Well-Known Member
The house is JV. They may be the ones that would have to bring the articles, however The senate is where it matters and all’s good there.
Anyone that thinks the next 4 will be different/ better government wise is a fool with their head in the sand. Nothing will get done either direction in the next 4.
What, and 4 more years of Trump would have done what ? Make it possible for no one every to be elected fairly again, This Country under Trump was headed to fascism under the him.
At least with Biden and Harris our Country will be a Democracy and not authoritarian ultranationalism.
Talking about a Red Wave how ridiculous Trump Lost AZ , NV, and GA. not to mention PA. The only wave I seen was Blue and further more I believe Trump Telling his supporters to Vote Twice and they caught someone doing just that, Really ? How many Really got away with that ?
But I can say the next 4 will be better for you and everyone in the United States. Trump was Crushing us and soon unrecoverable. Be glad Biden Won. Or not !!