nut sacs everywhere


yesterday, nothing
today, nut sacs on every node.
bag seed, no surviving clones, had only been in 12/12 5 days.
could it be a possible autoflower? since nutz are on every node was it
a definate male all the way? destiny?
sorry no pics, camera trippin @#$


Active Member
probably male.. after only 5 days on 12/12 the males would show first and usually it takes 7 to 12 days. im gunna bet male but without pics is just a guess


oh its definately male. this is 2nd time ive seen sacs on every node. they all came up at once

have had that @#$% spread before, couple here and there. took foreverto get rid of.

thats why i noticed this one. i check them for ticks daily


Well-Known Member
if it has a shit ton of balls chop the plant, use the leaves to make some butter or brownies or something....

don't just throw it out... that would be wastefulll.... :)


it wasn't far along enough to matter. have plenty of others definately dont want any more seeds. got used to bud without and dont want any more seeds