Well-Known Member
but didn't you hear ginwilly whine?read it again.."delay PENALTY"..
didn't you cry some crocodile tears for poor little ol' ginwilly?
i sure did.
but didn't you hear ginwilly whine?read it again.."delay PENALTY"..
read it again.."delay PENALTY"..
but didn't you hear ginwilly whine?
didn't you cry some crocodile tears for poor little ol' ginwilly?
i sure did.
Worse case scenario is they extend the enrollment period for however long it takes to fix the website.
Republicans are scared to death of Obamacare. When it works out they will be exposed as liars. Polling is already showing even Republican voters believe the Republican party puts their Party above the countries interest
That is the bitch about this. Because a black man put it into action Republicans dont want it. Even though it is essentially a Republican plant from 15 yrs ago. Watch bill mahr a little bit and take a break from fox news if you want a little bit of truth.
Is it possible some people wouldn't want this erm "free healthcare" if it weren't championed by a mulatto and that race has nothing to do with it?
Oh most definitely the old guard GOP went against the country's interest and were only interested in keeping their positions.
Do you think the Dems were acting in the people's interest when what they are asking for now would have prevented a shutdown before it happened?
What could of prevented the Shutdown? be specific.
Serious question for ya. If the people voting, elect a republican in their area, would that republican be acting in the people's interest (who he represents) by trying to repeal O'care? I know you know how awesomely awesome O'care is, but you need to realize there are some people who think otherwise, they vote, have representation, and want things different from you. Not sure why you think those people don't deserve the same government you have.
Yes in their area they are representing their constituents. And Nationally The President got elected 2x on the strength of support for his healthcare plan
But then, when you think everyone who is against O'care is simply a racist teabagger like you do, it's hard to get past your hatred and bigotry to realize those people have rights too.
No I only think that racists and bigots are racists and bigots. You are not a victim of white persecution. If you think you are seek out a Klan representative or Tea party chapter in your area if you havent already
Also, why is it fair of Him to give special consideration and delays to businesses, unions, and anyone connected, but not the individual person? Seems like something those dirty, racist, greedy republicans would do. Give businesses exemptions but not the people who work there. It's shocking really that dems approve of this. I thought you guys fought for the little man against this kind of shit, but it's your side doing it... so..
Why dont you state what THE exemption is What it applies to and when it ends?
So you didnt read any of what i posted.So you are justifying the delays to businesses but not to the everyday working Joe. Wow. What the hell do dems stand for if not the everyman?
So you didnt read any of what i posted.
Back on the ignore list with you
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Willfully Uniformed
Yes, I read it. Your point for not granting temporary delays to individuals is because the delays to businesses are temporary?
Why are you against helping out average Joe? You know politically you will have to eventually to save face right? And when the individual mandate is delayed, dishonest uninformed people like you will THEN claim it's what's best. I wish you would do it now.
It's like watching Buck trying to explain how we should handle Libya. You don't have an opinion until someone gives you one.
Willfully ignorant
and dishonest
You really are a douchebag. Enjoy your miserable life
Coming from a grown man who displays a burning cross like a badge, calls women cunts on an internet forum and has had more personal catastrophes that only the government could have allowed you to overcome, I don't know how to take this. I'm leaning toward I should be flattered.
I get by in life and will do my best to enjoy, thanks for the encouragement, you do the same brother.
Coming from a grown man who displays a burning cross like a badge, calls women cunts on an internet forum and has had more personal catastrophes that only the government could have allowed you to overcome, I don't know how to take this. I'm leaning toward I should be flattered.
I get by in life and will do my best to enjoy, thanks for the encouragement, you do the same brother.
So you didnt read any of what i posted.
Back on the ignore list with you
You are either
Willfully Uniformed
Buck an PornO cheezyO have there wives supporting them with there health care by the sounds of it..So what does that tell you about a man?.. And then they come on this forum acting like father knows best..To me it makes them sound like fucking idiots..
So what do I suggest you do?...Well I would start with the kkk burning cross you are sporting...It makes you look like a racist idiot for starters...