O.C. GG#4 In the SunCloak 4416


Well-Known Member
image.jpg image.jpg Buds everywhere. Plants are holding up well between their vertical trellis. Looks good to me! Wish I had put in at equal highs. Got a short one in the right front corner. I noticed they grew more around the PW. I'd say one would get similiar results having other light sources growing other plants around it too. I l like what I'm seeing. Just took down my first GG#4 from HPS today. The stuff under the trellis with less direct light to none was flarfy. So I hope they can grow to hard nugs in the SC. image.jpgimage.jpg
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Well-Known Member
This has become a huge light cube of plant. An observation I've noticed through the past 3 feedings is that these 6 plants drink just as fast as the 6 I have under my overhead 500 + 450 watt COB lights. So, that's a good sign. The buds are forming nicely & are all about the same size Budling everywhere. I haven't don't any pruning or plant manipulation or training as you can probobly tell. Don't have the time to mess with them so whatever happens-happens. Basically. It's been easy with absolutely no maintence aside from feeding. image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg


Well-Known Member
This week I'll be doing a little defoliation. The sights in the center of the 16" apart blades look like they could use it. It's just mega full in there.
Good news though, the buds are stacking decent. Whether their in the middle, some bottom or the top, they're all about the same.
The HPS GG had allot of popcorn & lil buds I didn't wanna trim. First time growing it so hopefully I can get it down soon. The plant's a nightmare to veg IMO. The buds were big spears at the top with a few more decent under them, then mad little buds. So, got about 5 gall bucket just for oil of all lil nugs. Outta be good oil cuz I've never grown anything this dank. The smell while trimming was unbearable. Just like a tub of the construction adhesive was under your nose. Redic really. No masking it. Bought a scrubber just to trim but I needed the big one n got the small. Didn't work for shit. Strongest shit I've ever seen.
Seeing how there was allot of popcorn in the HPS room, I really hope for the best here.
Buds do have density from what I've noticed. I've got a 4'x4' maxed out with 3 plants now running at the same time as these all the same clone to under a top-o-the-line COB light 450-500. I'd say both these 4'x4's are maxed out with as much plant as they can take. That lights doing really good too. Interested to see the difference in end results from them both in comparison. Mmmmnnnnhhhh!!!!!


Well-Known Member
why is the plant a nightmare to veg?i get great stretch growing in my vert hps boxes with gg4.i can flip these almost three to 4 weeks faster then the girl scout cookies.


Well-Known Member
why is the plant a nightmare to veg?i get great stretch growing in my vert hps boxes with gg4.i can flip these almost three to 4 weeks faster then the girl scout cookies.
Vert HPS boxes. There's your answer. They can be done well I'm sure, just not running the same veg conditions & flower as the rest n I usually run 3 strains at a time.
It's long, with huge spaces between nodes & beaches. Leggy, overstretched & didn't cola up well. Bud's great, not feeling the plant. Also most susceptible to mites. Branches break, I mean really, you guys don't get what I'm saying? I like well structured plants that can be topped once & turn into great multiple branched bushes on their own. Stretch is to much for me. Don't have the time to tie & Weeve every night for weeks. Sometimes but not lately. And I doubt it'll even be much of a Yeild in comparison to my others. First time though. Usually get it down solid by the third.
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Well-Known Member
This has become a huge light cube of plant. An observation I've noticed through the past 3 feedings is that these 6 plants drink just as fast as the 6 I have under my overhead 500 + 450 watt COB lights. So, that's a good sign. The buds are forming nicely & are all about the same size Budling everywhere. I haven't don't any pruning or plant manipulation or training as you can probobly tell. Don't have the time to mess with them so whatever happens-happens. Basically. It's been easy with absolutely no maintence aside from feeding. View attachment 3640791View attachment 3640792View attachment 3640793

pardon me for not paying attention, BUT when you took the pics how many days since flip ?


Active Member
Seems like you need more buds around the perimeter of the cube. Remember about half the volume of a 4 foot cube is within 10 inches of the perimeter. That means 9 plants like TT or else allowing your plants to stretch outside the cube, then maybe cutting them back. Something to consider next time. Otherwise, I'm enjoying your show-you are doing great!


Well-Known Member
Thank so much. First thread n was nervous I'd suck! Lol! I lifted the PW & took som pics. Yesterday. Yeah, it's to packed in there. Gotta defoliate soon. Ttyl! image.jpgLost the pic. I'll take another.


