Nutmeg High


New Member
Like most people on here, I tried Nutmeg once and only once. The only reason I did it was becuz I was in high school and I had ran out of weed, and I had no money. I needed a free way to get high, being sober made me crazy back then lol.

I took over two tablespoons (that was the worst part) and the shit was disguisting. I almost threw up a couple times. I felt weird, not exactly high. I also felt weird for a few days after that, kinda sick. I tried to eat nutmeg one other time, but it didnt work. I tried to eat a whole tablespoon at once and I ended up spitting the shit all over the room lol.

Long story short, just dont do it. Its dumb and it tastes nasty as hell, not to mention u will never be able to eat it again in ur life lol.


Well-Known Member
hahaha he IS dead!
did u read it in the paper!?!?
all over it...
Kid finally found in parents basement, died on overdose of nutmeg...
comp shows egging on from riu users....


New Member
LOL, damn maybe he did die. Thats the last post that he made lol. Or maybe hes still throwing up from that nasty tasting shit.

The weird thing is, I never knew that nutmeg tasted nasty until I ate a lot of it at once. When I heard u could possibly get high off of nutmeg, I was like "damn, that shits easy to get and it tastes good", U never realize how nasty that shit tastes until you eat more than a sprinkle of it lol.