Nutes.... Needing suggestions

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
ive also added mad farmer nutrient uptake solution or N.U.T.S., OR GH diamond nector to my nutrients over the last year, and though ive never used them in side by side tests, i believe they help overall plant health i prefer the nuts but diamond nector is cheaper and results seem to be roughly the same. both are humic and fulvic acids wich help plants to use your nutrients more effectively..
You in hydro or soil?


Well-Known Member
I've always used fox farm grow big, tiger bloom, and big bloom using there schedule. Works every time very well. And qt. bottles last a long time.


Well-Known Member
im in hydro, but grew organic in the past, always used fabric or burlap sacks over pots and always bottom fed to avoid a list of problems that come w/ top feeding.. if ur in soil id go with GH nova series as its almost pure organic, 2 part easy and great nutes, i prefer the maxi series in hydro but it works well in soil or soiless mediums to just change the ph...AS i said i did side by side compares using fox farm, and its better than advanced 3 part, i liked the tiger bloom, but GH always came out on top in yields,taste and overall plant health. i believe advanced was lacking in somthing, wich was not the case w/ most other nutrient lines i used..if i could no longer get gh id go to plantlife 3 part, then foxfarm, then B.C., THERE WAS A COUPLE OTHERS I LIKED BUT CANT REMEMBER THE NAMES OFF HAND.

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
im in hydro, but grew organic in the past, always used fabric or burlap sacks over pots and always bottom fed to avoid a list of problems that come w/ top feeding.. if ur in soil id go with GH nova series as its almost pure organic, 2 part easy and great nutes, i prefer the maxi series in hydro but it works well in soil or soiless mediums to just change the ph...AS i said i did side by side compares using fox farm, and its better than advanced 3 part, i liked the tiger bloom, but GH always came out on top in yields,taste and overall plant health. i believe advanced was lacking in somthing, wich was not the case w/ most other nutrient lines i used..if i could no longer get gh id go to plantlife 3 part, then foxfarm, then B.C., THERE WAS A COUPLE OTHERS I LIKED BUT CANT REMEMBER THE NAMES OFF HAND.
Look into the biochemistry of humic acid in a hydroponic solution. It makes phosphate fall out of solution. (ie you add ph down (phosphoric acid) and it drops for cpl hours then raises right back up)

Take a clear cup and put some water and appropriate amount of humic acids. Add ph down and watch the bottom of the cup. Salts will be visible on bottom, that's your phosphorus falling out of solution.


Well-Known Member
Look into the biochemistry of humic acid in a hydroponic solution. It makes phosphate fall out of solution. (ie you add ph down (phosphoric acid) and it drops for cpl hours then raises right back up)

Take a clear cup and put some water and appropriate amount of humic acids. Add ph down and watch the bottom of the cup. Salts will be visible on bottom, that's your phosphorus falling out of solution.
i dont see what ur getting at? i add diamond nector or mad farmer nuts to my nutrients, and my ph is stable for up to 2 weeks,w/ out it my ph is not as stable, and it seems to give happy looking plants..

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
i dont see what ur getting at? i add diamond nector or mad farmer nuts to my nutrients, and my ph is stable for up to 2 weeks,w/ out it my ph is not as stable, and it seems to give happy looking plants..
Goes against everything i have learned in biochemistry. Science says it makes phosphorus fall out of solution. Also seen this done first hand in experiments about 50 times.

It may work for you, which might tell you gh isn't selling you humic or fulvic acid. Jus seaweed :) look up the labeling laws on humic and fulvic acid. You'll see most brands are lying to you. Ful-power was the only one I've seen actually contain humic acid, while is said it was fulvic.

If it work for you then rock that shit. Just wanted to let you know the science behind it.


Well-Known Member
i dont see what ur getting at? i add diamond nector or mad farmer nuts to my nutrients, and my ph is stable for up to 2 weeks,w/ out it my ph is not as stable, and it seems to give happy looking plants..
The point is they aren't helping you because those acids bind to your other nutrients and lock out each other. Fulvic and Humic acids bind with calcium, iron, phosphates, ... all things your plants would enjoy eating.


