Nutes problems! Lots of them..


Hello guys!

Some background : It's my first plant, she has just started her 7th week since germinating. Ten days ago, I tried Main-Lining and that's when the problems started.

She already had 6 nodes, and I cut it to the third one, and left some leaves from the third growing tip along with my two new colas. Ok, after 3 days, I cut off the leaves from the third growth tip and was left with my two colas. So, the tip of the leaves started turning brown!(Picture C). For the first two days or so, I just let the plant try to heal herself alone, since i've never done flushing before and I didn't had a lot of rightly ph'Ed water. So, the situation in C was spreading to most of the leaves, so I decided to flush. At the first time, no results. So after a day or two I tried again. On this meanwhile, growth was totally halted. After the second flush, the situation got better. I did it on Friday. But now that i'm back at home, I see the situation in A) and B)! What can I do to heal my plant asap and get her growing again? I already changed the SOIL, as an ultimate response to any problems with nutes.

Infos :

Soil : SunshineMix#6, Perlite and Worm Castings
Water : Ph'Ed 6.5 with 1 ml of Flora Nova grow per 200 ml of water
Nutes : FloraNova Grow, 1 ml/200ml water
Light : two 45W CFL's for a 3 sq foot

A) 20130916_215221[1].jpg B) 20130916_215216[1].jpg C) 20130916_215226[1].jpg

p.s. I changed the whole soil today, so I think i dont need to flush soon. I just watered 100 ml of water directly on the stem, with +- 0.25 ml of FloraNova Grow. Should I water more? How much per watering?

p.s. 2 On situation A, the tips of the plants are bending upwards

p.s. 3 I'm not frmo the U.S. and thus i dont have access to many products. I don't have a Ph measurer, I buy 6.5 ph water and just let the chroline out, then add the nutes


Well-Known Member
You'll be ok man feeding a little more food the next time she needs water.
Your plant looks pretty decent still. Don't worry to much you'll get on track the next time she needs some water.
Your leaves should be a nice moderate green. If they start getting a dark green, like a jungle green. your feeding to much (N)
Keep an eye out for that, it's the first sign of Over Fert (N)

Good Luck on your Grow.


Thanks Mr. Ganja!

I just feed her 500ml of water with 0.75ml of FloraNova Grow. I'll keep you guys updated and post more photos!


Things got worse from yesterday to today! I think it's necrosing!

I fed her more 1L of water with another 1ml of Flora Nova Grow. This 1L of water from my house filter, and I don't know what pH it was. I didn't wait the Chroline to evaporate since I needed to feed her; but things just worsened. What can I do? I fed her a lot, so nutes may not be the problem. Maybe it's the pH.

If it is, I have no way of measuring pH, nor can I buy anything to measure it asap.

So what can I do? Please help! 20130917_160757[1].jpg


Well-Known Member
your lights are to close. your leaf edges will turn up like that from heat stress.
you should get a soil pH tester. there really cheap.

Be careful not to over water.


i did the back hand test for CFL's and they are 5 cm far from the plants. And that never happened before!

I can't get a soil pH tester, because I live in a country that doesn't practice a lot of gardening so getting this kind of stuff is kinda hard. I also can't buy an eletronic one cause it costs a lot!

I just want a way to heal her... and adjust the pH of the soil. If i throw ph'ed 6.8 water on it, will the soil ph get better?


Active Member
When a younger plant curls up like that in MY experience (not your, just mine.. just yaking).. it is almost ALWAYS indicative of watering too much, and the leaf is curled up to help it transpire as quickly as possible (which if one keeps at it and does not correct, the plant will succumb to the over-watering within a week or two and those leaves will start to show collapse.)..

That's just my thoughts., without being able to touch shit n stuff n things.. heh


Thanks Maxwell!

But how can I deal my phosphoerous deficiency without watering? Which deficiencies am I facing? How can I fix my plant?

Can someone please help me?


Active Member
That plant looks to small and young to be having any deficiencies in even crappy soil.

I would look to make sure you have corrected any moisture stress issues, of which you might be interpreting as deficiencies.

Just a thought again.. I swear I was looking at a different pic when i replied.. but the advice is still worth pondering..


Okay, so here's my update :

Yesterday night, I've removed one of the lights. Now it has only a 42W CFL working, and I also doubled the distance between the lights and the plant.

Overnight, it showed no signs of improvement, but it didn't got worse also. It's stagnated for now.
How much/how often should I water it from now on?


Guys, i'm really desperate. Over the day, no signs of worsening, but no signs of it getting better also. My soil is made of 50% SunshineMix#6(spaghnum turf mostly), 30% perlite and 20% worm castings. I watered it yesterday and it's still not dry... is something wrong with the drainage of my soil?


Well-Known Member
just a cut the whole damn plant off. With only two sets of fan leaves, there isn't much for the plant to grow off of haha. This is honestly the first I am hearing of this "main-lining" shenanigans but from what I have just looked at, they seem to leave a little bit more for the plant to grow with. From that picture it looks as though you even cut off the new growth at the node and the others appear to keep it. I could be wrong though.....

Experimenting with any kind of training, other than LST, on your first grow is generally not recommended. You should get a feel for the whole process before trying slightly advanced techniques. just my two cents.


just a cut the whole damn plant off. With only two sets of fan leaves, there isn't much for the plant to grow off of haha. This is honestly the first I am hearing of this "main-lining" shenanigans but from what I have just looked at, they seem to leave a little bit more for the plant to grow with. From that picture it looks as though you even cut off the new growth at the node and the others appear to keep it. I could be wrong though.....

Experimenting with any kind of training, other than LST, on your first grow is generally not recommended. You should get a feel for the whole process before trying slightly advanced techniques. just my two cents.
Yea, this is true. They said that, if you cut off even the new growth tips, the plant will grow much slower and the whole process will take a lot longer.

But she shouldn't be dying anyway :(

Thanks for the advice Rockstar!

Updating : another 10 hours, nothing changed. It didn't got worse, but didn't get better again


New Member
No one will say I will. Your girl will take weeks, maybe even months to sprout new shoots and with the added issues you have now I think if it was me I would start over. Let her go as long as possible, but start another one. Control of Ph of your water is critical to make sure your in the right zone. The pens are cheap $20-25 on ebay. I would go out buy a grow bible, do some reading and purchase a couple of meters before you start again. Your right there close...Good Luck JAS


Well-Known Member
Did you cut off all your bud sites?
I must have been stoned, I didn't notice before. :joint::joint:
If you did your plant will never grow past the stage it's in.
The meristems are the only place on the plant new growth can form.