Well-Known Member
Maybe one of you guys can help me out with my delema? Apparently my GG#4 is not "The GG#4", said a grower I know who's grows only that for awhile now. I saw another guys batch a few months ago & it was totally different then what I have here. His was so covered in Trichlones it barely looked like pot. (Was White covered crystals) Mine looks ok but smells obscenely rediculous. So much Terp. I'd love to test it. It was a lanky, long bitch of a tough plant to veg. Ugly plant!
I'd really like to know if anyone can tell me if I have GG#4 cuz these are the same plants I'm running in the SunCloak & under my other LEDs. Is there more then one floating around, that's known? I'm sure there is, someone may have bread it themselves, never the same results but still Dank. Real pungent smell, offensive, like a bucket of Gorrilla Glue Construction Adhesive. Any opinions guys. I wish you guys could smell it. There's no way I can explain it. It's like you need a real respirator to trim it fresh. Nothing I could do would make it any better for me of the trim team.
Haven't tallied them up yet, had 5 plants. But it's looking like they didn't do that well in comparison to my others. First run always comes short then I learn the plant & have it down by the second or third time. But I don't think I'll be growing this version of GG# 4 again. Bad choice for the SunCloak cuz the plant puts out mad lil buds that are barely worth trimming under the good ones at the top, & that's under heavy HPS light even.
It's all good though! That's what I had & fitting 6 of em in the SC made it fast to throw them into flower & was a savior cuz I had no idea what I was gonna do with these OC beasts. I'll be trying better strains next time.
This bud image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg is probobly the strongest heavy hitter, stank-dank, I ever had never mind grown. I can barely smoke it, too strong! But I hear it's not the actual legit strain?
Wow! I ate the brownies n can barely type or anything. Forever later & im just realizing why I'm so messed up. Didn't get it when I couldn't type this. Duh, I ate the brownies! Ducking strong ass brownies they are!
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Well-Known Member
Defoliated a bit. Still have some more to clean them up, & get rid of some sucker branches that wont ever be shit. But it lightened right up in there. It was so full I'm there & a good de-fo was long overdue. Almost done. image.jpgGuess it doesn't look much different in the picture? Took allot out & it did lighten up. I've been slacking. Gonna put in some time this week n straighten these girls out.


Well-Known Member
The GG#4 I have yielded 1.5 lb. per 4'x4' section first run. I can get that up next time. It was super strong & bomb. The plant was a hella bitch n if it didn't hit 12oz a plant on 600 watts HPS then I wasn't gonna keep her but it looks like I am seeing how it was so bomb. Here's a few dry pics. image.jpgimage.jpgSo, the SunCloak will have to give me 1.5 lbs. on this strain that prefers high intensity light. Grew right into the glass & loved it. No sighn of heat or light stress. Couldn't believe it. It's deffinetly a high intensity light plant. Hoping for the best. Plenty of sites going on, just not as big as I'd hoped but maybe that's how it's supposed to be. This is 2 days ago. image.jpgimage.jpg image.jpg


Well-Known Member
That damn suncloak..I cant get over that thing,really,really novel concept.I cant even imagine what Id do with 1.5 pounds...lol.


Well-Known Member
Thats one other thing I like about using led,the possibilities seem endless..
Yeah, I can see this light doing real well, just think I overpacked it. Some strains may work better then others IMO. We'll see though. Next time I'm gonna do it right & will thread it for you guys! I know I can kill it with this system once I dial it in.


Well-Known Member
they dont look bad.i would start taking all the bigger leafs though.my first test with my cxb cobs wont be that great i think.my temps for the first 5 weeks were too low.the last few weeks it has been better getting up to the middle 70s..i will be chopping within a week at or around 9 weeks


Well-Known Member
they dont look bad.i would start taking all the bigger leafs though.my first test with my cxb cobs wont be that great i think.my temps for the first 5 weeks were too low.the last few weeks it has been better getting up to the middle 70s..i will be chopping within a week at or around 9 weeks
Post a pic! Welcome here! I did de-fo. Doesn't look like much but it was allot!


Well-Known Member
they dont look bad.i would start taking all the bigger leafs though.my first test with my cxb cobs wont be that great i think.my temps for the first 5 weeks were too low.the last few weeks it has been better getting up to the middle 70s..i will be chopping within a week at or around 9 weeks
What the 400watt one w/ the scrog? You posted it when you started right? Yeh, gotta have them 74-82 temp. Co2 makes a difference, don't know if you use it? Personally, I'll only grow with it.