Now Democrats Call To Delay Obamacare.

I also choose to go through my wife's employer for my health care. Not only are the premiums 50$ a paycheck cheaper her company gives us a debit card every year with about 3k on it for prescriptions, copays and anything medical. My employer offers a great plan as well it would just cost a little more to have.
I also choose to go through my wife's employer for my health care. Not only are the premiums 50$ a paycheck cheaper her company gives us a debit card every year with about 3k on it for prescriptions, copays and anything medical. My employer offers a great plan as well it would just cost a little more to have.

Buck an PornO cheezyO have there wives supporting them with there health care by the sounds of it..So what does that tell you about a man?.. And then they come on this forum acting like father knows best..To me it makes them sound like fucking idiots..

Any questions?
Quick question to the repubs.

You want to do away with Obamacare, right?

If so, why are you focused on a website? You do realize the website is not Obamacare right? You do realize its only a website to make things slightly more efficient for people to signup and research, right? You do know you can still look the same information up through your state, right?

And did you also know the contractors were a Canadian company? Who were fired by the Canadian government for messing up their website.

So, its not that Obama himself purposely made the website a mess, its more that some government official needed to choose a company to build the site, and because of a Republican law, had to enter a bidding contract process. The Canadian company was apparently the best value.... obviously that's not true.

So what exactly is this thread whining about? Or is this yet another failed attempt to create some sort of catastrophic event showing how terrible the black man in office really is?
Buck an PornO cheezyO have there wives supporting them with there health care by the sounds of it..So what does that tell you about a man?.. And then they come on this forum acting like father knows best..To me it makes them sound like fucking idiots..

lol. I thought people like you only existed in cartoons. I honestly feel bad for you.
Wilfully ignorant
a douche
and a malcontent asshole. No wonder your family disowned you

I would go so far as to call you a whiny cunt

I found a video that reminded me of you and your internet tough guy persona Cheesy, look in the mirror, you're the guy in the green shirt.

You still watching cartoons?

That's all you got? You make an off-color comment based on nothing but biased conjecture. I compare you to a cartoon character, deservedly so, and all you have for me is ask if I still watch cartoons?

I bet if you work hard enough buddy, you will be promoted to fry station one day.

Good luck to you.
Quick question to the repubs.

You want to do away with Obamacare, right?

I'm not a Republican but I do want to do away with Obamacare.

If so, why are you focused on a website? You do realize the website is not Obamacare right? You do realize its only a website to make things slightly more efficient for people to signup and research, right? You do know you can still look the same information up through your state, right?

And did you also know the contractors were a Canadian company? Who were fired by the Canadian government for messing up their website.

So, its not that Obama himself purposely made the website a mess, its more that some government official needed to choose a company to build the site, and because of a Republican law, had to enter a bidding contract process. The Canadian company was apparently the best value.... obviously that's not true.

The massive website failure is the a prelude for things to come, we can only focus on things as they happen. As far as future fuck ups. we all know what you'll have to say as we speculate!
As far as the Canadian company that was chosen and hired by the Obama administration goes, it only proves the incompetence of this administration and the federal government in general when it comes to running anything, especially 1/5th of our economy. Listen to yourself, the Obama administration chose a company that previously messed up the Canadian governments website and this is who's fault?? LOL

Remember Katrina, did George Bush purposely tell FEMA to slow down it's response, did the left whine and whine and demand accountability, you damn right.
can you say hypocrisy.

So what exactly is this thread whining about? Or is this yet another failed attempt to create some sort of catastrophic event showing how terrible the black man in office really is?

Enough of the race baiting see4, don't put yourself in the same category as UncleBuck and Cheesy, if you can't debate the issues on their merits, save your dignity and stay out of the fight.
Remember, the right in this country fought Hillarycare with just as much fury and won.
I'm not a Republican but I do want to do away with Obamacare.

Teabaggers are just as bad.

The massive website failure is the a prelude for things to come.....

There you go again, making assumptions that always never seem to be the case. Try basing your assumptions on fact rather than what you wish to happen.

As far as the Canadian company that was chosen and hired by the Obama administration goes, it only proves the incompetence of this administration and the federal government in general when it comes to running anything, especially 1/5th of our economy. Listen to yourself, the Obama administration chose a company that previously messed up the Canadian governments website and this is who's fault?? LOL

Though I am not arguing on the merits of competency as it pertains to the United States government, I am arguing that once again you are focusing on a non-issue, trying to make something out of nothing. It was not the administration who built the website, in fact, the technical requirements were finalized far in advance of entering the contract, it was poorly executed by the contract company. Not nearly as bad as the contract companies Bush and Cheney sent over to Iraq though, 10's of millions in wasted tax dollars.. probably more at this point. Why aren't you crying about that?

Remember Katrina...

Yes, we all do. We all remember how poorly managed the Bush administration and FEMA handled that one. One of many complete fuck ups the Bush administration achieved. Where was your outrage then?

Enough of the race baiting see4, don't put yourself in the same category as UncleBuck and Cheesy, if you can't debate the issues on their merits, save your dignity and stay out of the fight.

