Now what do I/we do?

The cock sucker is going to prison. Now he is just a normal citizen all the shit will come out. His whole family and his cronies will be shitting their pants. :)
Right...right. Just like Clinton and whoever else. Like I said, anyone that thinks things are different in the next 4 are fools with their heads in the sand.
Ya baby! Dumped the outsider! Now it's back to politics as usual.
Please enlighten me as to how tramp has changed politics for the better? His drain the swamp sounded so good... then he just made the swamp so much deeper. Top that off whit him being a fucking piece of shit destroying the environment for small money and increasing the wage gap... the environment one really gets me though...
Please enlighten me as to how tramp has changed politics for the better? His drain the swamp sounded so good... then he just made the swamp so much deeper. Top that off whit him being a fucking piece of shit destroying the environment for small money and increasing the wage gap... the environment one really gets me though...
Yeah that really sucked.
senate ain't over yet.....I just Donated $$$ to the 2 democrats still running for senate in Georgia. Lets flip the senate!!!
Sometimes ya need a warrior attitude! The fucking world is gonna drop on Georgia until Jan 5th! The corporations and rich want grid lock and tax cuts, so the GOP should have lots of big bucks behind them and an army of morons.

You stand before the gates of Mordor and the army of trolls, heathen men and orcs confronts you! Frodo and Samwise are almost at the crack of doom...
Definitely the epitome of TDS. Love it.
Yep fuck the country and trigger the libs, you don't even know what the word liberal means. I think with you the most important thing of all is that the brown folks be kept down and your "tribe" stay on top, you will put up with anything at all to achieve this rather vague and idiotic objective. You would even fuck yourself, people do that stuff if they think they are at war, kinda like being a suicide bomber, you pathologically vote against your own best interests.

We might as well get right down to it and that starts with motives, what really motivates you? Do you know? Is it fear?

Dillion Roof said it best for the Trump supporters, "They are taking over", as justification for mass murder at a black church. Does Dillion speak for you too?
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Dave Chappelle just slapped America in the Face last night on SNL.
No Kumbaya shit.
Now White America is getting a sense of what's it like to be Black in America.
Feeeling Helpless/Hopeless?
Ask a Black man/woman how to deal with it & buy them an ice cream :)

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Dave Chappelle just slapped America in the Face last night on SNL.
No Kumbaya shit.
Now White America is getting a sense of what's it like to be Black in America.
Feeeling Helpless/Hopeless?
Ask a Black man/woman how to deal with it & buy them an ice cream :)

That was hopefully a laugh track.

As soon as he had a cigarette, you knew it was a different kind of moment.