of affairs, and YES it hurts like hell to know people continue to die.....but damn it.....why the heck are they wanting this news to be heard over and over again???Simple, it's easier for people to be hurt and scared in their homes, shutting themselves off from the beauty that is there, instead of having people being proud, standing tall, and fighting for what they believe in.....they get people turning on one another "cannibalizing" themselves to the point where they don't want to walk outside and see the glorious sunset. I REFUSED ALL forms of assistance, NOT because I am some sort of cocky, ignorant, a$$'s because I haven't been spared countless times, just to hand over a "thanks" at the end of this. People need, a warm safe-haven for them to come in from the rain, and when the snow falls and yet no one can seem to provide it. And yes, sure there are shelters, or to have gymnasium floors used to house the families, THAT is where I come in, I WILL create a place where ALL will be accepted. Money won't be a factor, all I want is for them to know that they're safe with me, hot food, clothing, a comfy place to rest their heads'. All the while, I'm being ignored.......just like I said in the beginning of this...."Just watch... you'll see."

And to I thought I was here to be made fun of my whole life.

I am so happy to be alive Doc. So who would you want helping you, or the ones you love?? You can always trust and count on me (long winded I know), and yeah it's a dumb-flippin cliche, but after reading..."How does that make you feel??"

Micheal Jackson - Heal the World

E.S Posthumus - Unstoppable

Johnny Cash - Solitary Man

Eminem - I'm not afraid

Buddy :)

Peace, love, and rock'n'roll,

Jimmi Hendrix - Voodoo Child

Lynard Skynard - Freebird

If you look closely there is a message in those song titles. *Kicks back rolls one up and listens to those songs*


Active Member
As for me, I try to help myself so that others don't have to. For better or worse, I'm a very self reliant person. That said, if I need help I'll take what's offered (if I don't let pride get in the way), and if someone else needs help, I'll do what I can.

People need to help each other, but not nescesarily like how people think of "helping." Just by doing small things, the world could be a much, much better place. So often, people focus on changing the world, but in their zeal they're are blinded to the situation across the street. Nothing starts out great. Even stars begin one atom at a time...

All the best, Dr.Nick


Well-Known Member
As for me, I try to help myself so that others don't have to. For better or worse, I'm a very self reliant person. That said, if I need help I'll take what's offered (if I don't let pride get in the way), and if someone else needs help, I'll do what I can.

People need to help each other, but not nescesarily like how people think of "helping." Just by doing small things, the world could be a much, much better place. So often, people focus on changing the world, but in their zeal they're are blinded to the situation across the street. Nothing starts out great. Even stars begin one atom at a time...

All the best, Dr.Nick
As for me, I try to help myself so that others don't have to. For better or worse, I'm a very self reliant person. That said, if I need help I'll take what's offered (if I don't let pride get in the way), and if someone else needs help, I'll do what I can.

People need to help each other, but not nescesarily like how people think of "helping." Just by doing small things, the world could be a much, much better place. So often, people focus on changing the world, but in their zeal they're are blinded to the situation across the street. Nothing starts out great. Even stars begin one atom at a time...

All the best, Dr.Nick
Yeah Doc. I couldn't agree more. ( apologises...I have medicated abit before.....and a bit while i type....if this doesn't make a whole lot of sense, let me know:) ) I find it hilarious how so few are wanting to leave there homes, and yet there is a world out there that begs to be explored. And yeah I've been repeating my message, and I hate doing so....I am just finally able to talk to people:)...

I once again wrote something a while back (several more where that came from lol), for what ever reason I was in a terrible place upstairs. It felt like I wasn't being heard, so I searched and searched on the 'net for a site to which, people who were battling mental issues (anxiety, belimia, etc.) When I was there, I must of hit the panic button somewhere along the line, because I felt highly suicidal, nothing seemed to make sense....I went to there just to be heard, in the process of leaving a message, shortly-there after, I recieved a reply. From then on (...the time in which I wrote the topic), I sent this back as my reply....and never looked back.:)

"Hello *****,

I don't mind sharing why (if that is what you meant) I use MM, as a matter of fact, I strongly believe that I was born from another time. I am really a mixture of personalities (and not boarder-lining disorders either), I've worn my hair as a multi-colored afro, resembling a look of a clown. I and I do realize that there are people who are afraid of them, but I am here to say "Don't be". If I can bring a smile to peoples' faces in this time of hardship....then I have done what I set out to do. I also have worn a military-style look to my face (that without a doubt has turned heads), black, green, brown, and grey, telling them that I without a doubt will give up on them or and anyone else, I will go to war for them if they need me. I have also looked at several different cowboy-style outfits that fits me to a T. I want it to be known that I am outlaw (of sorts), and will bring the bad (in this world, so to speak, without a weapon) out, justice will be made. I've went as far as to bringing out the hippie within, (natural) tye-dyed shirts, worn out jean, the headband, the works lol. Spreading the word that organic gardening is something we all can do to make the world a better place.

So you see, not sure if you can tell by now, but I am fearless individual lol. I am turning out what is in my heart and spreading the message of peace, love, and rock n' roll that lays within. Life is what you make of it, if you have the desire for change, than I am it *smiles*. Oddly enough, I've travelled and lived in California, and it undoubtedly is true, once you go to California, you'll never be the same person from when you left lol.

I also am doing something else that I had my heart set on from a young age, and that was walking into business headquarters at 12 and telling them that I will be working for them, after the laughter and snickers subsided, I left by saying "Just watch, you'll see.", and now 10 years later, I am self-employed with the #1 Financial services firm in Canada. And, the largest in North America.

*lot of hugs* ***** (female), let your mind soar like an eagle, and your heart do the talking, nothing in this world is un-attainable.

*hits the power button, and cranks the volume to 10* *Voodoo Child and Freebird begin to play*

Hope that wasn't too much reading lol, talk with you soon Karen.....and yes I am different lol. My voice is being heard I know it *smiles*

**** (PM me if you would like to know it)"

So you see, Nicko. I really haven't change who I am, and how the guy upstairs made me. For what ever the reason, I am hated for it man. I can not believe, I am not being encouraged in this......I mean damn, I was in a mental hospital for takin' wee-bit too much alchol, uttered some terribly snide and rude remarks. Afterwhich, I decided to walk to the corner liquer store. When I had returned, I cracked open the 26oz' which a third of the bottle was gone in five minutes....two triamacet came into play, and well....well you can see where this is going....:leaf::fire:
As long I can bring a smile to North America:) When you look up....waay up....what do you see???

Peace, love, and rock'n'roll, *extends out my left hand to shake your hand*



Well-Known Member
For goodness sake folks, c'mon over....I don't bite:).....this thread is MADE for people who want to be heard. And realise whole-heartedly it's not the "norm", but I want people to know that I am listening. Talk about anything, and heck, if you don't it's all good....just know that I am here if you do :)

Peace, love, rock'n'roll *hits on the stereo**I'm not afraid begins to play* Just healing the world, one person at a time:)