I will continue to race bait as long as you continue to show me that you are racist. See how this works? You can say the same bullshit anecdotal rhetoric over and over, and I don't? Hypocritical much?

And yes, I'm am happy you group me in with the likes of UB. Im happy to admit that.

I am trying to debate you, but it's not unlike trying to debate a brick wall. Unfortunately you equate debating to fighting, you have a lot to learn my friend. A lot to learn.
I remember thinking when Bush's popularity was 37%, "who are these people that still support this stupid shit?".
I think the same thing now, only somehow, it's racist now to think you guys are off your rocker.

I asked you once C4 why you still support O'care even though it's not what you thought it was. Your response is claim racism and criticize an entire group of people who disagree with you as racist. This is all the people still on board have left. It's pathetic. The other 63% of the people are NOT racist just because they disagree with what he's doing, in fact, racism is why a lot of those 37% cling to approval.
That's all you got? You make an off-color comment based on nothing but biased conjecture. I compare you to a cartoon character, deservedly so, and all you have for me is ask if I still watch cartoons?

I bet if you work hard enough buddy, you will be promoted to fry station one day.

Good luck to you.

That was funny...You are the one that brought up the cartoons..just so you know. The fry station was the funny part.. Back in 1972 I did work near a fry station, but now I can pay people to do my job for me and I can go fishing on the river while other people work...If you work hard maybe you can figure it out like I did...good luck.
a mulatto

ginwilly likes this.

clearly just a policy disagreement, folks.

pay no attention to the fact that robroy thinks blacks get "special rights" (voting as a racial entitlement, anyone?) and uses outdated, offensive terms.

it's all just a policy disagreement.

totally nothing personal.

The Republicans probably called medicare a goverment take over of medicine as well
Yet try to defund that and the Tea baggers will all show up and protest in their motorized wheelchairs
So you didnt read any of what i posted.

Back on the ignore list with you

You are either

Willfully Uniformed

ginwilly likes to take his own racist misunderstandings and claims and substitute his racism and idiocy in place of clear statements that others have made.

for example, if i say that "it is a good thing to end the achievement gap", he will convert the statement into "so blacks are worthless and can't perform as well as whites, eh?" based not on anything i have said, but based only on the racism that brews around in his retarded mind.

it's completely transparent, and completely annoying.

worst of all is that he fancies himself some sort of a scholar or something, like kynes.

too bad he is just a fatass who could probably stand to drop another 40 pounds, but people like you and i who are healthy and in shape will have to subsidize the fatass's health care.

you're welcome, ginwilly. you racist douchenozzle.
So what do I suggest you do?...Well I would start with the kkk burning cross you are sporting...It makes you look like a racist idiot for starters...

are you too dumb to realize that the same factions who for decades have burnt crosses are now the mainstay of the tea party?

they are the exact same cultural elements.

he has it as an avatar, you have it as the backbone to the party with which you identify.
Teabaggers are just as bad.

There you go again, making assumptions that always never seem to be the case. Try basing your assumptions on fact rather than what you wish to happen.

Though I am not arguing on the merits of competency as it pertains to the United States government, I am arguing that once again you are focusing on a non-issue, trying to make something out of nothing. It was not the administration who built the website, in fact, the technical requirements were finalized far in advance of entering the contract, it was poorly executed by the contract company. Not nearly as bad as the contract companies Bush and Cheney sent over to Iraq though, 10's of millions in wasted tax dollars.. probably more at this point. Why aren't you crying about that?

Yes, we all do. We all remember how poorly managed the Bush administration and FEMA handled that one. One of many complete fuck ups the Bush administration achieved. Where was your outrage then?

I will continue to race bait as long as you continue to show me that you are racist. See how this works? You can say the same bullshit anecdotal rhetoric over and over, and I don't? Hypocritical much?

And yes, I'm am happy you group me in with the likes of UB. Im happy to admit that.

I am trying to debate you, but it's not unlike trying to debate a brick wall. Unfortunately you equate debating to fighting, you have a lot to learn my friend. A lot to learn.

I am realizing what a joke you are becoming, to call wasting tax payers money a "non issue" tells me you're not much of a thinker.
And to accuse me of stonewalling the debate while using your race baiting tactics exposes your lack of knowledge on the issues and the hypocrite you truly are, race baiting is stonewalling, got brains?

In other words, I see you as typical progressive who preaches against intolerance yet cannot except another persons point of view or constitutional right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

And for the record, I didn't blame Bush for the Katrina debacle, FEMA (government agency) is just another example of how government can't do a fucking thing right, the proof stared you in the face. Knowing this, knuckle head progressives like you want the same government to run our healthcare which is 1/5th of our economy, how profoundly insane!

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
the same people who call people niggers as an insult, refer to obama as Him, a mulatto, have racialized avatars depicting him to be a muslim, call him a kenyan, bwana, african, question his education, his birth certificate, and call him an "affirmative action" president are getting really sick of all the race baiting.

and they are really offended that you would display an avatar that correctly ties their political party to the factions who formed it.

enough with the race baiting already, guys. it's just all a policy disagreement.

they don't like obama's policy of being a nigger muslims kenyan african affirmative action mulatto socialist.