Well-Known Member
if anything i would say it helps ur ph. and if it takes the phosphorus out of my nutrients wouldnt my plants be showing a lack of it?? are u saying humic or fulvic acids are bad? please help im not understanding? should i stop using it?

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
if anything i would say it helps ur ph. and if it takes the phosphorus out of my nutrients wouldnt my plants be showing a lack of it?? are u saying humic or fulvic acids are bad? please help im not understanding? should i stop using it?
fulvic and humic acids are great for soil. It helps to break down plant material. But in hydro, no I do not like it. Also, true humic acid will slowly break down your Rez and tables/buckets. Causing those plastics to be in your nutrients solution.
If you have a white tray or Rez, try to clean that bitch and make it look brand new, you won't be able to. That because the humic have degraded the colors.


Well-Known Member
if anything i would say it helps ur ph. and if it takes the phosphorus out of my nutrients wouldnt my plants be showing a lack of it?? are u saying humic or fulvic acids are bad? please help im not understanding? should i stop using it?
I'm a fan of side by side testing. If you think it works do 1 without it and see if the 1 does better or worse.


Well-Known Member
Goes against everything i have learned in biochemistry. Science says it makes phosphorus fall out of solution. Also seen this done first hand in experiments about 50 times.

It may work for you, which might tell you gh isn't selling you humic or fulvic acid. Jus seaweed :) look up the labeling laws on humic and fulvic acid. You'll see most brands are lying to you. Ful-power was the only one I've seen actually contain humic acid, while is said it was fulvic.

If it work for you then rock that shit. Just wanted to let you know the science behind it.
i mostly use mad farmers NUTS MADE FROM SEA SHELLS OR SOMTHING, SAIS ITS PURE HUMIC ACIDS. PLEASE GO TO AMAZON AND LOOK UP MAD FARMERS n.u.t.s. nutrient uptake i said havnt done any side by sides with it, so cant say its good or bad yet w/out proof.. but if its not good for my plants,ill look into it


Well-Known Member
well i guess that will save me alot of money,,i cut it out of my mix... like i had said i just recently started useing it and havnt seen any proof one way or the other on it..i was thinking of trying a carbohydrate additive in my nutrients, its called carbo blast, any word on that stuff??


Well-Known Member
Honestly people tend to believe in whatever they are doing if they get decent results. The problem is some people are using 5+ products and they have no idea what ones are helping, what ones are hurting, and what ones are making no difference except the lighter pocketbook. I have at least 1 side by side going every grow. If you aren't doing something similar I can promise I will learn faster than you. Don't add or change anything in your nutes without keeping at least 1 plant as a baseline with your "normal" nutes.

This way you will actually know what differences your changes made instead of guessing and believing in something that may not be true.


Well-Known Member
all my side by side testing ive done was nutrients only, no additives, only additive i can say works for sure is GH koolbloom powder, as for other additives i cant say as i never used them in my side tests only the base nutes.

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
If you do decide to use carbs in hydro make sure it isn't molasses or cane sugar. Will make for a stanky mess in your Rez.
Dextrose and Xylosse are the carbs I found most effective in hydro.


Well-Known Member
im done with the side by side testing, i dont have the room for it anymore, i guess ill just stick with what i know works, gh maxi grow n bloom, and koolbloom powder...nothing else really needed as i know they work and work better than many other nutrients ive tried.


Well-Known Member
im done with the side by side testing, i dont have the room for it anymore, i guess ill just stick with what i know works, gh maxi grow n bloom, and koolbloom powder...nothing else really needed as i know they work and work better than many other nutrients ive tried.
Sounds like it's time to build the testing room. The testing room is where I grow my personal bud. It's actually just being built in my new place, got the main room up a few days ago, test room will be tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info guys!! oh its made from cold pressed shale, the N.U.T.S... Anyways ill get rid of it, thanks for saving me the cash.. If i could go back 10 years i would have saved thousands just going with gh maxi straight through, i wasted alot of money buying diferent high priced nutes just to end up going back to GH nova, then maxi..but i guess its all just knowledge learned trial and error, but damn it wasted alot of cash...