Nute off!! Advanced nutrrient's vs cutting edge vs fox farm.

Pic 1 group of MK's from left to right FF-CES-AN.
Pic 2 FF-MK
Pic 3 CES-MK
Pic 4 AN-MK
Pic 5 The to GDP in FF soil. Left-CES right-AN
Pic's 6-11 a buch of shot of them. They re on day 10 of flush.
Pic 12 group of GDP in #4 soil. from left to right FF-CES-AN.
Pic 13 FF-GDP
Pic 14 CES-GDP
Pic 15 AN-GDP
Pic 16 FF-GDP
Pic 17 CES-GDP
Pic 18 AN-GDP
Pic 19 stinkbomb oops


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This is an awesome thread. I like what you're doing!

I have a friend that's been running CES (aeroponically) for a long time now, and he keeps it at 1/3 of the strength that the schedule calls for. I have personally run FF in DWC and quickly found that if I went over 1/3 strength I got some serious micronutrient lockout because the nutes were too strong. I found the best results at 1/4 strength of what the week one schedule called for and then 1/3 strength of what the week two schedule called for. The other problem with FF in DWC is that the pH isn't very stable. When I switched to H&G, I was amazed at how much more stable the pH was. However, I have a couple friends that have done very well with Foxfarm Happy Frog soil, while using 1/2 strength on liquid nutes.

I see that you're following the feed schedule exactly to do a fair comparison. That's good, but it really doesn't do the product line justice if they tell you to add too much. It sucks that they do that (almost killed all my plants on my first grow), but right now you're really not showing what CES is capable of. Please don't take this as a criticism because I know why you're doing it, and that you know what you're doing. I'm just saying....
This is an awesome thread. I like what you're doing!

I have a friend that's been running CES (aeroponically) for a long time now, and he keeps it at 1/3 of the strength that the schedule calls for. I have personally run FF in DWC and quickly found that if I went over 1/3 strength I got some serious micronutrient lockout because the nutes were too strong. I found the best results at 1/4 strength of what the week one schedule called for and then 1/3 strength of what the week two schedule called for. The other problem with FF in DWC is that the pH isn't very stable. When I switched to H&G, I was amazed at how much more stable the pH was. However, I have a couple friends that have done very well with Foxfarm Happy Frog soil, while using 1/2 strength on liquid nutes.

I see that you're following the feed schedule exactly to do a fair comparison. That's good, but it really doesn't do the product line justice if they tell you to add too much. It sucks that they do that (almost killed all my plants on my first grow), but right now you're really not showing what CES is capable of. Please don't take this as a criticism because I know why you're doing it, and that you know what you're doing. I'm just saying....

Thank you much,
Just from the veg I know CES has some great ability's.
And appreciatte you're post hopefully it will help some other's understand why I did what I did.
I do definetly plan to do the CES dialed in myself.
after reading this thread then re-reading , in my own opinion, I dont think you would have had any of them probs had you used the dirt you always use. (ff of+lw) You have to treat that mix just like hydro (with the nutes) but that can be a bitch when that soil moist crap is in there. i dont know shit about AN or CES but i know that FF wont do as good in that promix/sunshine because it mostly organic and needs a lil more then peat moss and perlite to build a good biological system. This is proof that it can be done and done good but not as good as soil with humics and all the goodies of castings and compost.
Shit looks great ! Thanks for your hard work Boss!
the bossman has gone missing!!!! He mentioned earlier he had a forced vacation. I hope this isnt an extension of that.
I do apologize for the lagging updates.
The last 6 or so times I have tryed to update.
I get a big post typed up. And trust me I am a very slow typest.
Then it will not let me upload pics. AARRGG..
So lets try this again.
Now I have a ton of updating and will answer the ?'s after word's.
The GDP's in the sunshine mix all yeilded really close.
Within a gram of each other. 42g per was the average.
The more they cure the sweeter they taste.
Overall. For now I will stick with FF soil and FF nute's for my GDP's.
The taste was just a bit sweeter. IMO the other 2 nute schedule's were to light in the PPM's. The GDP really like's 1600's ppm in weak's 3 to 6. So I will try the heavey feeding for the AN line next run. And the CES I am going to give it another run. When I do a coco run.

