Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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Well-Known Member
The Great Lakes don't have tides nor do landlocked seas. It's not the moons gravity it's something else. Tesla believed the sun caused the tides and that he could use the sun to move water to irrigate the desert for farming. It could have something to do with fathomless depths of the ocean. Only 10% of the ocean floor has been mapped out yet claims are made that Mariana's Trench is the deepest part. :roll::roll:
tesla never said any of the bullshit you ascribe to him.

And in fact the Great Lakes do measure a tide, albeit small. It is measurable


Ursus marijanus
Planet comes from the root word PLANE as in a level plane. Accordingly, plane trigonometry was used for hundreds of years for oceanic navigation. Navigation using spherical trigonometry proved disastrous for navigators and had to be abandoned. Consequently, Antarctica was mapped out and discovered to be a circumference. Interestingly, no animals or plant life live there and nature (or the creator) intended it to be uninhabitable. Stop relying on television and Hollywood for your education. Dafreak is a good handle for you because your brain has been turned to mush. bongsmilie
Your analysis is incomplete. PLANE comes from PLAN, as in the massive long-term actions of the deep-state conspiracy to
~adjusts tinfoil~
uhm what was I saying?


Well-Known Member
The world planet comes from the greek word Planetes which means "Wanderer." Absolutely zero to do with the word "plane" or plane trigonometry.
That’s sooooo typical of all of their bullshit. All made up nonsense that no one ever ever vets

Same with quotes of people. All bullshit and incorrect.


Well-Known Member
That’s sooooo typical of all of their bullshit. All made up nonsense that no one ever ever vets

Same with quotes of people. All bullshit and incorrect.
They referred to planets as "wanderers" because their position changes throughout the year compared to stars which are much further away and their positions appear to remain fixed.


Well-Known Member
Why is it that they desire the earth to be flat? What’s the benefit to believing something so stupid? Flat Earthers are just the ultimate trolls, I’d bet very few of them actually believe it.


Well-Known Member
It’s a religious nut job thing for many. They think the entire globe thing is simply to give the finger to god. Offend him.

It just keeps getting weirder from there.


Well-Known Member
Why is it that they desire the earth to be flat? What’s the benefit to believing something so stupid? Flat Earthers are just the ultimate trolls, I’d bet very few of them actually believe it.
Well, either they believe it, or are simply showing how shallow and empty their lives must be if they are knowingly spending so much time trolling.


Well-Known Member
I hate to piss on your chips, but. Unless you actually go to space for your self then you are never going to know if it's real or not. It could just be like a movie or something, you know how good graphics and stuff is these days they can make anything look real with a Green screen
Until you actually see the sun after it rises in the morning, you are never going to know if night will end. The "sky", which is actually the heavenly firmament, is like a computer screen with really good graphics running it.


Well-Known Member
Until you actually see the sun after it rises in the morning, you are never going to know if night will end. The "sky", which is actually the heavenly firmament, is like a computer screen with really good graphics running it.
I always thought the firmament was more like a mystical, magical thing... you know, like in the main hall in Harry Potter.


Well-Known Member
But it runs on Duracel, a MS operating system, and far fewer gears these days. The tour is awesome


Well-Known Member
The word planet comes from the greek word Planetes which means "Wanderer." Absolutely zero to do with the word "plane" or plane trigonometry.
Your greasy bucket of chicken eatin fingers did a google search so now you are a trained linguist? Getting into a debate over root words of ancient languages would be a waste of my time with a obviously ignorant globetard. Greek takes many bastardizationized forms of Hebrew which it originated from. But that's beside the point so allow me to keep it simple for your extended cromagnon cranium. Bodies of water do not curve into a ball. PHYSiCS 101.


Well-Known Member
Griller is a complete idiot and used to be more fun. Now he’s simply the neighborhood simpleton that everyone accommodates and ignores the ravings of.
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