November 8, 2022


Well-Known Member
That's the day the Dems/Biden & the USA/World, get fucked again.


Because 52% of eligible voters in this Land of Idiocy will vote Republican & will choose Trump as the next POTUS

Because the Biden is doing such a shit job, right?
Stocks achieving record highs/unemployment reaching a low not seen since 1984/wages have gone up
Covid is in remission & finally there is some light in that fucked up tunnel the US & actually the World has been in for 2 years.

But, that's not good enough for those fucking dim-witted monkeys in this country that have the right to vote

It doesn't matter that Saudi Arabia/ United Emirates refused to increase oil production to give the World a fucking break

Nope, OPEC refused.

It doesn't matter that he was left a pile of shit from Trump. & in the middle of a Pandemic, does it?

Nah, Mobil/Exxon/Shell/Sunoco, even BP have achieved record profits ( God bless Capitalism/when you got 'em by the balls, kill them after you've ruined them)
But, on the bright side is also record profits in the oil industry, so all the share holders making a ton of money, which is good right?
It's time for some trickle down boost to the economy, right?
After all, it worked for fucking Reagan, right?

Anyway, to the point, which is the fucking Republicans are favored to win in November, no matter what .

Simple, Biden/his son/Pelosi are the fucking cause of all America's problems now (52% saying it's Biden fault that gas/inflation is so fucking high)

Yup, November 9th, we Americans with college degrees/some form of intelligence will wake up & are gonna be Super Fucked as the Republicans will again accomplish not a fucking thing.

Really, why the fuck would we elect Republicans, again, the same fuckers who have never accomplished anything for the Middle/Lower Classes,, & each one has fucked up when they were in charge of the WH/Congress

Ok, twits out there that like Trump/GOP, name one positive thing that the Republicans have accomplished since Reagan, (Actually since Eisenhower
(Reagan could lick my balls, if he was alive)

C'mon, I dare you
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I still think there should a mandate/law restricting voting to a point where if you're a certifiable moron, like anyone that has an IQ below 70, they can't vote.
Do they allow retards to drive a car?
Why allow them to vote?
Is it because the Republicans rely on fucking idiots, who are its base, to get elected?
We already know most lack college degrees.
Why, because they're too fucking dumb, that's why.
And they are on the verge of winning in November
We got every asshole in this country voting Republican & they outnumber the sane, so what will be is that the idiots in this Country will be running the Country, again.
Sobering thought. eh?
That though is reality

I like these dummy's though :)

That's the day the Dems/Biden & the USA/World, get fucked again.


Because 52% of eligible voters in this Land of Idiocy will vote Republican & will choose Trump as the next POTUS

Because the Biden is doing such a shit job, right?
Stocks achieving record highs/unemployment reaching a low not seen since 1984/wages have gone up
Covid is in remission & finally there is some light in that fucked up tunnel the US & actually the World has been in for 2 years.

But, that's not good enough for those fucking dim-witted monkeys in this country that have the right to vote

It doesn't matter that Saudi Arabia/ United Emirates refused to increase oil production to give the World a fucking break

Nope, OPEC refused.

It doesn't matter that he was left a pile of shit from Trump. & in the middle of a Pandemic, does it?

Nah, Mobil/Exxon/Shell/Sunoco, even BP have achieved record profits ( God bless Capitalism/when you got 'em by the balls, kill them after you've ruined them)
But, on the bright side is also record profits in the oil industry, so all the share holders making a ton of money, which is good right?
It's time for some trickle down boost to the economy, right?
After all, it worked for fucking Reagan, right?

Anyway, to the point, which is the fucking Republicans are favored to win in November, no matter what .

Simple, Biden/his son/Pelosi are the fucking cause of all America's problems now (52% saying it's Biden fault that gas/inflation is so fucking high)

Yup, November 9th, we Americans with college degrees/some form of intelligence will wake up & are gonna be Super Fucked as the Republicans will again accomplish not a fucking thing.

