Nute problem?


New Member
I'm not really sure why the leaf tips are curling and turning brown. I just started them on a 1/4 nutrient watering once a week with ph waterings in between so shouldn't be a burn. Using 2 8 bulb t5 fixtures 2 feet from the top so shouldn't be heat stress.i wait until pot is dry and very light before watering so overwatering I don't believe is the issue.



New Member
I use the advanced sunshine number 4. I transplanted them into 1gallon pots a little over 2 weeks ago and they just received there first 1/4 nute feeding.


New Member
My my 140 views and one response or question even. You would guess this is the black plague or something with all these views and no response


Well-Known Member
Lots of lurkers out there. Plus, well, they might not have any ideas. I really don't. That soil has what they call a "starter nutrient charge". It could be they don't need any nutes yet. But I have to say that's a fairly insignificant tip burn...if that's what it is. I would wait with the nutes till you see a little yellowing. Or, seems I've seen heat do that. T5s produce a bit of heat especially if they're too close. Good air movement?


Active Member
I would not worry about it unless it gets worse or spreads to other leaves. If you've just transplanted into new soil you should not need to use the nutes yet.


Well-Known Member
Not a big deal at this point, just a warning sign. Slow down your feedings a little if anything. How often you feed them depends on what you are feeding them. If a slow release fertilizer you don't need to hit them every week. They want to be fed during veg when the shine on the leaf starts to fade to a matte finish and the middle leaves (not the youngest leaves or oldest leaves) start going from a dark green to a lighter shade. Your new leaves should always be lighter green and your oldest fan leaves are going to start losing color sometime around beginning to middle of flowering if all is going well.


New Member
I am using 1/4 str foxfarm big grow, Cal mag, super thrive, general hydro silica. And great white for beneficial bacteria. They are one one feeding a week with 2 waterings in-between nzutes cycle.


Well-Known Member
I posted that your nutes have a srarter nutrient charge...but that's for the Sunshine Mix #4...the advanced is more of an organic mix and the added starter nutrients are organic. So not some time release stuff that hangs around for months and months. Did you save the bag? See what the label says. I would think an organic nutrient charge would be worth a month of growing. That's what the FFOF people go by.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Pretty sure the medium he's using is a peat based soilless with a little added mycro. He should be able to blast nutes at this point. Can we see a pic of the whole plant please. I think Obama has something to do with this.