As for the MK's she really love's the AN.
The FF did very well. And will probably be close to equal in quality.
But in the last couple weak's the AN girl just blew up.
The poor FF girl did not fair too well after the light fell on her. So the weight I will have to go by look's. Witch is actually pretty easy. AN 1st in yeild. FF 2nd and CES 3rd.
As I said above I am going to do another test in coco with all 3 nute's.
The CES i do not feel got a fair run do to unforseable event's.
And let's all remember who was in the lead all through out VEG.
And with absolutly no PH adjusting. So any one using them.I would say follow the feeding schedule for veg. But listen to you're plant's for flower.

Pic 1 group shot of GDP's in sunshine mix. Left to right FF-CES-AN.

The following pics are in the same order.

And some pics of what has been stealing all my time.
And money.


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So MK is still curing.
But as far as weight goes.
It is AN=4zs. FF=2zs. CES=1z.
So far the FF has the best taste. The AN has the best smell and stoney.
CES taste is okay and stoney is not what I would like.
So as of now for the test on MK's I am thinking the AN will win it.

But and a very big but.
The MK's I have grown my way in FF soil with FF nutes. I average 6zs.
With a better taste and stoney. We also have to remember I have used FF for over 5 years and know there products well.

Same thing with my GDP's they are way different and better at this point then the AN.
Here are some pics of 2 GDP's in FF soil with FF nutes only in flower.
These are coming down on friday. They had the same flushing times and temps as the other's.


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Very nice dude.. just went and bought some Advanced nutrients the other day looking forward to seeing the results..
Welcome back bossman! We missed you. So...... The new set up your working on. How many watts you gona be running? Looks like your not messing around. Oh and great results on the grow thanks for doing it for us to follow.
Like the idea for the thread, and we all owe you for that sacrifice +rep.

However, I'm more interested in the Krusty bucket system I see being setup................details? Wattages, etc?

FYI, I'm actually setting up my next grow to be two identical halves, each with their own reservoir, specifically for the purpose of running a new test (be it nutes, pruning, what have you) every grow from here on out.

My next grow is going to be testing foliar feeding vs. not.
Like the idea for the thread, and we all owe you for that sacrifice +rep.

However, I'm more interested in the Krusty bucket system I see being setup................details? Wattages, etc?

FYI, I'm actually setting up my next grow to be two identical halves, each with their own reservoir, specifically for the purpose of running a new test (be it nutes, pruning, what have you) every grow from here on out.

My next grow is going to be testing foliar feeding vs. not.

Hey bob.
The system is MPB that was designed by someone on another site.
He yields 4 pounds per in the system. And everyonr I see copying him is close behind that.
So this system Is a 4 plant with 5x1000watts sealed room. The total nute cappacity is about 150 gallons per plant.
This is my first run with it. As soon as I move girl's in I will start a thread.
I buildt it so the second run will be 6 plant's with 12x1,000 watt,s.
The system is amazing but very pricey.
I have spent a little over 20 grand on the 4 plant setup.
Any ? about it feel free to ask.
I have spent the last 6 months eating and breathing everything I can read on this system. I feel I know it very well and havent even run it yet.
But I am one of those that obsesses about knowledge.
Hey bob.
The system is MPB that was designed by someone on another site.
He yields 4 pounds per in the system. And everyonr I see copying him is close behind that.
So this system Is a 4 plant with 5x1000watts sealed room. The total nute cappacity is about 150 gallons per plant.
This is my first run with it. As soon as I move girl's in I will start a thread.
I buildt it so the second run will be 6 plant's with 12x1,000 watt,s.
The system is amazing but very pricey.
I have spent a little over 20 grand on the 4 plant setup.
Any ? about it feel free to ask.
I have spent the last 6 months eating and breathing everything I can read on this system. I feel I know it very well and havent even run it yet.
But I am one of those that obsesses about knowledge.

Ha, you and I are cut from the same cloth.......once I get my sights on something, I'm beyond obsessive about it - the obsession of the past couple of months has been constructing a DIY Coliseum (in love with vertical and its efficiency).

Stoked for your thread to start.....