Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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My poop comes out flat sometimes depends how tight my asshole is being.

This proves flat earth is shit and comes from assholes

I rest my case
just because something is relative, it doesnt mean its irrelevant, it means in measurements you wont get any constant, but it is very measurable if you know speed of the observer and observed in space... or something like that... time is very relevant actually, for the existence of the universe we know it...
existence of the universe we know it...
I quoted some sayings, on this much like the person I replied to, I have no side to choose, the meat was in the last words.
There are no real sides. Do you get that?

like debating if Santa is real or he isn’t. Obviously there’s only ONE real side to that debate

saying the “earth might be flat because I have an open mind” really just means you’re a dumbass
I had an experience with a flat earther who was dumb obviously, because he believed that the earth was flat. Well I took him and my telescope to a far point on the coast and pointed toward a lighthouse that according to my calculations should be all below the horizon with the top of the tower perking up. Well, sure enough, that lighthouse was sticking out of the horizon like a penis it was a great sight, you can actually see the top of the water close then at distance behind the lighthouse. Even that dumb guy left there finally convinced that the earth is not flat. You can try it anywhere on earth, much easier where there is a coast, and see with your own eyes. But then again, every time i hear the argument that there are millions who believe in it, I think of that George Carlin part about stupid people, and is true, half of the people are below average...
I was in Western Canada recently and I noticed something that made me think of the flat earth stuff. There was a plane in the distance rounding the curve - if not then there were a lot of people screaming their faces off as the plane went -straight -down toward the earth. No passenger plane could do that, and no pilot would ever do that.
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