number of uninsured americans dropping fast

Are you butthurt about this?

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hopefully the three small babies in half gallon pots will help me feel better in a couple of months.

any advice to tide me over? still clean for drug testing jobs, and fuck a degree, i'd happily work for 6.00 an hour if it was full time. i'm getting weaker, not sure ramen noodles are supplying the nutrients i need to stay healthy...

my advice is to transplant them into bigger containers. clone from them and grow more pot.

it has always worked for me.
my advice is to transplant them into bigger containers. clone from them and grow more pot.

it has always worked for me.
no income, can't get soil (only clay in the ground, so no go there) and don't have money to pay a neighbor to take me to a nursery to beg for pots (even if they didn't charge for them).

so, any more bright ideas?

dude, i'd find somebody to suck your dick if it meant a job... i had a carpentry business before the housing market fell out. i'm a master craftsman, but not experienced in upholstery, which is they only factory position available here...
how do i rectify this and get an honest job? i've not smoked pot or done drugs for nearly 4 months, so drug analysis isn't a problem. i can't get an engineering job because i don't have my degree. i can't finish my last semester because i don't have a job. i can't get a job because i've been going to school...

no income, can't get soil (only clay in the ground, so no go there) and don't have money to pay a neighbor to take me to a nursery to beg for pots (even if they didn't charge for them).

so, any more bright ideas?

dude, i'd find somebody to suck your dick if it meant a job... i had a carpentry business before the housing market fell out. i'm a master craftsman, but not experienced in upholstery, which is they only factory position available here...

plant nurseries usually have container recycling programs, i never had to pay for mine unless i wanted uniform containers (which i did).

that clay will grow some monster plants. trust me on that one.
plant nurseries usually have container recycling programs, i never had to pay for mine unless i wanted uniform containers (which i did).

that clay will grow some monster plants. trust me on that one.

it can, but with the sporadic rain, nothing is growing well. it's like trying to grow in hydroton without the water...
if you make 133% of poverty or less you get medicaid, kid or no kid.
That doesn't mesh with what northwestern said about medicaid.

He said if you're black you can't have it because of some strategy the Republicans implemented 40 years ago.
hopefully the three small babies in half gallon pots will help me feel better in a couple of months.

any advice to tide me over? still clean for drug testing jobs, and fuck a degree, i'd happily work for 6.00 an hour if it was full time. i'm getting weaker, not sure ramen noodles are supplying the nutrients i need to stay healthy...

do you have a food plot? what region? eating wild? there's a wild edibles page on F/B.
I hate hearing about hungry people. get your ass over to county assistance, if you have no income. eat!
dandelion, chicory, purslane, lambsquarter, mulberry, and other stuff; here in the middle atlantic, but there is good food all around.

if you are near Philly, I have two crates of emergency grub, that I'm not haulin' out to AZ. they're yours.
Not sure the point of this thread- good looking numbers for sure, but of course you're going to get more people to do something/better numbers when you're going to punish people for not doing it, right?

Kind of like posting stats of # of people who wear their seatbelts now compared to when it wasn't illegal. Big whoop, right?
Not sure the point of this thread- good looking numbers for sure, but of course you're going to get more people to do something/better numbers when you're going to punish people for not doing it, right?

Kind of like posting stats of # of people who wear their seatbelts now compared to when it wasn't illegal. Big whoop, right?
The fine is smaller than buying insurance, it has more to do with removing barriers to people that couldn't afford insurance or had a pre-exisiting condition that prevented them from getting it.

Single payer would be better but that's for tomorrow.
The fine is smaller than buying insurance, it has more to do with removing barriers to people that couldn't afford insurance or had a pre-exisiting condition that prevented them from getting it.

Single payer would be better but that's for tomorrow.

Yeah I got that part- I was referring to this thread though. I agree the fine is def less than buying insurance but the great unwashed in this country have a tough time reading into details. They're told they can have it, so they take it. The erosion of the American Dream from "work your ass off and you can achieve anything" to "you're entitled to anything everyone else has because you're in America" is a problem to me. Capitalism can be a real bitch if you're lazy or dumb. Working as hard as I have and never leaning on the country for help hasn't gotten me that far, but at least I have my pride, ya know?

We need to stop asking what our govt can give us and start asking what we can give our govt. Thanks for that one, Jack, but he was right.

Citing numbers that a mandated law produces compared to when it didn't exist makes it look like the author is desperate to find any positive things to cite at all currently.