Nute or Light problem?


Strain - Cheese (Indoors)
Soil - Just Natural Organic Potting Mix (NPK = 6-9-6 & 0.048% slow release of Nitrogen)
Temp - 81-82F Average, 86F Max, 63F Low
Humidity - 43-46% Average, 62% Max, 34% Min
Water Schedule - Approximately every 4-5 days
Light Schedule - 18-6 (~3-3.5 weeks old)
-Apollo GL60LED (180w(90w actual) & 6 Band: 430nm, 475nm, 620nm, 630nm, 660nm & 730nm)
- Approximately 21" above the tops of the plants

I have absolutely no clue what is happening to these two seedlings. The tips appear to be black and then that darkness slowly spread and turned a weird black / purple. Some leaves however turned brown / black and were crispy. Both plants appear extremely weak and are leaning over. This started on the lower leaves and the newer leaves look the best.

They were growing fantastically for the first 2.5 weeks then around 3 slowed down and over last 5 days things have turned disastrous and I predict imminent death. I originally thought it might be light burn, although I didn't think it should be, so I moved the light 4" away making the total distance 25". My next thought and what I believe to likely be the culprit is the soil.. I chose the cheapest I could find because this was just for fun however I think that might have come back to bite me in the ass. Any and all help would be appreciated.

Seedling #1 -



Seedling #2 -



Sorry, iam not a gardener and i have no idea what happend to young plants with so early problems. For me it looks like nutriets problem. Maybe cause you give no nutrients or grow in the wrong medium, also i see at the penultimate picture some roots fray (stem fray) Maybe thats why the nutrients dont absorb. But dont rely on me.