Now were rollin'.. 430w HPS soil grow with 150w CFL.


Active Member
id suggest you SEAL the grow area get co2 , lol thats just my opinion you do what u gotta do man, good luck
thanks for the suggestion.. but.. before i'd do anything like that, i'd have to invest in a few things... which is not what this is about for me... this is me, trying to find a way to smoke the weed i love without going
broke in the process.

all this will have cost me maybe.. 300 bucks to put together, including some ferts, soil etc etc... cheap man, that was my biggest motivation.

stealth is also a factor.. and besides the venting of inside cab air that might smell (which i can handle with some minor adjustments) i see no reason to have to seal it up any further.

my house is well ventilated to begin with.


Active Member
Still waiting on the big one...

chopped the top off the purple one a while back..

chopped the the '3rd' one last night... was starting to throw some bananas.. it was pretty close anyways, cloudy, touch of amber.. .ill take it.

the other 3 are DENSE. picked up some titan finishing nutes, seems to help.. they might be 2 3 weeks from done, and im looking more forward to
these ones... the high from some samples was nice and 'clean'.. heady.. i like it.

Put my topped plant, and one of the smaller veg females into flower box yesterday too.. so.. looking forward to seeing them grow up.

can post some picks if anyone cares, just keeping this up for myself



Well-Known Member
corúm;4874790 said:
Still waiting on the big one...

chopped the top off the purple one a while back..

chopped the the '3rd' one last night... was starting to throw some bananas.. it was pretty close anyways, cloudy, touch of amber.. .ill take it.

the other 3 are DENSE. picked up some titan finishing nutes, seems to help.. they might be 2 3 weeks from done, and im looking more forward to
these ones... the high from some samples was nice and 'clean'.. heady.. i like it.

Put my topped plant, and one of the smaller veg females into flower box yesterday too.. so.. looking forward to seeing them grow up.

can post some picks if anyone cares, just keeping this up for myself

Gimme pics man! I want to see how fat these buds are that you haven't chopped yet.


Active Member
Here ya go ;) (pics i gots)

Theres the flower cab.. the big plant and the purple one, which ill be chopping saturday MWAHAHAHAHAHA.... i chopped the one that hermied a bit (was throwing out some bananas on some of the new flower growths),
smoke is nice... i like it alot.. kinda gets ya in the forehead and around the eyes.

3 veg plans going in as soon as theres room... and the 2 i managed to squeeze in there a week ago..


thanks for the interest bro


Active Member
Well.. all in all i got abou 7.5OZ.
The first big plant was so so... got seeded quite a bit... but, on the bright side, i've got a bunch of good seeds.

The last 3 plants are just.... awsome... dense.. sweet... and knock you in the face high, i'm very very happy.

I've got 5 more females going, at 3-4 weeks now? Looking ALOT better than my first round... i upgraded my ventilation to a 300cfm.. so, temps
are 78-80, versus 85-88 the first time. The plants are MUCH greener and no sign of any seeding this time around.

Also have 6 more in the veg box 2 weeks in.

So looks like this cycle will work out perfectly for me.

thanks to anyone for watching and the feedback from this site, it's been a great learning experience, but i think i'm good to keep her going all on my own now ;)

cheers folks, and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
corúm;4992910 said:
Well.. all in all i got abou 7.5OZ.
The first big plant was so so... got seeded quite a bit... but, on the bright side, i've got a bunch of good seeds.

The last 3 plants are just.... awsome... dense.. sweet... and knock you in the face high, i'm very very happy.

I've got 5 more females going, at 3-4 weeks now? Looking ALOT better than my first round... i upgraded my ventilation to a 300cfm.. so, temps
are 78-80, versus 85-88 the first time. The plants are MUCH greener and no sign of any seeding this time around.

Also have 6 more in the veg box 2 weeks in.

So looks like this cycle will work out perfectly for me.

thanks to anyone for watching and the feedback from this site, it's been a great learning experience, but i think i'm good to keep her going all on my own now ;)

cheers folks, and happy growing.
Keep posting! Now others can learn from you instead of the other way around. Great job bro.