Really, why the fuck would we elect Republicans, again, the same fuckers who have never accomplished anything for the Middle/Lower Classes,, & each one has fucked up when they were in charge of the WH/Congress

Ok, twits out there that like Trump/GOP, name one positive thing that the Republicans have accomplished since Reagan, (Actually since Eisenhower
(Reagan could lick my balls, if he was alive)

C'mon, I dare you
Do you really want to rule out the idea of a third party? When has either party paid any attention to the National Debt? We are tired of chosing sides and never seeing any improvement in our quality of life. When million wasn't enough so came billion and trillion. Let's get busy, if we follow the folly of believing money comes from leaving the printing press on all night we better think of a couple of more right? Start with a Zillion then go to a star system like OneStarillion and so on.
Do you really want to rule out the idea of a third party? When has either party paid any attention to the National Debt? We are tired of chosing sides and never seeing any improvement in our quality of life. When million wasn't enough so came billion and trillion. Let's get busy, if we follow the folly of believing money comes from leaving the printing press on all night we better think of a couple of more right? Start with a Zillion then go to a star system like OneStarillion and so on.
If you look at the debt or deficit for the last 45 years, you will have a clear answer.

As for third and other parties, these require coalition politics that don’t happen here.
To vote for neither red nor blue is to waste a vote as an honest but ineffective protest.
Do you really want to rule out the idea of a third party? When has either party paid any attention to the National Debt? We are tired of chosing sides and never seeing any improvement in our quality of life. When million wasn't enough so came billion and trillion. Let's get busy, if we follow the folly of believing money comes from leaving the printing press on all night we better think of a couple of more right? Start with a Zillion then go to a star system like OneStarillion and so on.
Actually, we have a shitload of Parties, probably in 3rd place is Green or Libertarian.
List of political parties in the United States - Wikipedia
The major problem are Republicans, specifically is Turtle Head/Douchbag Extraordinaire, fucking McConnell, The Grim Reaper, who is proud of that name & the fact that his stated Misson was to stop any & all of the policies of the Democratic Party. He & the rest of the scumbag Republicans & 2 Dems have been very, very successful in doing just that.

Excuse me for asking, but isn't that sorta like Treason, a grand design to sabotage any effort made by a POTUS that's a Dem, but glowingly support that fuck Trump, & in the process set back any forward advancements, simply because a Dem thought of it.

Paris Climate Accord/Clean Air Act
Universal Health Care
A women's right to maintain control over her body
Voters right to vote without being ,hindered.
Support for Unions
Iranian Nuclear Accord

Could you imagine what it would/could be like if there was an honest debate without simply the fact that before they even enter the House Chamber/Senate Floor they are set on stopping/destroying any hope of compromise.

Border Wall=Good.
Univeral Pre K Education = Bad

Keeping Immigrants out (if they're Muslim/or speak Spanish mostly) = Good
Wearing Facemasks/Getting Vaccinations during a fucking Pandemic = Bad

Drilling more oil wells/burning more Coal =Good
Windmills/Development of alternate Energy sources = Bad

Buying 100's of thousands Gas-Powered Mail trucks = Good
Paying for charging stations in the US = Bad

Universal Health Care = Bad
Restrictions on Voting/Gerrymandering = Good

Capital Punishment = Good
Education for Incarcerated people/Social Development programs/Job training for inner city youth (Like teach the Fuckers something/anything/mabe that would reduce crime = Bad

Womens rights = Bad
Mentioning fucking God/Jesus Christ every chance they get = Orgasmic
Atheism = Bad, very bad.

Kissing Russia's ass = Used to be good/now, not so much
Support for Ukraine = God damn it, I HAVE TOO say yes
Eliminating OSHA =Good
Unfettered Capitalism = Oh, my God/yes yes yes!!!

Mein Kampf = He speaks the Truth/very insightful
CRT = a Racist/Un-American piece of trash (fuck the Noble Prize)

Sucking Trump's Dick= Nasty (but they personally think he's a Madman & so they refuse to swallow/Gargle, yes/ instead they (Boebert/Greene spit it onto his hair (His hair loves it (much better than Pantene) almost as much as he loves getting Butt Blasted by a Mule (I actually saw this Cuban bestiality tape (my friend worked in a photo lab & some guy wanted 100 copies made from the original tape, so Steveo made a copy for himself.
Really awesome film.
Funniest thing was when the mule/Donkey was really pounding the guy in his ass & he starts screaming & then 2 guy's come out & grab the donkey's tail but they couldn't get it off (The guy was dying & Mr. Ed was pounding & this other guy comes out and shoots it in it's ear & when it went down It almost crushed the guy.
Fucking awesome :)

Anyway, I think you get my point which actually is that a 2 party system can be effective, but not anymore.
The Dems really only want is to address the problems that are going to eventually hit us right between the eyes sooner than later (Now?)

The Pubs still wish we had slaves

And you know what, it's been that way since Nixon entered the WH in 1970 & it's gotten worse.

And you sorta could blame Trump, but you really can't in away because he just brought the innate violence/racism/bigotry/selfishness out there into the open & espoused it fervently.

And almost 1/2 of Americans embraced it & want it back

We're fucked

Yup :(

Anyway, time to light one & revisit probably the best song(Purple Rain)/show ever recorded (That's only my opinion though :) )

Have a good one

Even Canada^s fucked up, lm voting for the little guy and will lose again. We should get paid for carbon reclimation since boreal forest cleans most of norther hemisphere. And is in our country, guess they will put a saw to it soon like BCs old growth forest. Will see in time. At one time l worked in a mill, cutting the smallest angle off ends of 2x4s, so states could buy Canadian lumber as a finished product, talk about buerocratic bull shit. Grow yer own trees, l say this jokingly, should be free for all to use. Im not sure it will mater who^s in office, the system is corrupted everywhere.
Even Canada^s fucked up, lm voting for the little guy and will lose again. We should get paid for carbon reclimation since boreal forest cleans most of norther hemisphere. And is in our country, guess they will put a saw to it soon like BCs old growth forest. Will see in time. At one time l worked in a mill, cutting the smallest angle off ends of 2x4s, so states could buy Canadian lumber as a finished product, talk about buerocratic bull shit. Grow yer own trees, l say this jokingly, should be free for all to use. Im not sure it will mater who^s in office, the system is corrupted everywhere.
At the same time, your territorial oceans are beginning to emit vast quantities of previously stable methane. So don’t be so quick to claim being carbon-negative.
At the same time, your territorial oceans are beginning to emit vast quantities of previously stable methane. So don’t be so quick to claim being carbon-negative.
Im not claiming carbon negative, but ld feed my plants all the co2 l can get to them. Co2 has more than doubled in last 80 years or so, from 200ppm to 400 ppm and up, if in hamilton with all the smog, lm so far south l should be in states. Dont forget all the radiation in our oceans too. Fukishima dumped a shitload into pacific. Im just saying that boreal forest is a working mechanism in nature. A tree only takes in so much a year. But those are woodlands as far as you can see, all the way to prarries.lts fucking huge forest. Should count for something. And shouldnt be logged. How does an average citizen control the oceans methane release? Tell me what l can do to help and l will do it. Im in Ontario and believe that we have as many trees as Quebec. Maybe not like bc but smaller. Btw l really liked 2 party system, well said but all the partys should be equally involved.
Im not claiming carbon negative, but ld feed my plants all the co2 l can get to them. Co2 has more than doubled in last 80 years or so, from 200ppm to 400 ppm and up, if in hamilton with all the smog, lm so far south l should be in states. Dont forget all the radiation in our oceans too. Fukishima dumped a shitload into pacific. Im just saying that boreal forest is a working mechanism in nature. A tree only takes in so much a year. But those are woodlands as far as you can see, all the way to prarries.lts fucking huge forest. Should count for something. And shouldnt be logged. How does an average citizen control the oceans methane release? Tell me what l can do to help and l will do it. Im in Ontario and believe that we have as many trees as Quebec. Maybe not like bc but smaller. Btw l really liked 2 party system, well said but all the partys should be equally involved.
“How does an average citizen control oceanic methane release?”
No freakin idea. Going hard carno keto vs going full goose vegan makes zero (within error) dif at the individual level in that regard.

The only control I see is at a larger level, corporate (giggle) or national.

My only real disagreement us regarding radiation. Fukushima was locally but not globally bad.
“How does an average citizen control oceanic methane release?”
No freakin idea. Going hard carno keto vs going full goose vegan makes zero (within error) dif at the individual level in that regard.

The only control I see is at a larger level, corporate (giggle) or national.

My only real disagreement us regarding radiation. Fukushima was locally but not globally bad.
They were dumping HOT = radioactive water into ocean so Id check pacific currents before making that claim, especially if living on west coast. Evaporation carries radiation too. So dont catch raindrops in your mouth. They said all the salmon could be affected. So this carrys forward through the foodchain, fukishima should plant hemp on site, cherynoble too. Weed eats that radioactive shit up and stores it like we do. Easier to get rid of weed. But l agree the govs got to get together and work as one and as seperate entities and fix this shit before we are dinosaured away! Wishful thinking l know. Pacific and Atlantic oceans not just CA problem, world problem. We share them with many other countries including USA.